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Posts posted by Geckoo.6018

  1. 7 minutes ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

    I think the gist is that there is not enough places requiring siege damage to make the turtle feel remotely useful.

    And i agree with that, but having in mind that those situations can only exist for level 80 content and that you can't have them for every level 80 meta while also considering that the turtle itself is unlocked on the last map of the expansion and it was intially designed to be the big reward from the ultimate meta. By this i mean that is the kind of thing that will probably have more situations tailored for it when they create new content knowing that most participants will have the turtle unlocked.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Tails.9372 said:

    And yet if you look at its unlock description there is nothing that implies that it's only supposed to be useful in limited situations and it specifically states that the turtle "deals great damage". I don't think one can fault the players for using a gameplay feature in the way the game has presented it to them but I do think that its on the devs to make sure that it delivers in that regard.

    My class is a guardian, not a siege turtle. So i fully understand that a combat mount is less effective to play the game than my class. I call it common sense, no need for in-game descriptions to be written by a lawyer.

    And just to be clear, you'll never see me blaming anyone for using the turtle whenever they want, have fun with it! but don't expect a mount to be competitive against someone playing their class, even playing their class badly.

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  3. Mechanically speaking the fight is almost fine. It needs to be less RNG dependant when it comes to tails, switching sides and CC bars. With that said, more damage = less rng, less room for it to happen since you kill stuff faster or hit checkpoints fast enough to avoid it, but considering that the timer is really tight and there is no room to recover from mistakes it would probably be a good idea to limit that kind of disruptive special attacks further along with some change to the tail HP so that less damage is required (=less players).

    There is a learning curve for the whole community, just as it happens with many other meta events and just as those, you'll always have clueless players as well as experienced ones and usually things balance out. I don't think this is actually happening with this meta and to me, that's the main issue.

    They certainly need to look into completition rates, but more importantly, they need to make sure that there is a wide variety of squads completing it. Having a high completition rate is pointless if that ends up happening only for hyper organized squads one hour before the meta starts, mostly because those squads are rare and do not exist for every single meta window.

    The goal should be to have a wider variety of squads participating and being able to win.

    For starters the whole preparation phase should not give any kind of combat benefit, this only creates the false sensation that being ahead of time with a squad full of people with 10 stacks is required and that does not help when less organized squads form just when the countdown starts. The buffs can exist tied to the red events once the meta starts, but not before.

    Making the whole thing more rewarding is also important. Each red event and even certain checkpoints during the fight should give enough reward so that even failing the fight is still worth anyones time. Better and more rewards = more player interest. More players means more squads and that will eventually lead that healthy mixed variety of players that balance out each other and are able to succeed more often, as it happens with almost any other meta in the game.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Tails.9372 said:

    I use it during meta events to study what the brouder player base thinks about the performance of A-Nets "fist combat mount". For the most part I keep seeing comments like this so my provisionally conclusion is that the general consensus seems to be that the combat capabilities of the mount are currently vastly underperforming but ofc. I need to conduct further research to make any definitive statements.


    Well... it is a siege turtle, so having bad combat capabilities outside of a few situations with buildings, doors or walls to break is pretty much how it should work.

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  5. There is something to consider when we talk about commander tags: just because someone has one does not mean that he is ready or willing to lead an entire map to complete a massive meta event.

    When it comes to dragon's end, it is expected that the person with a tag creates the squad with enough time so that everyone can get to their map and get 10 buff stacks from events, organize them in subgroups with at least quickness and alacrity in mind, assign those subgroups to different tasks during the meta and even making some calls for CC or tail during the fight.

    There are some things about this meta that is just a matter of community knowledge (it happens with all meta events btw)... at this point anyone with some experience knows when to CC, when to hit the tail, how to do greens or that all platform bosses need to die within a small window of time. In this case, general knowledge about the fight is increasing, but people doing the event seems to be getting lower and player perception about this event and how a successful squad should look has already been stablished.

    This means that the kind of player that doesn't really need a leader because he already knows what to do during the fight is looking for that kind of squads anyway because that player knows that to have a successful run, having that kind of commander highly increases his chances even if he has to spend 30 minutes trying to join a full map. As a consequence, this groups have a very high demand, but they are rare, so this is causing that those groups and maps are full almost one hour before the meta starts. Less experienced players arrive later and join other type of squads that are less organized and usually fail the event.

    How much of this is a consequence of player perception? how much of that perception is actually justified? What can they do about it?

