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Everything posted by marcusrmpc.3716

  1. Nope because there are some classes that have more hotkeys/ skill than others, I'll give you just a few examples, as a reaper I do use Lich Form what has a 180seconds cooldown, so its some skill that I don't need to be an important hotkey because of the cooldown, but on the other side, I do play Mesmer/mirage where I've Jaunt also holosmith Engage Photon Forge has a short cooldown, and you need to be pressing all the time. Hopefully, you understand my point, or even for combos if you play Mesmer and you must use almost 4 skills at the same time, but you go to your engineer and those skills are not important ones, its really bad. I think you understood my point. I don't think I'm the only one who plays multiple classes and think that's really awful and uncomfortable to be playing like that. Also, you don't have to bind every character differently BUT IF WANT you have the option to do. they way it is now, I've to rebind hotkeys all the time when I swap characters, its a pain to do that.
  2. Hello its possible to add to the game Specific Keybinding for every character, also you would have the options to keep the same hotkey for all your characters or speficic ones. Second one would be great if you could move somethings on your interface, like party frame or even target frame, Ive a big monitor and its awful . third Can you make an option to turn off the green effect of Reaper form that makes your screen green if you are in wvw or even in a squad??? Its just so horrible to have a whole green screen with 100000 effects on your screen, I dont know if its just me, but that makes 1000 harder to see anything doing wvw with your screen greem. forth if you could add some options to change your cursor like yolomouse, playing wvw to see your cursor on those big fights its really bad, I had to pay for the yolomouse to be able to see the mouse, maybe for experienced players the got used to it, but now with steam etc, many players might join the game, and this option Would make much more enjoyable the game. Thank you.
  3. Normally you do have ESPECIFIC character, so if you dont click on it, you have all the same hotkeys for ever character. I've never played a game which offered that choice by default, it's always been one or the other: either all characters have the same keybinds or they all have individual ones that have to be set up separately. I don't doubt that there are games which offer a choice of both systems, but I don't think it's very common which is why I thought it was important to state that I'd like it to be a choice in this game. If Anet simply replaced one system with another that would be very annoying.World of Warcraft you can do that for the last 15years
  4. Yeah would be great, I would like to be able to move party frame/raid to move my target health bar etc. I do have a big monitor and its really shit to play without moving to whaterver I like, but those things are really simple to make, I just dont understand why anet doesnt do, that would be make so many people happy with that, and there is no bad side about it.
  5. Normally you do have ESPECIFIC character, so if you dont click on it, you have all the same hotkeys for ever character.
  6. Hey, I just came back to the game after 5 years and I know many posts about this topic has been created, but I havent see any answer from the dev team why they dont add that to the game. Is that difficult to add this to the game?? As I heard from some friends isnt hard to do. I do have all the classes and its really awful to have the same hotkeys for all the classes.There is any chance that we can have this option in the game at some point? I saw posts about it from long time ago.Also about keybinds, you cant even bind mouse scroll up/down. Thank you.
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