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Posts posted by Expertus.5746

  1. 2 minutes ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

    I don't know, what did you did at HoT day 5, Pof day 4 and EoD day 4? 

    I mean, if we were to use the same calculation as you, it'll kinda end up like this. 

    I started a few months before hot released, so i pretty much had vertical progression, since i was gearing all my characters. Thats over by now.
    When pof released i was playing wow, and when came back, there was w5-6-7, and a bunch of new fractals, so i did them, progressed through the wings, catched up on lws, started doing vision, coalescence, did my skyscale, beetle, and started working on my journey to have all legendaries.
    In IBS, there was some strikes, i did them daily, but near the end, when they started developing eod, and they did drms... oh god... i quit to play wow again.
    In EoD i did the 4 strikes, and pretty much continnued my journey to full lege, started working on aurene leges aswell. There was progression on the strike cms, mai-trin, ankka was fun, ankka cm cm was great content, still my best memory of eod. KO fine, and HT too. Also there were elite specs, which made old content interesting again. I finished my lege journey here.
    Then they started doing lws1, which is no content for me, i dont really care about the story in an mmo, and that was purely story. I went back to play wow. Came back for olc, and for the cm, but i pretty much just did weekly raid fc with the cms, 4 eod cms, then log off.
    About 3-4 months ago i started playing wow, and bdo, and only came back when they announced the new expac. I also liked the new fractal, the cm too.
    But in soto we ll get 3 boss in a room, elit spec weapons freely, some rifts which i expect to be super easy, and thats pretty much it, as for endgame content.
    The game has a bunch of content, but we are doing them for years, and the only time it "changes" when we got elite specs. But its over. New content is like white crow, and we are not gonna get elite specs ever again. And this time, i cant even do the old content with new stuff, since the weapons are not coming with release.
    I can imagine how awful this is for all pvp/wvw players. They literally dont get anything, not even the 3 bosses pve players get.
    But tbh, "my kind" long ago quit gw2 completly. I just like the combat system a lot, and that pulls me back every time.
    The answer to these promblems are easy, repeatebility.

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  2. Just now, Gibson.4036 said:

    If your math is right, you're getting about 30 hours of content for $25.

    People regularly pay $60 for single player games that run around 40 to 60 hours of playtime.

    Maybe our expectations of MMOs are kinda ridiculous?

    Idk about that. In other mmos, i can blast the content for a week, 12h/day, and still not reach a point where i wouldnt have anything to do. And those expacs are also 25-30$.
    The answer we need for that is repeatebility. 

    In my experience, in AAA games the story takes about 25-30h, and then to finish the game, its another 70-80h.

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  3. 33 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

    @Expertus.5746 nah HoT and PoF where both 4 maps and not 10+ cause the Rest of maps where living world stuff and not expansion. That been said your right on the the other stuff ..... however I prefer them to take their time to release stuff instead of just rush them (as to me IBS and EoD feel)

    Fair. Between hot, and pof there was a 2 years gap, and in this 2 years 10 map released. The new style of expacs will be 3 map/year or /1,5 year. So its still 3 comparing to 5. The maps in soto gonna be bigger than the ones in lw3, but i sincerely doubt that their quality will be anywhere near the og 4 hot maps.


    43 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Maybe don't play 12 hours a day?

    Thats not the answer. An expansion releasing in an mmo, i a huge event. Ppl taking their break off work, using all the sickdays in school, and they are planning to blast the game for a week. You cant do that in soto.


    30 minutes ago, Anvar.5673 said:

    There are legitimate concerns here and we don't know if 2 strikes (+CM) and 1 fractal (+CM) per year will be enough for the end-game community to stay around.

    We already know what happens then. Exacly whats happening right now. Ppl who like endgame content, challenge, leave the game for another mmo. Lack of content leads to dead content.


    31 minutes ago, Anvar.5673 said:

    The rifts and strikes will be done multiple times by some people for example.

    Ill certainly do them weekly, just like the other strike cms. But its not repeatable, once its done, you have to wait a week.