    In my opinion the fight is pretty much okay, it could certainly use some tweaks when it comes to RNG with tails and changing sides. But there are two map elements that are doing more harm than good and are not helping to make the event more accessible. The first one is the buff from completing events and the second one is the zone preparation levels. The issues with both is that they have a combat benefit tied to them and that is one of the reasons why going to the map early is required, specially when player perception dictates that having 10 stacks and all zones fully prepared is a must.

    By doing this the goal should be that a wider variety of squads have a better chance and when less organized squads with less preparation time, no subgroups for buffs and some really chaotic splits start having more success, player perception will begin to change and this meta event will be playable for more people.

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  6. I don't have a rule to follow, it just depends on each situation and it doesn't always play the same way. I usually rez downed players during a fight, but i rarely go out of my way to rez a player that failed an obvious mechanic without doing anything to avoid it. With dead players i'll probably rez them once the fight is over, but not always.

    For example, one of those big bad red telegraphs and you stay still eating damage like if it was a free buffet? then if you get downed it's your problem. That same telegraph and i actually saw you trying to move out, making an effort to avoid the damage? then i'll help you. And something similar happens with dead players.

    In my opinion the polite thing to do (or at least what i do) if you die is to get back to the fight as soon as possible: get to the nearest waypoint and run back.

  7. Honestly, i would rather have Arborstone's concept applied to somewhere in New Kaineng in a more compact space with a city theme that, in my opinion, would make more sense for a permanent 'Tyrian' outpost in Cantha.

    Arborstone looks great, but it works in small service clusters that are too far away from each other. This means that the small little corner with banks, TP, forge and other black lion NPC's is cool... but then crafting is on a whole different level (literally) with cooking and jeweler being on a different place for some reason. The inn is cool conceptually, but too much verticality comes to play against it since it's not something that you easily find, is more like something that you can accidentally stumble upon. And the same thing happens with the strange out of place Canach's casino.

    All of that could be handled better in a city environment. The casino would fit better since it already has that city club vibe. The inn could be easier to spot and being part of a massive city with great views it certainly fits better. The NPC's and services also fit better on a market plaza surrounded by buildings than some empty ruins on a forest and the crafting area also fits better as an artisans row from a big city.

    I know that we are beyond changing any of this, but i enjoy thinking about how things could've been if the expansion hub had been in Kaineng instead of Arborstone.

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  8. Echovald > Seitung > Dragon's End > Kaineng

    Echovald is the kind of setting that i like: a dark place with some ruins, misteries, some puzzles to solve, cool events and easy to navigate with a  beetle once you spend some time on the zone. Seitung is actually very close to Echovald mostly for very similar reasons. I really like both zones.

    Dragon's end has a problem with the meta and is basically that the whole zone is built around it. My problem with that is that i really wanted a jade sea zone that had the same virtues that i see on the Echovald forest zone. By being so tied to the meta the jade sea themes become irrelevant because it's all about the meta.

    Kaineng has issues as a zone and issues as a city and in my opinion they combine and end up making it a bad zone that feels emptier than the others. It basically feels like a zone full of nothing because it doesn't accomplish any of the two things that it tries to be, despite being aesthetically impressive.

    In my opinion, the concept around Arborstone should've been applied to some place in New Kaineng, but apart from that, the zone needs more variety of events, more waypoints and a few services spread all over the city: some banks, TP, crafting stations... is not about putting all that stuff in one place, creating a convenient player hub should not be the goal here; Is about making the city feel alive and useful.

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  9. Yesterday i had the opportunity to play on a 'bad map'. Basically, it was a map with no organization, no real commander (a guy had a tag, but he didn't really lead) and what appeared to be a big chunk of new players to the event with no one explaining anything to them apart from some guy telling what to do when it was already late.

    As soon as the meta started i knew that it was going to be a failed attempt, but i was really curious to see how far we could make it considering that it was a squad formed naturally with the people that was around on that map when the meta was about to start rather than an organized squad that people joined 1-2 hours before the meta starts.

    We had some struggle with the meta events previous to the fight (mostly because almost everyone was following the commander rathen thatn spreading evenly through the 3 lanes), but we managed to do them. And we run out of time on the fight when she was at 40% doing the second round of greens. As i said,  anyone on that group could see that coming.

    To me it was interesting because i believe that a lot of the players we had on that map are a more realistic representation of the playerbase than a squad divided in groups of 5 with all buffs and meta builds; Remember, no one explained a single thing to them. So i would love to see how those very same players would manage with a few pointers to avoid some of the huge mistakes they made. Things like ignoring the tail for the whole fight or struggling to kill the platform bosses at the same time.

