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stone cold.8609

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Posts posted by stone cold.8609

  1. @Axl.8924 said:

    @BadMed.3846 said:Chrono got fixed. Can we fix Mirage the same way now please?
    • "Fixed!", BadMed

    Until such time as someone comes along and manages to break the game with some crazy new build that ends up beating you constantly... Then it will just be the same old crying about Mesmer again. Core issues of Mesmer will always end up making players like you call for nerfs endlessly, we want the profession actually fixed as much as the next player, probably more so... tired of getting nerfed for things that are not even the real issue at all.

    Players like me will keep calling for nerfs as long as unskilled players keep hiding behind a broken spec and pretend that it's been nerfed to the ground. Mirage is ridiculously broken even after the CI temp change. Redesign or nerf, I don't care. I just want Mirage to loose some of its capabilities. It does way too much in terms of ability to spike damage, spam conditions, endless CCs, endless escape mechanics to engage at will along with excellent mobility.

    A purely subjective post that ignores that every profession currently has a build with way too much of everything you are singling out Mesmer for. Also, Mirage has limited CC capabilities, actually gaining nothing over Core Mesmer in terms of CC at all. You are always crying for nerfs on Mesmer... without at least providing clear numerical example of how they are overperforming. You seem to just have the same issues of many players, dealing with clones through use of environment and AoE.

    They are doing the same to Mesmer what they were doing to necro come join us sit by us.

    And Engineer. Have you noticed what was done to Scrapper and Holosmith in the latest efforts at "balance."
  2. @"Chaba.5410" said:"giving core more of a competitive chance"

    Any of you play in the first year of the game? Any of you remember what classes were

    ? This idea of balancing elites against core is a big joke because it assumes that core was something great when history says otherwise. Nerfing elites to "bring them in line with core" doesn't fix what was wrong with many core specs in the first place. Engineer core was "jack of all trades, master at none". Yea, let's make "master at none" great again - don't blame people when they instead go play a class (or elite spec) that is master at its role. SMH.

    I did and I completely agree. I was going to post something similar to this comment myself. The whole concept of making trade offs compared to core is flawed in my opinion because of this and will only lead to the professions with the stronger core specs staying stronger and the weaker core specs staying weaker.

    The changes to Engie Scrapper and Holosmith are illustrative of how this approach doesn't work for PvE. For Scrapper, the first rework 2 months ago greatly improved an largely underplayed elite spec by finally making gyros work and giving it an interesting healing/support role that was starting to be used in PvE. Holosmith in PvE was in a pretty good spot, with both a condi and power build that were fairly competitive with other professions used in high end PvE, but by no means the top of any list. Now, in order to provide a meaningful trade off to the core spec, both Holosmith and Scrapper received fairly substantial nerfs (and the Scrapper elite skill was made even worse than before to the point that it is essentially non-functional). This in no way makes the core spec any more desirable to play, but only makes both elite Engie specs less desirable to play.

  3. Would it be possible for ANet to provide more detail as to what their vision is for each profession in each game mode? Many of the changes don't make sense to me from a PvE perspective, but I am not in a position to assess if they are achieving what ANet is intending. I can say that from my perspective, the PvE game isn't any more balanced that it was prior to the patch.

  4. I have great success with the fractal/raid Holosmith build on metabattle (with Enhanced Storage Capacity Unit substituted for Photonic Blasting Module) since I don't like to blow myself up in open world without a dedicated healer.

  5. For my LS3 stat selectable level rings/ammys/accessories, I have Vipers, Valkyries, and Carrion stats selected. Only the Vipers stats reset. The ones with Valkyries and Carrion did not. None of my armor or weapons with Vipers reset. None of my armor, trinkets, or weapons with Berserkers reset either. Does this seem correct? I am still not clear as to what was supposed to be effected by the reset.

  6. Yes, thank you for the Scrapper updates ANet!

    I'm really liking the Scrapper changes for PvE. It's not overpowered and likely won't be meta, unless your fractal team needs a huge amount of healing, but it at least it feels viable and worth taking in PvE now.

    I don't frequent the PvP forum, but took a look after one of the above posters called the build cancer and found a couple of complaint threads there. I hope that it doesn't get nerfed into uselessness in PvE because of PvP complaints.