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  4. Dont get me wrong, im excited about the new expansion, but the question is valid.
    Story ~4-6h
    Fully explore the new 2 maps, and get all the mastery points ~3h
    Do the two meta events, another ~2h, probably less, but lets say 2h for now
    Do the two strike missions, and the fractal ~2h
    Thats about 12h, so lets say its one day.
    Get all the missing masteries maxed ~4-6h
    Get all the achievements for the strikes, and fractal ~4h
    Trying out the new weapon combos in rifts, and... here we go... in old content ~4h
    Why later? Its barely 30h content what i just listed. For an expansion? Really? And im not rushing, i do everything at my speed, so i know what it takes me to get stuff done.
    Ofc, we dont know how big the maps gonna be, or how long the story, how long the metas, but id say, my estimations are probably gonna be correct.

    No challenging content at release, nor long term reach.
    Both strike CMs, and the fractal CM comes later. The hardest rifts also comes later, and those i expect to be easy, since its open world.
    No legendary relic at release, nor open world legendary armor to go for.
    1 map comes later, with probably 1/3 of the story, one meta event.
    The new weapons, which would be the main content for every endgame player, also comes later.
    Why later? why cant we get a huge amount of content with the release?

    Despite all this, im still pretty much lookong forward the expac. I loved the maps in every previous expacs, so i expect them to be gorgeous. However, there only gonna be 3 of them. If i compared it to HoT/PoF maps, its 10+ comparing to 3...

    PS.: Make LI worth something, and let us have more equipment/build template slots.

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  5. 20 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    It's bad because... he wants the cap to be increased? If that is the main complaint about them then they seem to be pretty good.

    I mean, the system replaced an already existing better one. One with free, unlimited slots.
    But i accepted it, its not gonna change, and i kinda like the new adaptation anyway. Its just not enough for me. Even before EoD, i was playing more than 8 builds/class.

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  6. We have more viable builds than ever, every elite spec of every class is viable, most of them has 2-5 builds. Just an example in PvE perspective: Engineer.
    Engineer is one of the few classes which has two decent core builds, but lets not focus on them.

    So we have Power dps mech, Condi dps mech, Power alac mech, Condi alac mech, Heal mech, Power dps scrapper, Power quickness scrapper, Power dps holo, Condi dps holo. Thats 9, and i havent talked about fringe viable builds like: Condi quick scrapper, HT CM ham (which uses completly different gear to the standard ham),  Heal scrapper, or Cele mech

    Thats the case for all classes. Some of them is gonna get 1-2 more builds with the incoming patch. eg.: Condi dps druid, and Condi alac druid.
    I wouldnt mind if you would extend it to 20 with the patch, but id be happy if i could buy just 2-2 more for each char.
    That would be 14.400 gem. Let us throw money at you!

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  7. 6 minutes ago, Seera.5916 said:

    I feel that for that the effort needed for raids and strikes that there should be some other cosmetic unique account bound rewards other than legendary armor for players to earn.

    And this is someone who doesn't play raids or strikes and would therefore not be able to get said unique rewards.

    Nah, not unique. Rewards that already exist in the game. And strictly acc bound.

    8 minutes ago, Seera.5916 said:

    It's basically just legendary armor that LI can be used to purchase right? Or what else can be currently obtained?

    Nada. LI is only for leg armor.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Seera.5916 said:

    Every time ANet puts something unique behind raids or strikes, there's a high chance that a very vocal part of the community will come out and complain about it. It happened with legendary armor because they wanted something that could be obtained without doing strikes or raids for PvE legendary armor.

    Do I have a problem with ANet in the future adding more unique rewards to raids and strikes? No. I'll be sad if it's something that would work for one of my characters because I don't see myself doing raids or strikes. I won't complain about it and ask for it to change.

    Just they can't put everything end game reward related behind raids and strikes. They do that, I'll start complaining. Because there's more to end game for GW2 than raids and strikes.

