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OrangeHedgehog.6310's Achievements

  1. There's a pretty stupid thing happening down at Lily of the Elon. If you're mounted and are LEAVING Lily of Elon through the 'official' entrance (to the east side) to ENTER Crystal Oasis you get dismounted. Now, if mounts were not allowed inside, that would make sense, but this is as you are entering Crystal Oasis. Stupidity of the highest order? There are various places around Amnoon where 'No Raptor' signs can be found, yet there are no "no mounts allowed" areas in place in those. There are numerous jumping puzzles throughout the world where no mounts are allowed, and whilst they may be frustrating, they do sort of make sense. This? Nope. This surely isn't a bug, and someone must have have placed the no mounts allowed area there deliberately, and not accidentally. I mean, how easy is it for someone to muck around with the map?. A disgruntled employee? Someone who whilst they've worked on GW2 doesn't actually care about the enjoyment of the players? Presumably not a hacker, because why would a hacker go to the trouble of getting through the various layers of security and then not do something more effective, like maybe putting their tag in a cliff face or the ground? If there is a rational explanation for this, turning it from maliciousness or stupidity into 'okay, that makes sense', then an official response from ArenaNet would be appreciated, because anyone else will simply be speculating. If there's no rational explanation from ArenaNet the only conclusion we can come to is they simply don't care to put in what is surely minimal effort to remove the zone, and as such don't care?
  2. It's not just the points you bring out, but the bugs which have existed for ages and which haven't been fixed. For example, the glitched gate in Rabbit's Challenge.
  3. Right, now the 2024 LNY Festival is over, ArenaNet has 12 months to fix something which has been broken for way longer than 12 months. When starting the Rabbits Challenge, many players find the first gate does not initially register their passing it. This is easily observed by watching the quantity of characters who charge through then turn around to go back through it again, whilst those who are familiar with the broken gate simply strolling up and then wandering around the gate until it goes, "Oh, hey, yeah, I suppose I had better recognise that you've come through the gate". That the issue is so old and whatever it is hasn't been fixed yet is deplorable.
  4. The points being that 1) the guidance says you can include an image, but can't and 2) inserting a URL relies on the image having been posted somewhere else which is, to put it bluntly, a) more effort than should be necessary (requiring a third-party solution for posting the image to, before the URL can be created, and yes I get that there are various free solutions out there, but actively discouraging inclusion of images by making it harder to do ... ? that's just, b) evidence they not really invested in solving issues. Yes, I understand ANET can't be bothered to provide responses to issues reported through the Bug Report dialogue. Although it is reasonable to expect them to at least investigate and fix an issue such as this. Given the issue is still present after the daily reset the only option remaining is to use the the third method of raising an issue. I'd hoped it was something simple which others had come across, would be able to advise effectively on, and eliminate the need to contact ANET using Raise a Ticket, because clearly ANET have more important things to be doing than fixing issues (and previous experience that Raise a Ticket is equally inefficient as the forum. At least with posts to the forum ANETs lack of investment in their players is more public. Thank you for your suggestions.
