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  1. Tha's quite close in traits and gear to what I've been running (cap crit chance and 207% crit damage in my case), the main difference being that I only have 15% boon duration due marauder + dragon stats & surge rune for mobility, whereas you go zerk + diviner & fireworks to reach 50% boon duration instead of the large boost to HP I have. Makes sense since you aim to maintain stab using Reaver's Rage in advance, whereas my mindset (from PvP/WvW) was always "save the breakstuns for the worst". Need to try that skill use, before going to Jalis. This is my current build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAEVlZSMsTqjhScsUyjpSksSigJ/lasC-DSRYiRFH0cQvHShKgMlC9KCE5BiEIwe4+hkAeAA-e Thanx everyone for the answers!
  2. Over a year ago I give up on playing power Vindi for solo OW PvE since the disparity in sustain compared to celestial was huge, and the ttk of the later for me was fine. Now that the relic of Zakiros offers enhanced sustain for power builds, I've testing the waters of mele power builds again. But while against simpler foes seems to work fine, some champions and bounties with spammy cc skills have been really annoying to fight against with Alliance & Shiro. While in cele against those foes I can just use bow and Embrace Darkness at mid range and evade while needed whithout losing too much, in power mele oftenly oftenly in ended interrupted in my burst, or even in a chain of autos, since there's less time to react to those cc unless the attacks are slow, well telegraphed or display concentric patterns in the ground... So, do you replace your Shiro/whatever for Jalis and camp in the road? I'm considering to ditch Shiro (as I did in PvP) and just rely in passive stability most of the time; while both dealing burst and evading attacks seems easy, doing both while keeping high energy demanding skills as Impossible Odds and doing dps rotations seems very hard to conciliate when your foe spams daze, knockback or any other interrupt skill every few seconds... Should I just run Jalis?
  3. Great: develop the new game mode barebones, take 0 feedback from the players (as with the weapons from the last two expansions), see it fail and burn and then blame players... A lot of smiles and good words to hide that they will try what they want, and abandon it if doesn't get success, as with so many systems before. But be real: Spirit Valley map has been with us for like a decade and was never fixed or remade; if they can't fix a map, I doubt they can fix a game mode.
  4. The core build seems nice. The second build... I don't see a reason to rely in Herald for tankiness when Vindicator provides much better cleanses trough The Alliance and also improves mobility. I've been away from WvW since the end of the classic servers (and even before) and at that time cele Vindi felt strong in sustain but weak in burt potential. For zergs support Vindi is meta but I don't like it, and cele Renegade is also meta and I enjoy it albeit not as crucial. Is not the best for roaming, tho. I've been moving in PvP between power hammer Vindi (which to me is very hard to use) and a custom Vindi tank with gs + staff and Jalis & Alliance, but later using the meta Vindi weapons wit my tank traits and legends. I've been thinking about running a power Vindi build with hammer in WvW mixing marauder and dragon stats but I'm not sure at all about the sustain: cleanses are ok with the proper sigils and anti toxin relic, but then surge runes are required for mobility and still the armor from cele is missed, and the self heals limited. Relic can be replaced to Wayfinder so Surge runes are no longer required and Durability or Dolyak opens the door to more armor, but without anti toxin relic some fights became much harder. I guess is a good landscape when there's more than a single choice and the options have trade offs...
  5. Scepter and then the spear beta helped me to chose to not buy the JW expansion so yes, had some utility. They have been a cautionary tale and eye opening reveals about what I can expect from the game and what the game can expect from me.
  6. My two cents: * For power builds, Ranger is now very tanky while able to deal massive burst damage; Bladesworn is similar, but both the damage and the heals or the damage and cc is focused sin single powerful attacks which, if they miss, both your dps and sustain goes down the toilet. Reaper has also extremely strong power dps while having plenty of sustain. * Outside that, I'm not that sure that going glass canon power works well while playing alone. A full damage Deadeye deletes veterans in a couple of seconds, but is mostly single target and can die with a couple of mistakes, whereas a condi Deadeye has much better sustain and stronger AoE damage. Mark FN has great videos soloing bounties as power DH at record speed, but how many times you have to die until you learn the perfect way to play againt a given hard foe? I don't see too many videos of power Warriors, Engineers, Mesmers or Eles soloing bounties or large coral events. I'm not saying "it can't be done", I'm saying that for most people the safe and slower way will be easier. Also, I don't see the problem with tanky builds (speacially at solo): they are absolutely the meta at WvW at the moment; celestial is massive because the offensive stats give damage enough while the deffensive ones provide room for mistakes. And the more time you're alive, the more you learn...
  7. Anyway, as a Crusader mainer in Diablo III the fall damage from Vindicators has my Falling Sword seal of aproval... ANEt already nerfed the support traits on evade to nothing ness; Forerunner of Death is chosen in PvP mostly because the other two do nothing.
