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About UncreativeGreen.2019

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  1. It works on other ranger builds, but make sure to run the Carnivore GM in Wilderness Survival if you go a power build. When you pair that with mace/mace (and/or hammer) and whatever other power/utility weapon you want, you can get some crazy sustain. I just like it more on untamed because it already has a lifesteal shtick on the ambushes and a few of its traits play into that cc depending on unleash grants a boon mechanic. Extremely fun. As you learn it and become more comfortable, you might find that you can play it faster, and when you can, take the quickness GM… untamed go brrrrrrrr.
  2. I mean, Anet has other ways to track metrics and build performances outside of a third party fan run website. I'm not saying they don't refer to that website when looking at a way a build is played by the community, but they're capable of basic math. If you did the old swapping back and forth from mace/axe to spear right after release, it was actually close to 45k. So the math was right if we just replaced short bow with spear. Anet just made the mistake of not thinking what would happen if you just camped the weapon. The thing I'm referring to is why go to the effort to make a guide and post a bench mark to a very public website when it's extremely obvious it'll get nerfed. Especially when, I don't know, lets say the price of tormenting sigils spiked the way they did. Weird that the 54k benchmark build came out on Aug. 24th, the video they used on the 21st. 300 of the sigils where bought on the 20th before really spiking on the 22nd and 23rd. and then all of them being re released into the market 12g higher on the 24th.... weird.
  3. They should have never posted them in the first place. It was obvious that they were outside of the devs current allotted power creep range of 43-46k. It was just more work for them to make all the guides and update all the pages. Now the authors have to put in more work to change it all and It usually takes them awhile to do so. Give it another week, it’ll be back up on the benchmark list. All of that said, if you really cared about the build you just go bench the old build after the nerfs and realize that the dps loss isn’t that big that it’s worth panicking about. In fact it’s within the top range of the current spread. However I’m sure you’ll need a website to tell you that before you believe it.
  4. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PewEQTtqsAmEriZxQxyeK79D-DyIY1ou/MCTV0qURh/FKQ46nXTIWjAVA-e This is my Open World holo build. Purely OW, I won’t take this into organized pve play to torture other people when there’s options to be way more useful to the group. That said it’s a kit-less condi holo. 16.5k dps completely solo on the sustained front. 32.8 k peaks on the burst side for trash mobs. Crazy amount of boons with all the vital ones covered (except alacrity). Good mobility off of a mount, decent enough condi clear, and a surprising amount of sustained healing. Not as much as other OW builds, but enough to get you through most things, especially if you play well or kite out for cooldowns in tough scenarios. A few tweaks that you can make on the build if you want is in holo you can take Eclipse instead of Zephyr, especially since Eclipse is getting buffed on the 8th. The Relic of Vass could be swapped to something else for QoL, however it adds up to 24 stacks of poison to the build and actually carries a decent chuck of the damage spread. Lastly that food isn’t needed, you could go with condi food or no food, but the might on crit just helps it sit at 25 instead of bouncing back and forth from 25 to 18 or so. The exotic variant of the linked food is fried golden dumplings. let me know what you think.
  5. I'm not sure you could balance this correctly because all the shroud skills across core and all the espec do different things for each of their 1-5 skills.... BUUUT I always thought it'd be cool to have a trait in blood magic that added an aoe "support" effect to each skill. Honestly It could replace transfusions slot. Its just an extremely rough idea (so poke holes in all its flaws cause it certainly has them) or feel free to build off of it. But something like... Shroud one grants might to 5 allies. Shroud two grants fury and a condi clear to 5 allies Shroud three grants protection and swiftness to 5 allies Shroud four grants vigor and transfusions healing effect to 5 allies (no porting downed bodies but return the old revive percentages to the skill) Shroud five grants 3 stacks of stab and resistance to 5 allies All place holder, but the idea is to have a blood magic GM trait that makes all the shroud skills lean into that support aspect more. As for the port rez that transfusion lost, tie it into the rez signet. Make the health sacrifice worth it. As an added bonus while I'm thinking about necro changes I'd like, add a new trait in either DM or Soul Reaping called 'Beckon the Soul'. This trait would change all fear effects into taunt. I think it'd be so cool to reaper 3 taunt enemies in and then start spinning. It would also make using transfusion on scourge less annoying when I want to heal. I can't tell you the number of times I've sent a nice pile of freshly pulled mobs running for their lives in all directions just because I tried to rez or heal someone.
