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Everything posted by Zape.2094

  1. Hello! I just joined the game recently and found love for WvW really quickly. With that being said I mostly enjoy scouting and roaming, and since my revenant (berserker power herald) doesnt seem to be very good at this, I've decided to find an alternative. :) What I am mostly interested in, is finding a class (and build) that can very easily flip camps alone, perhaps even solo a tower lord, and that can hold its ground in 1v1 fights and small scale skirmishes. I generally prefer tankier classes, since I am a newcomer and it seems like I have more room for error there. The classes / builds I was considering are next (I'd appreciate any reviews of these builds since Im not 100% sure if they are even what I want): P/D condi thief Mesmer (no idea what build yet, I just thought itd be nice to have the portal utility to sneak inside an objective before the enemy caps it) Longbow ranger (I love the idea of having 1500 range, but Im not sure if theres any viable builds for this that could also flip over camps solo? I seem to get melted way too fest on my berserker revenant to be able to solocap) Warrior (I know the shoutbreaker build is super popular, but thats only for zergs right? Is there any roaming builds for this?) Guardian (again, Im not sure if they are good in soloplay or small scale fights, but I really like the shout builds for zergs!). If you have any reviews or insight on the above, or even any other recommendations itd be insanely helpful!
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