    I wouldnt ask for unique rewards, my idea was buying account bound cosmetics, that you could buy from overflow right now, which wouldnt be acc bound.
    The problem is that, again, the time investment out of any content you can do ingame, are the highest in raids/strikes (and fractal, but thats worthy content) while they are, if you are not in an extremly good group, worse g/h than drizzelwood. Clearing all 7 wings under 2h is rare, maybe half a dozen of statics can do that in the entire game. 50g/h is really good, but to get to that point they were raiding for years. They most likely have perfect game knowledge, have every build in the game, and can play them very well. Comparing that preparation, and requirement to drizzelwood, and then their reward...
    We have a completly useless currency in LI, after 6 months of raiding+doing strikes, it looses all of its purpose. Just a filler in your storage. I really dont think so, being able to spend them on accound bound cosmetics infusions would be any bad for the game.

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  9. Regarding to any "endgame" related comment, just go and read my prev comments, i explained it very well.
    Beside that, its not the point of the post. You can call fishing in wow, or gathering in bdo endgame, but it wont be. (And here if you want to question that statement, i can politely send you back to my prev comments to read them again.)
    Gw2 is not unique in that stuff. Its just an mmo with almost fully horizontal progression, and because of that, its way harder to give players good rewards, especially because it relies hardly on the cash shop, so even skins can be given away as loot.

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  10. 1 minute ago, Diak Atoli.2085 said:

    'Raids' and 'dungeons' are endgame content in other MMOs. Cool. So? They are not the endgame content for GW2. GW2's PvE endgame includes raids, dungeons, strikes, and fractals. It also includes world boss, bounties, map completion, achievements, puzzles, Living Story, and fashion.

    TL:DR - GW2 is designed so that everything is 'endgame content.' It is not other MMOs. Stop comparing it.

    Aight, just read back my comments.
    I didnt split up like that. Strikes are raid bosses, so it went under the name of raid. Fractals, dungeons, and how its called, the lw5  escort events, that nobody does... anyway, these went under the name of dungeons.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

    How can you play it if it's dead? 😉


    Joke aside, you vastly overestimate the crowd you're playing with in relation to the whole playerbase.


    If I went and extrapolated what this game's playerbase is interested in and likes to play from the people I regularly play with, then instanced content, gold per hour, and "exclusive" rewards would be a non-issue, because next to noone out of the people I play with is interested in any of that.


    I don't presume that the people I play with are representative for the game's playerbase, but likewise neither are the people you play with. The playstyles and the kinds of content we enjoy automatically lead to us interacting with a disproportionate number of like-minded players, but you really shouldn't make the mistake of thinking who you meet in game is actually representative of the majority of the game's players.


    Besides, where is it written that only instanced group content is "endgame", and that each MMORPG needs to implement this exact same kind of endgame?

    In one of my comment, i menationed that 0.001% of the population may have significant amount of li as a reply to you, when you thought it could have impact on the economy. I dont overestimate the crowd that raids, and do strikes. Im completly aware that, like 1 or maximum 2% of the playerbase is engaging with endgame content. But thats mostly because there is no freshmen, exacly because the time investment/reward ratio is horrible.
    Endgame. Its just how it goes in every mmo. Unless its like some hardcore pvp mmo, that has 100% of its content as pvp. So its not written anywhere, that endgame is only raids, and dungeons, but thats how ppl refer to it in every mmo. When someone says "endgame" they dont mean fishing, exploring a map, doing life skills, grind mobs, doing stuff open world, player housing, world bosses etc... etc... you can do that in every mmo, and they are just as relevant as in gw2. Gw2 isnt unique at that. They mean dungeons, and raids. Its also usually contains that, its challenging, requires coordination. So looking for raid difficulty in world of towncraft isnt count as "endgame" despite being a raid.

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Seera.5916 said:


    And GW2 has a different end game philosophy than just raids and dungeons.

    So how do you know GW2's end game is dying?

    You have pvp, bg, open world, world bosses, world quests, fishing, exploration, fashion wars, and many other stuff in world of space goats aswell, but still, again, ppl call dungeons, and raids endgame.
    In brownie online (black dessert haha) ppl say there is no endgame, despite it has pvp, sieges, node system, life skills, world bosses etc... but it has no dungeons, and raids. (they added like one in the past 10 years.)
    So how do i know? Because im playing it.