  6. I read "defensive improvements to Legendary Renegade Stance" and thought oh neat, they're actually going to make it better in pvp scenarios (and pve as well outside of condi). Neat what are they going to do? add a condi clear on pulse to the heal or a double or triple cleanse on the final tick? Add a meaningful amount of stab to dark razor? Maybe a boon removal somewhere? Nah... here, have 500 more barrier when you use our failed rework mechanic correctly and 200 more healing when you accidently have energy spare when you have your elite out already. Weird filler changes that mean nothing for renegade.
  7. I just wish there was a reason to swap weapons to something that’s not another spear. Like the mace/axe shortbow variant. But as long as the spear has a ramping period on top of ramping conditions, it’s most efficient to camp at its maxed stacks. Especially when the payout for swapping off at max stacks is just another charge of raze. It’s just extremely boring sitting on one weapon. We were afraid of it replacing shortbow in pve, however it’s also replaced mace/axe and that’s just not healthy design.
  8. In game in your chat box, type… /wiki et it is your friend. Also /wiki (any item in the game) is an amazing way to look into things you loot that you’re curious about.
  9. Bava Nisos could be the raid though. With the raid wing taking up that portion past the sulfur. Also a portion of it could be reused as the convergence map. I would much more prefer it to be an explorable map and not the raid/convergence, but I'm struggling to see what set piece they can build that content around. EDIT: Oh yeah, completely forgot about the Foundry. That'd be a nice set piece, but also something more likely to be the climax of the expac and might seem out of place as a side story.
  10. If they could just change it like that, I’d suggest elementalist lightning sword 2, Polaris Leap. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Polaric_Leap already a leap and lightning themed too. However I bet the current designed skill is wrapped up in too many layer of spaghetti code to fix it easily. Just sucks that they used the code from Revenant GS 3 which is a one part 450u movement skill, other part moving attack that doesn’t trigger unless the skill is in range. But in your case tied the leap and WHOLE WEAPON MECHANIC to the second half like big dumb dumbs even though they knew that that code/animation has had issues since EoD.
  11. You’re very out of touch with pve if you think a healer is pulling 40k while covering all essential boons and enough healing for anything above weak sustained damage. 40k was probably alacrity dps renegade and quick dps herald will be around the 38-39k range.
  12. Glad it happened sooner rather than later. 54k is ridiculous when everyone else is around 44-46k. I hate being the fotm that all the dps goblins flock to. Just makes you a massive target for nerfs. Thankfully spear got the nerfs and Anet didn't pull an Anet and target all our core traits and legends in order to bring it in line.
  13. There was a story mission with Zojia where you go to the convergence map and fight something there while being taught the orb mechanic, right? I thought that story step happened before we went to inner nayos. Maybe there wasn’t enough attention called to what that story step actually was, but it was there. But like someone else has stated, read patch notes do basic research on the wiki and you’ll be more informed than 90% of gw2’s population
  14. Yeah I really hate contained temper now. Was such a bad change for no reason (well the reason is cause the balance update looked a little to light so they threw a dart at a board with traits on it, but yeah.) The thing that makes me scratch my head about it is that it just really doesn't help you anywhere. You still need the total cost of the stun break first in order to use it to then get the refund, but then it either: A. Kittens with your charged mists as you have to linger longer in order to drop below 10e again. B. Will swap anyways after that stun break and will waste that energy C. The one useful place it makes sense to work in, the pvp modes, where you think getting energy back to counter attack would be great, and you get 5e..... 5 kittening energy xD Man I hate that trait so much. So yes, merge it into Glaring resolve, anything to open back up that minor trait. I mean an energy refund on applying a CC would be 99% more useful then a refund on a successful stun break. Give it back it's fury too. A trait line all about fury and you can only reach 50% uptime by swapping off cooldown. Not every one is playing herald anet. Fury used to be Rev's "main" boon that it was themed around. And yes, It's time now to remove the restriction on charged mists, 10000% agree. It's a GRANDMASTER trait, please make it worth the slot and not have to play a mini game to use it. (its like if warrior's fast hands trait, their gameplay defining trait, which is a minor xD, worked to reduce their weapon swap by 5s, but only if they used it between 5 and 6s. If they missed that 1s window it goes on a full 10s cd. what a ball ache)
  15. Why not go the whole way and just make all its damage pulse, either at a steady rate or growing over the duration or based on proximity to the center. Make the projectiles just for show. Remove the 10% reduction per hit due to it being a highly consistent skill and balance it as such. Once again it was just a weird design choice where it seems like the animation was made first, and then they tried to tie the damage in to match it.
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