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Posts posted by BenaSPACE.6028

  1. A lot less changes from Ele, so It'll be way easier to give my prompted and wanted opinion. (You asked for it, Anet!)
    The notes are here for reference.

    Patch Notes:

    • Healing Turret: Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP and WvW.

    This one is less about the actual patch notes and more about just turrets in general. Phandrel managed to find the one way turrets are fun to play, but ultimately, I feel like turrets are due for a rework, as they way they play is just too flat. All the Engis here have probably expressed ad nauseam about their discontent with how turrets run at present, including myself.

    • Personal Battering Ram: Reduced the launch distance from 450 to 0 in PvP only. Reduced the ammunition recharge from 30 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP only.

    I feel like a lot of engineer skills (and possibly that of other classes) are getting their abilities to shove players removed. I don't feel as though that's a good way to go, personally, as it's just one less dimension that PvP can have to reward skill expression.

    • Detection Pulse: This skill now also inflicts vulnerability on enemies.

    I like this idea. Feels thematic. Make sure the stacks given are big enough for its cooldown, and it's golden! (Prolly 5 stacks, I think.)

    • Pry Bar: Increased the power coefficient from 2.0 to 2.5 in PvE only.
    • Throw Wrench: Increased the cooldown from 17 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE only. Increased the power coefficient per hit from 1.0 to 1.5 in PvE only.
    • Magnet: This skill now properly plays its visual effect during the full channel. This skill cannot be retargeted. This skill now applies bonus defiance damage to targets with defiance bars.

    The attention being given to tool kit is neat. I feel like some of the abilities in here could be juiced a bit better than just giving them number adjustments, like how Magnet did. I'd personally love to also see more of it giving condi options.

    • Freeze Grenade: Increased the power coefficient per hit from 0.5 to 0.75 in PvE only.
    • Poison Grenade: Reduced the cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE only. Increased the power coefficient per hit from 0.5 to 0.75 in PvE only.

    Grenades are cool, and they're fun to use, but they're basically mandatory at this point, especially for power. I'd say some number adjustments are due for things like bomb kit or flamethrower in PvE, or non-kit skills like Battering Ram or the aforementioned turrets.

    • Elixir X: This skill now also has a chance to transform the user into a lich.

    A hilariously fun addition, thank you. I cannot express enough that I appreciate this. I'd even go as far as to drop the cooldown on Elixir X so that it's much more usable. Even 85 seconds is too long-- Maybe something like 45 seconds for PvE. I do feel like it's still good for PvP/WvW, and an underappreciated asset, at that, because it's generally stun hell for enemies. You may also consider offering a stat bonus for each of the transformations, too. This is a tool for a gambler, after all, and people who play competitively or want to clear challenging content hate risk. 

    • Emergency Elixir: This trait has been reworked and renamed Boiling Point. Gain fury when you gain might at or above the threshold.

    I feel like making this a selfish trait is a bit of a waste. Scrapper, especially, struggles with providing fury, and could use the extra avenue from something like this. I do feel like a lot of classes are bringing their own fury, but some really count on it coming from their healers nowadays. Give it some thought.

    • Launch Wall: Reduced the 100% heat damage bonus from 50% to 35% in PvE only.
    • Laser Disk: Reduced the 100% heat damage bonus from 50% to 35% in PvE only.
    • Particle Accelerator: Reduced the 100% heat damage bonus from 50% to 35% in PvE only.
    • Blade Burst: Reduced the 100% heat damage bonus from 50% to 35%.

    I feel like Holosmith is in a good place at the moment, and might not need these nerfs. Holosmith's not the highest benchmark on Snowcrows, and I don't recall seeing nerfs in the waiting for Willbender, who takes the two of the four slots above Holo. Likewise, it has a high fail rate (the likelihood of mismanaging your build/rotation and losing damage significantly as a result). I'm not a masterful Willbender, or even that familiar with the class, but I feel like it couldn't possibly have a higher fail rate than Holo at this time.