    In my opinion, this is the kind of group that should be able to succeed even if they do with a few seconds left as long as they stick to the essentials: kill the tail ASAP, kill the adds at the same time on one go, CC the boss, avoid red/orangy telegraphs that will kill you...

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  10. 20 minutes ago, Lonewolf.8602 said:

    More like hardcore players want challenge. They live for the thrill of beating big baddies and overcoming difficult content and mechanics. It's the casuals that want to show off gear and fashion. They buy tons of stuff from the gem store for that reason (hello self). 🤣

     Just a quick reminder that a hardcore player can also care about looking fabulous while beating the big baddie.

    That's why usually trying to clasify everyone into such simple categories is not a great idea. In the end you have a wide variety of players with a wide variety of interests and usually those categories and interests are not mutually exclusive.

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  11. I've seen some comments asking for more time and i have to partially disagree. Adding more time can certainly make it more doable, but the whole event already takes too much time and because of how the map works is really hard to even join if you are not around for the whole thing. To me, adding more time is a solution if the time is taken from the previous escort events on the three lanes, with the apropiate changes to those events.


    The fight needs some breathing room for less organized squads or simply to recover from mistakes, that's for sure, but adding more time is not the only way to do it and i would rather see things like less HP on Soo-won or a more defined attack pattern (not all scripted, but certainly less RNG/overlapping mechanics).

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  12. I have to agree that asking players to do a strike to get an open world mount is not ideal.

    The fact that the strike is actually  easy to learn and very forgiving is beyond the point. As a raider i have the experience to figure out the mechanics and even strategize by just looking at them one time. This also includes having an apropiate build and understanding the purpose of whatever role i'm playing while doing it. But i understand that no everybody plays the game that way and certainly not everybody wants to play the game like that.

    I'm from the opinion that an open world reward should stick to open world requirements (as all the other requirements from that collection). At the same time i do appreciate any effort that the devs do to encourage more people to try strikes or raids, but maybe this is not the best way to do it since it is forcing them rather than encouraging them.

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  13. I appreciate the effort and intention they have with this fight, but i believe the best way to fix this situation would be to have two fights.

    One fight as part of the meta event, tunned to be very forgiving and essentially succeed as long as there are enough players doing it. Basically, the working formula for any meta event: be there, play however you want/can, have fun and get rewarded.

    Another fight following their intended design tunned for a full organized squad and working as a separate instance that players join as a private squad whenever they want, like they do now with the marionette or dragonstorm.  Essentially, since it is designed to be a massive raid fight, then treat it as such.



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  14. 48 minutes ago, elrin.4750 said:

    The problem with Anet, they are insisting on locking the turle behind the meta. THAT is the problem. Changing meta mechanics does not solve the problem. Is this really not obvious to them?


    Anet, before you do any changes to the meta, remove the turtle FIRST. Only then do you try to balance the meta. Trying to fix the meta does not makes sense BECAUSE THAT IS NOT ISSUE PEOPLE ARE HAVING.


    Gating the turtle is the problem. That is it, simple as that. Anet, is that so hard to understand??????


    Then you'll have most players with a turtle and a dead meta event/map that no one really cares to do. In fact, if they don't take the whole event back to the design table it's just a matter of time before that happens anyway since sooner or later most players will have their turtle and won't want to deal with the event.

    It's a matter of replayability. If one single reward is the only reason why people are willing to go through a bad experience, once that reward is obtained or is no longer there... then the situation is one of time and effort invested not being worth it.


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  15. Honestly, i'm not going to invest more time on this meta unless they do some big changes. Is just too much time invested with a high risk of failure... as someone said, that's the perfect formula to get an abandoned meta and sadly the whole zone is so tied to the meta that is even difficult to enjoy the zone itself... it feels like the meta stole a jade sea themed map.



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  16. This meta has to be my biggest disappointment with the expansion.

    I totally understand that we are on the first days and this kind of events take some time for a big chunk of players to learn how it works and while i appreciate a good challenge, this ends up being a frustrating experience more than a fun one testing your skills.

    The thing is that open world meta events should be designed to be succesful as long as there is certain number of players doing them, sometimes with certain level of organization and certainly with some good players carrying some bad players, but failing should be the rare outcome, mostly caused by not having enough players doing the events or some really bad luck. This meta right now is asking a lot of players to invest a lot of time and is still very possible to fail.

