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Posts posted by Expertus.5746

  1. In gw2 we dont rly have real tank mechanic. If there is one, it can be taken by anybody due to you only need to moove the boss, and for that you only need a toughness infusion (or 1151tg if u have a slb in ur group). Tank is usually taken by druid/rene. The only encounter in the game where you actually need a "real tank" is SH. In better groups its taken by druid/condi Chronos with some toughness, in worse groups you can take double healbrand as tanks, (we also do that, its totally fine).Qadim2 also hits hard, and if you dont have enough dps druid cant take it without the risk of dieing. Most groups needs there a second healer anyway, so alacheal can do this job. Q2 is the only encounter where minstrel chrono is semi viable due to the 10 man quickness, and chaneling block, but you will see minstrel chrono in trashpug way too often.Im gonna guess you are a newbie in raids. So for you, yes, you can easily "tank" everything with hfb, even without toughness (but make sure you have higher than everybody else in the group).But if you like that tanky playstyle with a lot of toughness/healing/vit wvw is the place for you. HFB is very good here.

  2. Back then the weekly cap was 3 for 6 months, then 6, then 9, and so on, so its way more than 170. Soon, im gonna hit the 2k cap in my mat storage for li, and i dont want to destroy them, thats why i would like to convert them into something useful. Even if i could exchange a stack to 10MC, or clover, laurel would be good, or at least better than nothing.

  3. After you make your 3 set of raid lege armor, which only cost 750LI, and the trinket which is 150LD, these currencies are totally useless.I am raiding since w1 release, i had a 1 year break, and still, i have 3,5k LI/LD, and only 900 used in craft.It would be soo good, if we could excahnge them into gold 1:1, or 1:0.50, or MCs/clovers, just something.Would it really ruin the game's economy? Even if you could only buy acc bound stuff like clovers? I dont think that many player running around with 3-4k useless LI/LDMaybe the raiding would feel more rewarding, because now... you get ~100 gold from it, and nothing else. Because lets be honest, after a few thousands of hours, the ascended drops worth less than a random 14 copper trash item, especially if they are not from raid, because then, you cant get anything by salvaging them.The only thing that keeps me in the game is the weekly raid clear, and if that cannot do it anymore, idk...Am i the only one who thinks that, you should be able to use your LI/LD after you crafted the armor sets, and the triket?

  4. Hi! I am a fairly experienced raider, i raid since w1 release. I have practice in advanced tactics and hc strats, but currently i just looking for a fullclear.I would like to join as a dps, but i have no problem with rene/quickness/druid.

    What can i offer:I have every single raid build, and i can play them well, except bs, and holo. (I can learn holo, but i dont rly like warrior overall)I can do decent dps on my classes (90-95% bench)I have over 3k LI, 250+ from every kp except the w7 ones, which is 205I am a reliable person, i can be here almost every time (in the last 2 years i only missed 2 raid day)I have a working microphone, and i dont mute myself. I do speak, and i can join conversations.I have stable internet connection.I dont go afk in middleraid.I dont need to swap gear.I have leading experience in advanced groups, so if rly needed, i can backup.I have no problem with playing a special class on each boss.My computer is fast, so i can swich characters quickly. No long download screens.I always have all characters prepared for raid, so i dont need to buy food/utility in middleraid, all char i will play is in aerodrome for even faster swap.Idm if you are playing HFB, Support Scg, or minstrel chrono if we dont wipe.

    What am i looking for:All 7 wings clear in 1 day, under 3h 40minRaid start after 7PM CETClear which includes 5 CMs each week (Thats the least important)An accustomed team which include other reliable ppl, and i can fit in.English speaking squad. (Idm if you are speaking other language, but then dont expect me to speak.)

    You might noticed, english is not my home language, but i understand everything, and i can tell you whatever i want.

    If you can imagine me in your squad dm me ingame or add me on discord. (Disc: Expertus#9186)

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