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  13. 16 minutes ago, Seera.5916 said:


    How do you know the end game is dead?

    Guild Wars 2 is one of those games where end game is the entire game. So some players may be doing dungeons. Others may be playing WvW. Others could be working on map completion. Others could be doing fractals. Others could be working on the various achievements. Or expansion and living world story or even core story if they had not stopped to do the story beforehand as the story doesn't lock anything behind it. Strikes and raids aren't all there is to end game.

    In general ppl call raids, and dungeons endgame in MMOs, and i know its dieing, because im playing it.

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  14. 13 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

    Strike CMs are actually extremely rewarding. It's 3 raw gold + 2 gold worth in mats + 1 gold worth in shards. Which makes for a whopping 31 gold per hour assuming you clear all on the first try but use up the full 10 minutes. That's the highest, consistent gold per hour in the game as far as I'm aware (for actually playing content. Daily login is better if you log off immediately).

    Afaik, there are no groups that can do that, and even if there was, the amount of hours you need to put in to get to that point where you can consistenly clear that is ridiculos. So again, time investment vs reward.
    So you can train on strike CM s for hours upon hours every week to get 31g/h which is weekly locked, or you go to drizzelwood withoun any requirements, viable build, game knowledge, and preparations, and you get 30, and you can repeat that.

    26 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

    By this logic  WvW should be handing out infusions like candy 🤣

    31 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

    WvW sucks aswell, but there you have different content every day depending on who you are play with, or play against. Also the barrier to entry is way lower than strikes/raids.

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  15. I dont care about g/h, i have nearly everything that the game has to offer, but many players do. And when they see how much it takes to get into endgame, and how low the reward is. Makes it obvious why endgame is dead.
    Said, i dont care about gold, but id like to get something out of what im doing. For that, acc bound infusions would be great. (It doesnt metter if its acc, or char bound, the only meaningful aspect is that, its not tradeble.)
    Other games doesnt have that problem, but it wouldnt take much for gw2 to solve either.
    Yes, i could go and play orc vs humans, or bunnygirl simulator XIV, and most ppl who seek this kind of content, probably already playing those. But i dont like tabtarget combat, it makes me scream when i get rooted every time i cast a spell. For me gw2 has the best combat out of all mmos, including shiny titties online.
    I accepted long ago, that there wont many new endgame, but it doesnt mean, that the existing ones should not have good reward.
    What did we get by the new expac as endgame? 4 boss. And ls1 final strike, probably will be the last time we see endgame content added, because very little amount of ppl play them. Because it isnt rewarding. Most ppl do stuff for reward.

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  16. Raids, and srtikes are weekly activities, so if it was rewarding, would mean more ppl spend a night, or two doing them, not totally shifting towards endgame. I assume the game s goal would be to get as much player retention as possible, and having these weekly things to do, would defenetly make it more successful.
    Having acc bound stuff is indeed worthless, you cannot sell, or trade them. If i had a full set of gen1, 2, and a few gen3 legendary weapons, 7 runes, 8 sigils, all the trinkets, back items, but i had 200 gold in my wallet, how would i inflate anything? Im not rich, acc value cannot be transfered. I have 200 gold + like 800g worth of stff in my storage. I can commit to the economy by 1k gold, while sitting on 150k+ g worthy legendary.
    The reason endgame is dieing is because the lack of reward compared to the time investment is nowhere near worth it. The number of ppl who has good amount of useless LI is like 0.001% of the game s total pop. Im not a mathematician, or economist, but i doubt that would impact the economy. Maybe chack worth 2k less gold for a week?
    Making challenging content rewarding should be obvious. And im talking about exclusively account bound cosmetics.