  5. I purchased the Black Lion Garden Plot Deed and accepted it through the mail. The plot/nodes, quick access route, the vendor and the achievement are all missing. Followed the Getting There directions in Garden Plot to locate the garden/nodes, but they aren't showing. Nor is the Launch-Mushroom to Garden. In Dreamer's Terrace I checked the supposed location of Mender Caeva, the gardener vendor who is supposed to be there to sell the seeds. According to the Black Lion Garden Plot Deed text, "The seeds need to be purchased from a Gardener near the plot. They are free, however, some of the seeds need to be unlocked first via additional collection." As only *some* of the seeds need to be unlocked, the vendor should be present immediately. Further evidence of the expectation of the nodes and vendor gardener being present immediately is in the wording in the email, "Your new garden has been installed in your home and is now ready for use." and, "Your gardener will have several seeds available to start, but you can unlock more varieties by harvesting seeds from plants in the wild." Having searched around, both inside and outside, Dreamer's Terrace to no avail I had a look at the Dedicated Gardner achievement. I put the API key in (which I have proven works with other trackers) and nothing shows as having been completed. Okay, so I haven't harvested any plants since obtaining the deed, not surprising but I then I checked the achievement within the game [H], and it is not being shown. I searched for 'dedicated gardener' and 'gardener' (with and without capitals, although that shouldn't make any difference from testing with other achievements), and no listing appeared. Whilst typing the list of achievements is filtered up to 'ded', as soon as the 'i' is entered the list is empty. So the filtering is working, the achievement simply is not showing. (Similar for 'gard' ener.) I have shut-down and restarted GW2 and tried the above again, but the expected items are still all missing. Having accepted the Deed the message has been erased (not sure why that's necessary, the item could simply be greyed-out after being collected - and yeah, that goes for all messages with items attached, but that's another improvement which could be made). The transaction is showing in the Black Lion Trading Company history, so it did go through, and yes, the GEMs have been deducted from my account. There is nothing in the write-up in the Wiki for the Garden Plot Deed which says you must wait until the daily reset to be able to access the vendor, the nodes, or the achievement. Checked Salma District. No plot/nodes, no Launchpad to Garden, no vendor. Checked Hunters Heath. No plot/nodes, no Raven Statue (home instance), no vendor. Conclusion: something is broken and my plot/nodes, vendor, quick access routes to the plot, and achievement aren't being shown. Also reported in-game via bug-report (Black Lion Trading\Other).. No screenshots included because the forum has apparently been deliberately designed to hinder the inclusion of any evidence of faults. It doesn't provide a button to insert an image (despite the error message saying whilst you can't paste/drag an image in, you can insert (and no, linking via an URL is not inserting an image, it's linking to it, but don't get hung up on ANETs desire to restrict the ability to provide visual evidence of faults, that's another issue . . . which no-one will actually do anything about, despite it being a valuable means for providing evidence).
  6. Thanks, folks. I guess I must have thought it was the 'other' Maguuma area. @Silent.6137, yes, I must have been in the wrong map area. Apologies for not being sufficiently detailed about the guild; it has sufficient for 100% plant harvesting, which was implied by my expectation of it completing. I just wish I had seen these replies yesterday so I could have completed the Daily. 🤣
  7. Went to Gilded Hollow and harvested the plants, but it only counted to 75%. Then portalled to Jaka Itzel Waypoint for the Daily Maguuma Vista, which worked. Moved around Maguuma harvesting plants and the 75% did not increase further. Yes, I have a video but ArenaNet doesn't like providing players with the ability to directly include evidence of failures (be they video or stills) so you'll just have to trust me. No, I'm not going to use a third-party service to upload images or video, the capability should be built into the forum. The lack of the capability is a simple and direct demonstration that ArenaNet are not invested in properly supporting players providing feedback.
  8. Can also confirm no reward for taking out a WvW Dolyak, and spoke to several others who hadn't either. Achievement continued to be shown on the tracker. No progress in Achievements. You'd think after so many years of development ArenaNet could avoid such a simple bug, but no... It beggars believe that the Achievements module isn't self-contained and the inputs & outputs aren't constrained, controlled and verified. 😡 On EU sever.
  9. It is when the game is supposed to be equally enjoyable to all play styles. If they pick any play style and say they don't care about that style any more, whether overtly or through making changes like this, that goes against the fundamental point of all players being equally able to enjoy the game. It's the designers behaving in a way which promotes exclusion. Still, as it is already clear they favour three classes above the others, I guess all their decision this time has done it demonstrate that attitude further.
  10. This perhaps hits the nail on the head; ArenaNet's devs thinking being self-centred, doing something which benefits them/their clique, whilst not giving one hoot about the PvE players doing harvesting. Whether it was a deliberate decision, or failure to correctly assess the changes, it was incompetent of ArenaNet to deploy the change as they did. The devs have great power at their disposal, being able to shape a fantastic world to their liking. With that power, however, comes the responsibility to be professional and objective. Things they demonstrably failed at here. This is certainly something to be worried about. At least after introducing Fourth Edition (4e) Dungeons & Dragons, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) relatively quickly saw the error of their ways and reverted back to the more traditional format when they released 5th Edition. (For anyone reading who is not familiar with D&D, 4e made all characters extremely similar; they all had a quantity of At Will, Encounter and Daily powers. The powers varied, of course, and once you had learnt to play one class it wasn't too hard to learn to play another (presumably intentional to make the game easy to learn). The move was widely seen as WotC tying to entice the World of Warcraft players into D&D. It was also seen by a significant portion of the D&D community as ultimately being 'not a good thing'. Most D&D groups these days play either 5th edition or 3rd Edition (or a variant, such as Pathfinder (1 or 2, both of which are considerably closer in play to 3e than 4e)), with 4e being largely ignored.) If ArenaNet continue down this path it could well be a significant element contributing to the demise of the game. In this case, the 'vocal group' being the self-centred Anti-Stealth Brigade (ASB) whose argument was, and still is, flawed. Consequently the ASB argument should have been rejected, sadly it wasn't. It's a sad state of affairs.