  8. ^ Between fear, chill and boon coruption access Necro has more than enough toold to deal with pressure, even outnumbered. Necro causes wreack and disruption in teamfights and albeit oftenly is focused part of your duties are to ensure your support partners have good oportunity to assist you if is needed (so don't go solo a node if the Chrono or Druid or Guardian are skirmishing in the other side of the map):
  9. The main problem with conditions in Revenat is that outside Renegade at PvE, your conditions barely do damage at all.. Just starting: torment is maongst the worst condition for PvP since the base damage is low and the premise is that no one will stand still at competitive game modes, so the damage will be even lower. Torment, which was born to punish foes which flee from you and then was entirely reverted, is weaker (in order) than bleed, poison, confusion and burns, and is the main condition from Revenants. The second problem is that Rev in general has low amounts oif cover conditions, and over time ANet did reduce those even more: Rev used to have a decent amount of sources of chill, which could be traited to proc more torment, but in the latest patches ANet has been busy removing most of those sources of chill. We have some sources of burns, but most of them are exceptional and can't be easily stacked as Guardians, Elementalist or Warriors can. The obvious solution would have buff Renegade's bleeds, which originally expanded the condi options of Revenants and used to have decent condi traits, but guess what? The damage from those trais were overnerfed and now power Renegade is better at dealing damage than condi Renegade, and both are BAD in PvP. So yes, I agree that condi Rev didn't last long (except release Herals and a short period in the Renebunker meta) and that Renegade would have been the perfect place to make it a thing (as is happening in WvW albeit not for the pity damage itself). But instead the condi damage is trash (and even trashier in the new weapons). The solution? Hire a different guy to design next Rev skills. Because the current ones just doesn't care...
  10. Necro is easier to play and currently meta in PvP at both ranked and tournaments; Guardian is harder to play and while has effective builds at ranked (WB, DH and core both as bruiser and support) only support guardian was meta in tournaments and lately has been overshadowed by support Chronomancer. In WvW both are meta at zergs and in roaming the main downside of both were the low mobility but both Willbender and Harbinger and their last weapons did solved most of their problems. At PvE for groups both are strong but in solo play Necro is better because the inherent tankiness of the high HP + shoud and also because can deliver very high damage with quite simple imputs, whereas DH and FB can deliver good damage but are squishy and WB has good self sustain but requires very high imputs x minute in order to work. So, overall Necro is easier to learn and requires less effort to do the same.
  11. Alacrity access is the main difference between Renegade and core Rev, Herald or Vindicator at WvW. All of those have access to the same core legends and traits, and all the weapons. So you have a point. But cele alacrity Renegade is chosen in WvW instead of other alac builds because the whole package. Vindi is played as support because shines at that. Hearld is barely used because doesn't have quickness access at WvW and doesn't do anything special which other builds/classes can. Power Vindi also doesn't shine in zergs. But the Alliance is strong as support and that's the role which fulfills. I understand that you would like Kalla to be competitive in WvW and PvP. But the problem is that neither Renegade in general nor Kalla in particular was designed to be good at those game modes. Kalla arrived as a pet (worse than pets) build, and pet builds usually suck vs competent humans, unless they are broken (and then end nerfed and useless again). Renegade was released with a breakstun in the health skill, proving the designer had 0 clue about competitive game modes. Changes made short bow viable, but the core design of the Renegade as PvE build is still there. Trying to play Kalla at PvP is like trying to run full spiritual weapons as Guardian, makes little sense due there's better choices. But with Revenant we can't pick lone skills, only legends, so Kalla is poised to remain subpar forever. The same happens with the scepter and the spear: they were designed with 0 care about what could be usable in WvW/PvP. So while I undestand people asking for improvements, I just prefer to play the cards available the best I can, and just ignore the crapy ones. I think that people not using new weapons that are bad are excellent news; not because could force developers to care about those (which are unsalvageable), but because maybe the next time they will spent some time trying to figuring something usefull instead of a filler or placeholder. So instead of 3-4 usable weapons x expansion maybe the next one has 5 and then 6 or 7 after that...
  12. Nah, check the video from Perish VS from May about the WvW zerg meta:. Renegade is used due the versatility: * Effortlessly provides alacrity. * Second best source of AoE stability on demand. * Access to boon removal, strong sources of damage mitigation for the squad, decent AoE crowd control, ability to fight both at range and mele. * Quite easy to play. While is not outstanding at any role and the damage is mediocre, do provides good support tools and dps to the zerg: I saw a bit of his streams lately (as late as this night) and the zerg in which was playing had no less than 9 Renegades, more of the same spec than any other profession (closest was 7 Firebrands), so in the 2 months since the video his points only became truer. Renegade is REALLY good at WvW zerging at the moment. Most stackable WvW zerg spec in the game right now.
  13. Renegade is quite strong/meta... Just in WvW zergs while NOT running Kalla. Ren gt buffs in PvE, specially in solo builds. Yes, is crap at PvP, but core Guard is also way better than Firebrand or WB at PvP, and being realistic the meta at MATs can only fill 5 slots x team in each match, so the competition for the 36 specs is hard.
  14. You shouldn't be able to burst without visual and acoustic calls, so lets remove stealth...
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