    Other notes:

    The engineer changes feel a bit like a mixed bag. A lot of the buffs are almost strictly with open world, and won't see much in terms of instanced content in PvE. PvP/WvW hasn't seen too much change, and I think that's fine, barring what I went out of my way to describe above.

    • Like 1
  2. Continuing from my post here:

    Patch notes:

    • Hurl: Increased the power coefficient per hit from 0.33 to 0.44 in PvE only.

    Rock Barrier in particular has the issue of causing toughness imbalances in certain raid content, and I feel like it should be reworked to do something akin to providing pulsing barrier, or just doing a flat damage reduction.

    • Drake's Breath: Reduced the casting time from 2.2 seconds to 1.6 seconds. Increased the power coefficient per strike from 0.4 to 0.44 in PvP and WvW.
    • Cone of Cold: Reduced the casting time from 2.2 seconds to 1.6 seconds. Increased the base healing from 944 to 1,416 in PvP and WvW. Increased the healing coefficient from 0.6 to 0.8 in PvP and WvW.

    I think this is a good idea in general, though I'd be careful about how quickly these skills do their damage now. Keep in mind that the ideal trade off for the damage they do over time is the amount of time they take to do them-- In other words doing 2,000 damage over 2 seconds and doing 1,000 over 1 second are not equivalent. The latter is oftentimes (if not always) better, especially in competitive modes.

    In a similar vein, consider adding a similar change to Meteor Shower (Staff Fire 5). The nigh-four second time it takes to cast this renders it far too difficult to use effectively, especially on classes like tempest where overloads effectively give a deadline for skill usage in an element.

    • Frozen Burst: This skill now creates an ice field before performing its blast finisher.
    • Convergence: This skill is now a blast finisher. Increased the power coefficient from 1.0 to 1.2 in PvP and WvW.

    I'm always ecstatic to see dagger buffs for ele. I just personally have a preference for how dagger plays over sword in general, though I feel like these only help it perform better as a healing weapon (with Karakosa).

    • Static Field: This skill now performs an initial strike that deals defiance-bar damage when deployed in PvE.
    • Unsteady Ground: This skill now performs an initial strike that deals defiance-bar damage when deployed in PvE.

    Awesome QoL additions, IMO.

    • Earth's Embrace: This trait has been reworked. Gain resistance after using a healing skill.

    Not a terribly impressive change in my opinion. I feel like it would be better to offer this as a party-wide boon, at least in pve. The main issue with this is competes with fire for anti-condition (a theming that I love, by the way!), and with this change:

    • Diamond Skin: This trait has been reworked. Remove a condition from yourself when you successfully combo a field with a leap finisher. Remove a condition from yourself and nearby allies when you successfully combo a field with a blast finisher.

    It feels rather redundant. Speaking of, this new form of Diamond Skin is pretty cool, I think. Good work with this one. Might need a more thematic name.

    • Soothing Ice: This trait now triggers after using a healing skill instead of when critically hit. Reduced the internal cooldown to 15 seconds in all game modes.

    Good change overall, I think. I'd up the duration of the regen provided to 5 seconds or so, as the additional cost of a healing skill is quite a bit higher.

    • Flow like Water: Increased the bonus strike damage while above the health threshold from 5% to 10% in PvP and WvW. This trait now also grants 5% bonus strike damage while under the health threshold. Reduced the health threshold from 75% to 50%. Reduced the internal cooldown from 10 seconds to 4 seconds.

    A cool change, but overall I don't think it will change its usage in any game mode realistically. Water needs just a bit more before people will consider using it for strike damage.

    • Soothing Power: This trait now also grants 300 vitality to the elementalist.

    I like this idea, though I would just put it in for Soothing Mist instead. I don't think ad additional 300 vitality will encourage people to pick it any more or less than they do, especially in PvP/WvW, where I feel like aura-sharing is overall better.