    But as i said, it's early, maybe a week from now this whole thread makes no sense, but to be honest i believe this meta really needs some changes even if it's just mostly in terms of lowering the boss HP.



  17. 41 minutes ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

    Go to the vendor beside the jadebot lab near the NW waypoint in kaineng. They sell research kits. You can salvage food or potions.

    I bought 5000 weak something potions at 4c each and spent quite a while salvaging them for 5000+ research notes.


    That also makes me wonder if the research kit was really the best way to introduce the research notes. Honestly, it feels like a step back considering how every recyling kit works in terms of reclying multiple items and filtering by quality combined with bags to exclude items you want to keep. Essentially, did we really need the research kit? couldn't the functionality be added to the already existing reclying kits, even if it was as a different option?

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  18. When EoD was announced i was a little bit annoyed by the thought of how the game would deal with having one extra mount, skiffs and fishing in terms of UI. The expansion is finally here and my fears have become an annoying reality.

    You guys need to find a better way to deal with mounts, novelties and mastery abilities in terms of UI and keybinds. I believe that radial menus could be the best solution with optional keybinds for everything.

    I managed to deal with mounts not only because the game has optional keybinds for them, but also because i use a MMO gaming mouse with a bunch of buttons and even then i never had exclusive keybinds for my skyscale or warclaw because they are the 'default' mount and i don't have more buttons left that i can use on a comfortable way... and that affects the turtle too.

    Fishing and skiff are on a different menu and we get ONE single keybind, being forced to mouseclick to use the other on a very tiny menu. That's a problem. The fact that they keybind is out of hand (J) is not much of an issue since we can change it, even to something that doesn't look like a hook (it was a fun reasoning though), but not having the option to keybind them separately is annoying.


    So summing up: i suggest that you guys start thinking about some UI improvements and even a small overhaul for mounts, novelties and mastery abilities. But meanwhile, more like something to patch ASAP, we need an optional keybind for skiffs.



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  19. So i have doubts about this one. Mostly because it would end up as another monetized system on a per character basis and i'm not sure if i would just rather have an update on how equipment templates work.


    In my mind, what i miss is that each equipment template also saves your choice of glider, outfit, mount skin and dyes. Sure, the proposed fashion template could also do that and it would be fine as long as the whole system let's you easily assign a specific fashion template to an equipment template... but it ends up coming down to having two similar and costly systems that unlock per character rather than account and that could be easily merged into one, even if it's not the ideal for the way you and your friends like to approach fashion while playing the game ( sounds like a lot of fun btw).




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  20. With my main character i have 2 sets of gear with proper ascended underwater breather, weapons, runes and sigils.

    With other characters though... i don't even know what they have, it could be something they got from leveling, it could be green, blue, level 15... or even an empty slot.


    Sadly there is not enough underwater combat or situations to justify having good underwater gear, but i do not regret having those 2 sets even if it's just for my own sense of having a 'complete' character.

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  21. I really like the legendary armory, but the combination of several systems have brought up some annoying nuances that are certainly not game breaking but create some silly situations.


    I have a couple of characters that swap one weapon depending on boss, fractal or whatever. The fact that it's easier to just use ascended weapons instead of the legendary weapons that i invested a lot of time and effort to get to get should be a sign that something is not working as it should with the whole system. And the solution should not be to buy more equipement tabs since it's an issue i did not have before the armory was introduced (funny enough, i already have all tabs with one of those characters and still have the same issue).


    Ideally legendaries should save the last used setup for that specific tab, so even if you swap them around they always come back with the last stats, sigils and infusions that particular weapon had on that tab.

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  22. The old one had a lot of personality and i personally like a little bit of chaos when it comes to cities on a fantasy setting since that's how cities with some history really grew. At the same time they went a bit overboard with the theme.


    The new one does have it's own personality and style, the problem is that the whole utility area (bank, crafting, useless plaza & black lion market) exists basically outside of that style and that is where we spend almost all of the time. If you ask me, what makes current LA look good is not the massive octo-bank or lobster-docks... but the small streets and houses both in the bridge area and the hill next to the crafting zone. So in my mind the city would look way cooler and feel more like a city if those utility spots felt more integrated with the city itself.

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  23. I don't know what the below button does, but thanks to that i realized that i could swap templates and builds with the one from above, how long has that been there?


    I don't know why they would put an UI element from the expansion on a patch out of nowhere, but if i have to guess, fishing will need some button to activate it.

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