  11. Note: these benefits relate to PvP/PvP play in WvW. The the original point raised was about harvesting in PvE. Sure, you can gain Superspeed now from entering stealth. An entirely pointless/worthless benefit when you're using Shadow Refuge to harvest a Rich node without being interrupted; if you use the Superspeed you'll leave the Refuge and become Revealed, entirely negating the Stealth. Likewise, if you dodge up to a node to harvest it, thus gaining Stealth, the Superspeed has zero value, it's wasted because it is gone by the time you've finished harvesting the node. Indeed, unless you have a Glyph on a harvesting tool (or other benefit decreasing the action time), when you come out of stealth there will still be some time required to complete the harvesting, thus Superspeed is going to waste then, too, providing little to zero benefit to withdraw from the node. The additional duration of Stealth was considerably more useful. I'm not sure where you're getting four seconds of Superspeed from, I'm sure I have not yet seen it last that long. It feels like just one second. Certainly by the time I manage to get the mouse on to the indicator it is in the process of disappearing. The observation that it's a "far better bonus than before" is entirely subjective and the scope must be stated to have value. For actively dodging around a combat, so in PvP (and PvP play in WvW), that's good, in PvE when harvesting it is not just 'not good', it's worse than worthless because its introduction was at the cost of an actually useful benefit. A prime example of incompetence on the part of ArenaNet; either they knew the negatives and went ahead regardless or they didn't know, which they should have. It's interesting to hear all the opinions from people who think the change is acceptable. To have good value and to be respected those views must acknowledge the scope within which the benefit can be realised. The original post was about how ArenaNet's incompetence has broken solo harvesting in PvE. Arguments claiming the changes are actually good, but which don't acknowledge that those perspectives are not relevant to the original point are weak. That's not to say the points raised are entirely invalid, they just need to be stated with the right context, i.e. that of PvP play.
  12. And therein lies part of the problem; people reading what they want to see, and not accepting the evidence, to consistently focus on the PvP/WvW element (presumably supporting their own agenda). In the process 'conveniently' ignoring the original observation, which was about how the PvE build has been unnecessarily broken, or in other words, unprofessionally/incompetently modified; there was zero need to modify the PvE build. I'm confident I have not yet seen any valid argument for breaking the PvE build, the arguments coming back are all about how it fixes a claimed problem in PvP/WvW. As for the observations about combo fields, they were simply unnecessary to achieve the desired outcome until ArenaNet's incompetence forced the issue, and they're not the ultimate solution. Their use requires players to have to change their build and complicates the harvesting process. Needing to stay in one place to harvest doesn't work with abilities which require the character to move to achieve the stealth, and taking aggressive actions which will likely trigger aggro, thus preventing mounting on completion of harvesting a node. Harvesting nodes takes longer and when you're prevented from mounting getting between nodes takes longer. There may well be some uber-players who find such actions really easy to perform. Not everyone has the same abilities and GW2, and players, taking a stance which is inherently negative speaks volumes about their attitude towards acceptance of people of differing abilities, and none of it is positive. Clearly the best defence is simply not becoming a target in the first place. This is especially true for a class without significant health or armour, so that means being stealthy is the best defence. I'd like to say what is really bizarre is how so many people seem to think that crippling the key defence for a class is actually acceptable, but that's not 100% the case, it's more a case of being a sad reflection of the state of the attitude of some people towards others. Those supporting the removal of the ability to permastealth focus on PvP/WvW, claiming it is broken (again, 'conveniently' ignoring that the original problem highlighted relates to PvE). Yet none that I have noted have accepted that whilst a character is stealthed it cannot count towards claiming an objective, which is pretty much key to success in both PvP and WvW. The only conclusion is that what such people want is simply to kill other characters, whatever the means. Being able to pick on a soft target is so much easier than a target which can actually fight back effectively. It would be nice to think having a more even-matched fight would actually be more satisfying to the players because you can some out of it, win or lose, and say it was a good fight (i.e. which challenged you, tested your ability), rather than being an horrendously one-sided event. It appears to not be the case, which supports the theory that the kill is more important to those players than the way they achieved it.