  7. I'm still optimizing, but have had really good luck so far by taking the meta power rifle holo build, swapping in scrapper line, hammer, plus 3 or so gyros:


    The third utility can be bulwark gyro, rifle turret, battering ram, or whatever you need at the moment. Feels and plays very sturdy for a full glass DPS build. It does have a better burst than I would have expected (no where as good as holo, however), but does rely on keeping targets in your fields for this. The new gyros actually work now and don't die instantly or get lost due to awful AI pathing. And best of all, I can use my Juggernaut in the build!

  8. Another vet here been playing almost since launch. There is no additional system that would entice me to stay if I didn't already like what I was doing. While I appreciate the effort you put into this OP, none of this would keep me playing longer. If fact if anything, it would be just as likely to drive me away depending on how restrictive the requirements for entry are (like adding in raid or PvP requirements).

  9. Sorry for your experience. Toxic people exist in game unfortunately. Dungeons used to be one of the places where you saw this kind of behavior. I still routinely run dungeons and I haven't seen this in a while (4W + 1M, 5K AP zerk or kick, anyone remember this from 2012-13?). It is so hard to get a party to run any of the paths now a days, people generally are much more accepting of any warm body to get the run going. Where I see more toxicity is in T4 fractals, esp CMs, and raids. DPS meters aren't going to change this behavior since some other more arbitrary metric will then be used.

    A raid geared character kicked from AC path 2 for low DPS doesn't make sense to me. I'm fairly certain that any DPS you were doing would be much more than the combined output of 2 (or even 3) fresh low level characters that I carry through the paths on a regular basis. Two fully geared level 80s DPS builds that know the fight are more than enough to carry a full team.

  10. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

    @"stone cold.8609" said:not once did any of the vets offer to teach anyone that I sawYou say that as if the same thing isn't true for fractals, raids, or open world PvE. Some vets are super salty about all sorts of things and they can't be bothered to help out even a little. Some are constantly offering to help and can't find people who want to learn. And in between, we've got people who want to be helpful, but are bad at it; people who like feeling superior who use training as a means to do that. And the same "diversity" holds true for newbies: some who show up salty and can't be bothered to pay attention when people are offering help etc.

    The point is: people aren't any worse or better because they play WvW; they're still people with human foibles and failings. Helping people move out of their comfort zone is hard on the mover and the mentor.

    Regardless, ANet's decided that they want active WvW participation to be a component of making a legendary. And there remain several options for those who are new to the game mode: learn it for real, push through it (as you & your friend did), do the PvE-style dailies, or do just the Big Spender daily, with the time varying from 6-12 hours at the short end, to a few months, with two years being the worst case scenario for someone who just can't do it. Another possibility is paying someone 400g for supplying the gifts of battle/exploration/dungeon.

    I want to clarify a point:

    I never said or implied that I thought people are better or worse because they play WvW. I don't think that at all. People like to play their preferred game mode and after 5+ years a few of them are less tolerant of new players. I have no issue with the players in WvW and have seen similar behavior in PvE (and never implied that it doesn't happen here either), but my post wasn't about PvE - it was about my most recent experience in WvW.

    I disagree with ANet's strategy about trying to force players to play outside of their preferred game mode in the hopes that maybe they will like it an continue playing. But ultimately it's ANet's game and they make the rules. All I can do is try to influence their decisions through posts like this.

  11. I was recently helping a guild member get a Gift of Battle. It took us about 9 hours total to complete the track for them. Frustrating hours filled with endless running to objectives, building siege, PvDoor, blob on blob battles that consisted of condi bombs and massive cc, running back from wp when killed, gankers trying to pick off stragglers, and taking the same objectives over and over. Also add a little bit of some veteran WvW players making comments about PvE noobs ruining their battles (which is probably correct, however not once did any of the vets offer to teach anyone that I saw), and you get a picture of my most recent WvW experience.

    I'm a PvE player and not a big fan of WvW - wouldn't have gone in if it weren't for the GoB. This latest experience didn't change my mind at all. This has nothing to do with being lazy - I tried this game mode and don't find it enjoyable. I really wish there was a way to get this without going into WvW.

    On the up side, I got 2 GoBs for myself in the process so I'll hopefully not have to set foot back there for a long time.

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