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BiaNoYami.6310's Achievements

  1. It's mind-boggling to me how few people here understand that the complaints about people botting / leeching / whatever you want to call it have little to do with whether or not an event is successful and how quickly and efficiently, and more with the morals. Yes, morals in a video game, because even in this video game there are people behind the characters, and where there are people there ought to be morally correct, respectful behaviour. But going afk while others do the "work" is simply disrespectful. I don't care if the event I am currently in is successful or how fast it all goes. People who already enter as afk or go afk shortly after the beginning don't deserve a reward, end of story. Why should someone who isn't helping be rewarded? On top of being rude, this doesn't even make sense. It's about the principle of the thing. Mesmers opening a portal to teleport others to the end of a jumping puzzle, for example, doesn't even compare. Most of the time the Mesmers offer it themselves, because they want to be kind. And if they did not offer first, perhaps someone at least asked. It's an entirely different situation.
  2. My first time posting on this forum being the urge to communicate how some ingame writing is upsetting my OCD brain. Awesome. That change was truly needed, and it's not like there are some more pressing issues. /sarcasm ...no, seriously, who in their right mind even came up with this and thought this was necessary? I've literally never, not once in my life seen the word in question written with a hyphen. Seeing this feels so uncomfortable and... just wrong.
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