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Everything posted by Genadine.7253

  1. So I am a new player to GW2 and must say the Story upto the end of HoF was great, Icebrood started OK but was rushed in the end, 20 minute finale was a Joke and the Joke is on us for playing it. But here goes, I am assuming that the Devs have the tools to see participation in Zone Meta Events so they know what is popular and what isn't. Given that is true, why has nothing been done for Zones like Thunderhead Peaks which is total garbage if you want to get anything done, Branded Mobs in general are OP compared to other Zones of similar level, density is too high and reward is non existant, When the Meta Starts and Instances are closing due to low player numbers, that must ring alarm bells somewhere? So come on Devs spend a little love on the under used zones as any new player has to progress through them all and some are not worth a Second visit. Thought and Opinions from Vets ?? Regards
  2. Thanks for the clarification and yes I played a Power Melee
  3. Hardest part of the whole event is facing Ryland at the end he needs a smack with the Nerf hammer by 50%, too too too many HP concidering what he has just gone through, as was said by the OP whole event is a farce.
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