  13. Thank you for taking the time to make that suggestion and to explain how to use it, it's appreciated. It's certainly something I think I could try. Afterall, ArenaNet's incompetence has already forced me to change my skill selection anyway (exacerbating the problem due to the learning curve), so what's another change? I think I'll likely stop short of 'the /dance-ing on their corpse' step, as it is unlikely that I will ever engage with anyone long enough to down them. The Website did something funny between looking at it, changing the skills depicted, so I'm now unsure which setup is the one needed. I'd have posted screenshots but they are apparently not permitted, so here's a list of what I think I should was supposed to be seeing (after loading the page a second time): Skills: 6: Withdraw 7: Blinding Powder 8: Shadow Step/Shadow Return 9: Prepare Shadow Portal/Shadow Portal 0: Shadow Meld Specializations: Shadow Arts: Shadow's Embrace-Cloaked in Shadow-Shadow's Rejuvenation Acrobatics: Instant Reflexes-Hard to Catch-Don't Stop Deadeye: Malicious Intent-Silent Scope-Maleficent Seven Thanks, again, for being helpful.
  14. Well aren't you Mister Happy combined with Mister Missed The Point Entirely‽ Congratulations on being such a considerate person. Your perspective and attitude makes it look like you are not just not content with being unable to get those elusive WvW kills, and thus a supporter of the Anti-Permastealth Brigade, if not a founding member, but also the sort of person who actively picks on anyone they consider beneath them. GW2 is supposed to be welcoming, and all play styles are supposed to be respected. It should not be necessary to point this out, but the changes brought in didn't rebalance things, they tipped the balance massively away from Deadeye, favouring the Anti-Permastealth Brigade. Further the changes were entirely unnecessary in PvE, so not balancing there. At all.
  15. I agree, about 95%. The change required to kowtow to the Anti-Permastealth Brigade's complaints in WvW and PvP does not need to be so drastic. All it really needed was for the stealth duration bonus to be removed in PvP and WvW. That would have been sufficient to force the Thief to become revealed more frequently, and unable to achieve permastealth, achieving the additional vulnerability being called for. And that's what they (the APB) are after, vulnerability so they can kill. They're not satisfied with simply eliminating the threat by forcing the Thief away, or making it incapable for counting towards claiming an objective, their desire is actively to kill the character. (A recent experience I had whilst farming Camps in WvW goes some way to demonstrate the APB attitude: another character decided they wanted to prevent me harvesting the nodes. Fair enough, I'll leave. Once it was clear I wasn't going to hang around, they could have stopped where they were. Instead they actively chased me well into a different zone of the map. This despite having deployed stealth skills multiple times, which should have given me at least a five plus seconds of stealth, and despite some rather random moves, they seemed to know exactly where I was moving. Now, that could just be a very experienced player making some very good guesses, but it does not justify the continued assault and attacking when it was clear the character had given up on those nodes. That behaviour was not the act of someone simply protecting their World's asset, it was the act of a sociopath, out purely for the kill. I'm pleased to say I managed to get far enough away (for a change), and if in doing that they were raging or felt anger, I would take some satisfaction for denying them the kill. Sadly, however, they probably simply took out their frustration on someone else.) It bears pointing out, however, that the key defence of the Thief is not being able to absorb hits, it is simply not being hit in the first place. The class is squishy, rightly so. So the whole attack by ArenaNet on the Thief's key defence mechanism is just absurd. Whilst I've got a few other character's with other professions, I only dabble in them, so perhaps someone else can answer this next question: Did the changes ArenaNet introduce have equally debilitating impacts on all of the other professions, did they make all the other professions equally vulnerable? (Was it an equalisation process?) If not, were those professions already as vulnerable as the changes made to Thief made the Thief?
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