    • Overload Air: This skill now also grants fury to allies. Increased the power coefficient from 0.715 to 0.951 in PvE only.
    • Heat Sync: This skill now also grants fury to the user before copying boons.
    • "Feel the Burn!": Increased might from 5 stacks for 10 seconds to 8 stacks for 15 seconds in PvE only. This skill now also grants fury to allies in PvE only.
    • Gathered Focus: The additional concentration from this trait no longer has a health-threshold requirement.
    • Hardy Conduit: This trait now also grants protection to nearby allies.

    I'll go over all this at once since it can be summarized as, "More fury and protection from tempest". A fantastic addition, in general. Frankly, I forgot Gathered Focus had a health requirement, but good riddance, I think to that anyway. The only thing I'll note is that I feel alacrity production from overloads still has some QoL due, especially in terms of radius and a little in terms of the alac you get from the end of an overload.

    • Plasma Beam: Reduced the cooldown from 18 seconds to 15 seconds in PvE only.
    • Earthen Synergy: Reduced the cooldown from 20 seconds to 15 seconds in PvE only. Increased the power coefficients from 0.77/0.33 to 1.4/1.0 in PvE. Reduced the power coefficients from 0.77/0.33 to 0.01/0.01 in WvW and PvP.

    While I'm not quite a weaver aficionado, I feel like cooldowns at a certain point are more of a non-factor as my experience has been that you cycle between three elements, not staying long enough to use anything over 4-8 seconds cooldown twice, or have an issue with cooldowns unless they were something akin to 25+ seconds long, especially in terms of dual attacks, which cycle out the fastest.

    • Invigorating Air: Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE only.
    • Fortified Earth: Reduced the cooldown from 30 seconds to 20 seconds in PvE only.

    I spent an embarrassing amount of time looking for these under Weaver.

    Nonspecific notes:

    I feel that Ele in general could benefit from more condi and power options with core specialization via Arcane and Water respectively would be good for class diversity and for the game overall (Not just ele in this, but all classes).

    Hammer still feels like it's relatively weak, so consider giving it a bit more in terms of damage, especially strike, in PvE. Additionally, I feel like the dual-orbitals on hammer could be something flashier, possibly offering special grand finales specific to the two elements the weaver is attuned to. I feel like I'm asking a lot, but it otherwise feels pretty indifferent from any other specialization in that regard, and I found that a little disappointing, personally.

    Also, don't forget that while offering sceptre as a good power weapon is great, I feel like it should also stay as a good condition option, and even as a decent healing option (some of the selfish water skills could spread to allies, I think).

    Lastly, be wary of Warhorn. It's currently the de-facto only option in terms of offhand right now. I feel mostly that this is due to the amount of catching up dagger and focus has to do with it-- Dagger especially, since focus has a defensive niche attached to it.

    • Like 1
  3. 45 minutes ago, Frenade.6745 said:

    Now to make elementalist daggers playable again.
    Please bring back the old "Burning Speed" and "Earthen Rush" functionalities, to let us dash through enemies again! Bring back the dagger mobility! ❤️

    This is still possible, though a little more technical. If you deselect your targets, you will pass through them. I use tab to quickly reselect them after.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. So!

    New patch preview, and I'm excited to see a lot of these changes. I'll put a link to each of the profession-specific ones at the end of this one, but I'll put down the overall general changes and my response here.

    On 5/24/2024 at 2:23 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
    • Heretic Amulet has been added to the PvP build panel.
      • 1,000 Power
      • 1,000 Precision
      • 500 Ferocity
      • 500 Healing Power
    • Tyrant Amulet has been added to the PvP build panel.
      • 1,000 Power
      • 1,000 Condition Damage
      • 500 Precision
      • 500 Toughness
    • Rune of the Ogre and Rune of Tormenting have been added to the PvP build panel.
    • Taunt: Increased the defiance damage per second from 75 to 100.

