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  1. Thank you parasite and cyninja, that makes perfect sense now. So obvious in hindsight, lol. Merry xmas.
  2. Yep, so why is scholar the most popular rune choice in a lot of builds i find online? And the same goes for other similar runes that have either precision or ferocity as the primary stat like rune of the ranger, infiltration, etc. Shouldn't Deadeye be the most popular given Power is the primary stat, and having precision and ferocity as secondary just like Berserker armour?
  3. Hi, i understand every build is different, but I've noticed that rune of the scholar seems to be a staple for most DPS builds. I'm just curious why the Deadeye rune is not more popular? If Berserker stat is the best armour for DPS (which has Power as primary, and precision and ferocity as secondary), wouldn't the Deadeye be equally best for runes? And its close to half the cost of scholar. Thanks
  4. Dear Anet, please release a Dhumm outfit on the gem store. I know there are some armour pieces via raid but; a) this is incomplete armour set, and b) this is only available via raid which is inaccessible by a large portion of the community.I would gladly pay if this was released on the gem store.Thanks
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