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  17. Im not asking the game to shift, to chenge direction. Im not talking about new raids, or fractals, that ship has sailed. Im talking about making existing challenging content rewarding. The only thing i asked for in my post, is a new tab for a vendor. (Im not a game dev, i have no idea how that stuff works, but i assume, its not that hard to include a shop with purchasable items.)
    This game is all about "play how you want." What if i wanted to play hard instanced content? Why shouldnt the game reward me for doing that? I was talking about a cosmetic item every 9-13 week.
    The time, and gold investment of these game modes are way, way higher than any other game mode, not even talking about the preparation that needs to go into, before you can even start doing them. So why couldnt i get a few (worthless, because its acc bound) flashy item a year by doing them?

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  18. Recently i lost my interest/motivation in gw2. I feel like i dont have a reason to do any of the endgame pve.
    The game basically cant reward me in any meaningful way. In another game when you do heroic instead of normal raid the game just gives you a gear, that is +10 itemlvl better than yours. So reward is not a problem. Howerver, gw2 cant do that, because of the nature of the game, which i pretty much like, and prefer over a game where you can throw away all of your stuff when a new expac lands.

    EoD STRIKES: After HT releases, youll be able to get 12g, and 5 LI every week by doing all the CMs. Lets assume you have a good group, and you can clear all 4 in 40 min. 12g in 40 min is terrible, but you get LI aswell.
    RAIDS: Lets say you can get 100g out of a FC. If your group is somewhat good, you clear it in 3h. 33g/h is not bad, and you get ascendeds. The main reward here aswell is the LI. 25/week.

    So overall 30 LI/week. In 6 months, youll have all 3 set of legendary armor, and then what? You can still do raids for gold, maybe going near 2,5-2h for even better g/h, but strikes are dead for you.
    LI at this point is completly worthless, a random trash item that can be sold for 6 copper to the vendor worth more than doing a minister li CM.

    My  solution would be: Acc bound cosmetic infusions.
    What if you could buy acc bound chack, khan-ur, frost legion, and all of these high tier infusions for 120-250 LI/ea? thats 4-9 weeks of clearing endgame. It wouldnt inflate the economy because its acc bound. If some ppl because of this, sold their infus, well, they would do that on oveflow, so the BLTC wouldnt see much moovement around expensive infus anyway.
    Same could be applied to prophet shards from IBS, and EoD strikes. 1-2k shards/infu. (which is 13 week of EoD clear for a 2k infu)
    The population of these game modes would multiply. Id certeanly go and do them every week again.

    TLDR: let us buy acc bound cosmetic infus for LI/prophet shards.

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  19. the system is scuffed? yes. is it worse in every way than arc dps? yes. do we have alternative? no.
    since i can convert gold into gems, i dont care about the price. yes, i would swipe if there was no other way, but im sitting on 4k raw, and 16k gems, waiting for the templates extension since the day it released.
    i remember, on the release day i asked a dev if/when are they going to extend it. they said "soon"
    we are closer and closer to the expec, and ive heard rumors that for some client side reason, they cant extend it further.
    has anet ever said something abt that?
    i just want to be able to play every build on 1 character. if someone is concerned about the price, then buying another char slot is better for them. 2x equipment template, 3x build template for 800. its 1,1k gem cheaper than buying templates. + they get another alt to leave it near some chests.
    just give us more slots, no harm in that.

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  20. 13 hours ago, Skiravor.1257 said:

    Equipment templates doubled at least. I will happily pay.

    yes, equipment, and build templates. id swipe for it aswell. basically almost every class now, even without the new specs, has 8-12 builds.
    just an example:
    Ele: Power/Condi Temp, Power/Condi Weaver, Hybrid Weaver, Healing Temp, and there will be Power/Condi Catalyst, Marauder/Cele/Traiblazier ele for wvw/open world. thats 11 build i wanna be able to play. let me waste my money pls.

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  21. Just unlock a slumbering version, right after you crafted the normal one, make it unique, so you cannot wear Coalescence, and Slumbering Coalescence at the same time. Would it be rly that hard? Nobody loses anything, and nobody gains anything aside of being able to fashionwar. (Look at the gemstore, they are selling mostly skins, and they want to "force players to look bad? If my characters looks bad anyway, why would i bother to spend my money on their fancy skins?)

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