    Good additions in my opinion. There's not much for me to say about these here. I'd also consider adding a lot of the PvP only stats to other game modes as well. Speaking personally, I've had more than a little disappointment when I couldn't use Swashbuckler or whatever in open world, and I don't think they'd overpower WvW.

    Class specific changes:
    (I'll edit these as I add them in)

  5. 7 hours ago, AlPower.2476 said:

    I just was thinking about turrets yesterday
    In addition, also giving them a "recharge" period of, for examle, 60 secs that gets shortened after using ANY tool kit skill would be good.

    I'd say that an animation that  triggers when they're about to become overcharged it's a way to balance them in that case. But you know, ranger pet's can deal big damage from far and animations are not that "predictable"

    I like this idea, too. It's on flavor for engi, I think.

  6. I feel like one of the barriers to entry in PvP is that the meta builds to PvP are generally locked behind a paywall. Staff requires SotO, Dragonhunter is a popular choice, but requires HoT, etc. Go to metabattle, and you'll see that not a lot of builds are strong with just core, base gameplay. Core Necro and core Guardian are both more exceptions to the rule, and even they sometimes are better leveraging weapon mastery.

    By limiting people on the ability to make meta choices only by paying a fee, they lose interest in playing it entirely. That isn't to say that the expansions aren't worth it, but for a game mode like PvP, it's pretty hard divide. Pay up, or quit.

    My proposal: Free to play players are able to unlock all elite specializations for PvP by paying a small 10 gold fee on a character by character basis, and can unlock weapon mastery for another additional 10. These purchases do not work for PvE or WvW. (You can consider adding this feature to WvW, as well, but I feel it's less important there.) Naturally, players who own this content should still have this unlocked as usual.

    This will let players still learning the game to take their time unlocking new ways to play, offer a new gold sink for the game, give new players objectives to shoot for, which heightens retention...
    And most importantly, keeps them playing. As players invest more time, they're more likely to want cosmetics to show off, which means going to expansion areas (more purchases) or buying from the gem shop (More purchases).

    • Confused 4
  7. 9 minutes ago, Zebulon.1850 said:

    The main change turrets need, is to be invulnerable for 2 seconds after placing. I use heal turret in WvW, and basically everyday, in at least one fight, it dies before it overcharges, because it dies literally instantly on place to aoe.

    I wouldn't be against this.

  8. So, I come from way back in the early days of GW2. Engi turrets didn't always only overcharge on drop. At one point, their respective buttons flipped over to overcharge them, and when dropped, the respective toolbelt skills became each turret's respective detonation button. Frankly, having the detonate turret button over where your dropped turret button used to be is an improvement, since having your toolbelt skills available at all times is just generally better-- But this still leaves turrets as a pump and dump kind of skill, barring as just casual boon dispensers.

    I'd like to propose a rework that should spice them up a bit:

    -Turrets are now affected by your attributes; Numbers should adjust accordingly.
    -Turrets now overcharge when their respective toolbelt skill is used. Cooldowns vary based on the turret. (I personally would say start from half the turret's drop cooldown).
    -Mechanists can overcharge their turrets by using their F1 skills.
    -Turrets from supply crate cannot overcharge after being initially dropped.
    -Experimental Turrets now provides its area reflect when a turret overcharges.

    • Like 7
  9. On terms of PvE I feel fresh air ends up taking a back seat to bolt to the heart, which is kind of understandable. Ferocity is nice, but for most builds, 250 ferocity can't beat what is effectively a 5% buff over the course of a fight. 

    Likewise, Elementalist does face a crit-cap problem when it's not playing weaver or catalyst. Ergo, I would propose a small change to buff it:

    Add 250 precision on top of the ferocity for fresh air. 

    • Like 3
  10. On 4/3/2024 at 3:12 PM, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    OH LOOK! Another thread complaining about OP stealth and nerf thei-....Oh....OH! This is actually a good thread. I take back everything I was about to say.

    I like the idea. I only see one problem with it. The only way I see this really being usable is making it that little auxilliary command that we often get for situation specific abilities, most commonly right now using the Heart of the Obscure for rifts and such. The problem with that though is there's only one slot there, and it gets overwritten by whatever's new. So what happens if you're in the middle of the Wizards Tower meta, and you need to use the Heart, but then a thief pops stealth and now you have a smokescreen instead? Or if we give the Heart priority, then it rendered the AOE part of the thief stealth pointless. This is a fairly niche scenario but we do need to consider that. If we can get past that I like it though. Kinda like handing your friends a smoke bomb and they can use it or not, their choice.

    To clarify, the Smokescreen effect only triggers on dodges, and F-pressing stuff would be limited to things like Shadow Refuge or Stealth Gyro, where the stealth is meant to be a "while-in-area" effect.


    On 4/3/2024 at 3:22 PM, Cuks.8241 said:

    I dont really see the problem, maybe in very niche cases and your solution is just as convoluted as the potential problem.

    Is there really a case when you would mind a free stealth attack on thief? Its like a gift, ty ill take the extra backstab. Maybe on DE while not at full malice but you can just ignore it. Do you ever want to just normal aa on DE? I dont really have much experience with thief in pve.

    And I would hate the change in pvp. But ok, you said pve.

    The issue is mostly with how it can stop auto-attacks (to keep people from auto-ing right out of stealth on accident). Also, Deadeye especially relies on specific timing for stealth. While you can ignore it and press another attack button or whatever, the "Revealed" status that follows cannot be. And before you bring up Shadow Meld, that's an elite slot that's being taken up that could be something more damaging in PvE like Thieves Guild.


    On 4/4/2024 at 3:48 AM, Beddo.1907 said:

    It's so rare to see someone use stealth skills in PvE combat, that I don't see a point. Triggering stealth with dodge, seems like more of a hindrance than an improvement.

    If I had to pick a way to fix it, I'd go with reducing the consequences over overcomplicating team stealth.

    A lot of people avoid using stealth skills outside of just doing sneak attacks on thieves. One could argue that the reason group stealth skills are so rare are because of the problems they cause. Likewise, a lot of traits that could trigger on stealth could instead trigger on Smokescreen instead, cutting out that middleman completely. For example, Merciful Ambush.

    On 4/5/2024 at 1:36 AM, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

    Stealth, in some encounters, help to group the mobs ... So stopping auto attacks by default when stealthed is the best option I guess..can see some stealth plays in HT nm and CM... Also works in some other encounters but not needed much

    This is a fair point. Mass invisibility and stealth gyro might be good to bring for these, and as such need to be pretty easy to use under these circumstances, though I think something like shadow refuge can be a decent substitute for when a thief needs to play this role.

  11. Stealth is a bit of an odd bird when it comes to how players interact with it. In pvp and wvw, providing stealth for others rarely seem to have concequences, as teammates are generally more coordinated with it, either using it almost strictly to engage or disengage fights. 

    In PvE, however, it becomes more problematic. It stops auto attacks, and God for bit you're a thief or especially a deadeye where this convolutes things so much more. 

    I propose instead that when you would give players stealth in pve, instead you give them something I'm giving the name of Smokescreen. When you have smokescreen, instead of immediately getting stealth, if you evade in the next few seconds, then you get stealth. 

    This feels like a flavorful way to provide stealth to players while still maintaining thier agency. Certain skills, such as shadow refuge, might not work as well with this, and might need a different mechanic (just being able to press F, I think, would fix that issue), but I general I think most things in pve would benefit from this change. 

    Note: when a thief provides AoE stealth, they themselves should immediately go into stealth mode, and not get smokescreen. Smokescreen is meant for player-to-player interactions. 

    • Like 1
  12. 44 minutes ago, jason.1083 said:

    The real question is, did you post this as an April fools joke with the mindset that Holo is overpowered though?

    No, I proposed nothing but changes for encouraging a healing build. :v

    • Like 1
  13. Let's be honest. Holosmith is just not doing it right now. When your team relies in you, and you as a Holosmith can't pull through, it's frustrating. Pitiful even. This class needs a buff, and I'll throw out some ideas of where to start. 

    Light Density Amplifier- Now provides a portion of its damage reduc to nearby allies, and lasts for a duration after Photon Forge has ended. 

    Prismatic converter - Now additionally removes one condi from nearby allies for each level of heat over 50%.

    Crystal Configuration: Eclipse - Still grants barrier. Now shares its positive effects with nearby allies. 

    Thermal Release valve - Maintains its previous effect, but additionally shares all heat therapy effects with nearby allies. 




    Huh? What? How have you been playing Holosmith?! That's clearly suboptimal!

    April fools! 


    • Haha 2
    • Confused 6
    • Sad 1
  14. Heya! With the new weapons out and about, I'm pretty happy with them, myself. That being said, I feel like since there's a lot of traits with weapons tied to them, it's either time to add these weapons to related core traits, or better in my mind, removing weapons specific-criteria from traits.

    Here's a few ideas I'm gonna spitball, on a class by class basis. (I'm assuming that weapon skill cool downs will be baked into their respective weapons)



    Zealous Blade - Gain increased power. Gain additional increased power while standing in a symbol.

    Right-Hand Strength - Gain increased precision. Deal increased strike damage against burning foes.

    Focus Mastery -> Protection Mastery - Protection on you is more effective. Gain protection when you block an attack.

    Invigorated Bulwark - Increase your healing to other allies each time you block an attack. Weapon skills that grant boons last grant them for longer.

    Glacial Heart - Virtue Skill 1 now additionally chills foes. Chill foes you disable. When you chill a foe, deal damage around you.

    Unrelenting Criticism - While standing in a symbol, your attacks deal bleeding. Symbols daze on their first strike.



    Forceful Greatsword -> Forceful Strikes - Gain additional power, and a chance to grant yourself might on a critical hit. These bonuses are doubled while wielding a two-handed weapon.

    Blademaster -> Bloodseeker - Gain expertise. Gain condition damage based on your expertise.

    Merciless Hammer - Gain adrenaline and additional power for a time after interrupting a foe.

    Roaring Reveille - Gain increased Concentration. When you grant a boon to an ally, gain adrenaline. (1 sec cooldown)

    Crack Shot -> Pinpoint Precision - When you critically strike, you deal bleeding to a foe. Gain additional strike damage when you attack from a certain distance.

    Axe Mastery -> Dexterous Ferocity - Gain Ferocity. Gain additional ferocity and precision while not wielding a two-handed weapon. You also gain bonus adrenaline while striking without wielding a two-handed weapon.

    Sun and Moon Style - Strike damage is increased against foes with no boons. Heal yourself when you remove boons from foes.



    Chemical Rounds -> Chemical Warfare - Gain condition damage. Weapon Skills' conditions last longer when not wielding a kit.

    Overshield - Protection on you is more effective. When you use a weaponskill with a 20 second cooldown or longer, grant protection to allies. (Does not activate with kits)



    Lead the Wind - Striking foes beyond the range threshold grant boons, and lower the cooldown of weapon skills.

    Light on your Feet - Damage and condition duration are increased after dodging or weapon swapping. Weapon Swapping recharges faster.
    (Bonuses to shortbow are added to it baseline.)

    Ambidexterity - Gain condition damage. Gain additional condition damage while not wielding a two-handed weapon.

    Windborne Notes - Heal Allies when you grant them regeneration. When you activate a beast ability, grant nearby allies regeneration.

    Two-handed training - While wielding a two-handed weapon, you gain power. Gain fury when you disable a foe.

    Honed Axes -> Honed Senses - You and your pet gain ferocity. Gain additional ferocity while you have fury.



    Dagger Training -> Grim Fang - Gain power, and gain additional power after poisoning a foe for a time.

    Deadly Aim - Deal increased strike damage to foes beyond the range threshold.

    Swindling Equilibrium - Successfully evading an attack recharges steal. Gain increased power, which is increased after evading an attack.

    Staff Master -> Heavy-Handed - While wielding a two-handed weapon, you gain bonus power, and gain endurance when you spend initiative.

    Silent Scope -  Gain precision, which is increased for each point of malice gained. Gain stealth when rolling.

    Second Opinion - A portion of condition damage is converted to healing power. Gain additional condition damage, which is further increased when entering and exiting Shadow Shroud.



    Bountiful Blades - When you summon a phantasm with a weapon skill, additionally summon a lesser phantasmal berserker.

    Duelist's Discipline -> Sharper Images - Your illusions have a chance to cause bleeding. They cause additional bleeding on critical hits.

    Fencer's Finesse - When you or one of your illusions strike from melee while wielding a one-handed weapon, gain a stacking ferocity effect.

    Chaotic Potency - Gain condition damage. Gain additional condition damage when you apply a non-damaging condition to a foe.

    Warden's Feedback - Cast Feedback when you use Shatter Skill 4. Heal allies within feedback's radius.

    Mirrored Axes - When you use an ambush skill, summon a phantom axes to strike your target. Your illusions also summon a phantom axe when they ambush.



    Lingering Curses - Gain condition damage. Torment deals increased damage against boonless foes.

    Overflowing Thirst - Gain life force when you siphon health from foes.

    Soul Marks - Marks become unblockable and give life force when triggered. When you disable a foe, create a Lesser Putrid Mark (Same as Putrid Mark, but only transfers 1 condition).

    Dark Gunslinger -> Deathdealer - (No other significant change)


    • Like 4
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  15. 6 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Every class has some form of block. Not sure why specifically aegis is needed here. Aegis is already available on many classes (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aegis.). Really not seeing the issue.

    Other healing specializations don't need aegis, many have it already.

    I don't think Necro does, outside of scouge

    Edit: Double checked, and neither does thief

    • Like 1
  16. I feel like Aegis as a support has become an absolute necessity, and I feel like it's only on Deimos that this is an issue. I'm happy to have feedback on this, but I want to confirm. 

    If aegis provision is only tied to Deimos, then why not have Deimos himself provide aegis for the tank/oil kiter? Like, as he casts mind crush, have a special action key come up that allows the closest (or whomever has aggro) to counterspell to create aegis lasting for ~3 seconds for all nearby. 

    This means that other healing specializations won't need to have aegis as a built in necessity. 

    • Confused 2
  17. In general stealthing your allies is generally not great to do. It interrupts thier auto attacks, which can be especially bad if you're not able to coordinate. Under that reasoning, a lot of the traits that activate when you stealth allies should rather activate when you stealth yourself, and then apply to nearby allies. 

    Suggested changes:

    Merciful Ambush: Heal nearby allies when you gain stealth. Still grants you and your target stealth when reviving. 

    Shadow's Embrace: Remove conditions from nearby allies around you when you enter or exit stealth. 

    Cover of Shadow: grant protection to nearby allies when you enter or exit stealth. 


    On a side note, I feel like venom health leech should also apply to allies whom you've given venom to. 

  18. I'd like to make a small suggestion to increase the usability of this trait for support/heals

    Vile Vials:

    Now causes a blast finisher once per interval (1 second pve; 3 seconds pvp; 10 seconds pve) 

    • Confused 1
  19. On 12/14/2023 at 9:32 PM, Sovngarde.7502 said:

    Mawdrey II is a far superior Bloodstone gobbler to Herta


    On 12/14/2023 at 9:38 PM, Linken.6345 said:

    You got a chance for Liquid Aurillium Infusion from Herta tho.

    Sorry for being a couple of weeks late. It's really because empyreal shards and dragonite ore has far less value than bloodstone dust on average, and I think this would help. 

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