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Posts posted by Geckoo.6018

  1. 1 hour ago, Telgum.6071 said:

    But housing? How many players would be willing to spend time on designing a instance with very questionable utility? Probably half of the active forum, that's for sure.


    I do not believe that the game needs a housing system as other games have, but more customization on your home instance would be more than welcome. Right now is basically a static collection of nodes, guild halls exist on a much bigger scale and in a more cooperative way for them to be something that can work well as your own customizable space.


    So let's imagine for a moment that we get a new home instance in Cantha, but the twist is that you get the guild hall tools to place some decorations and move them at your will. Of course it would be more limited and on a much lower scale, but it would certainly be more accessible for everyone to have fun with those tools.

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  2. It was not the best expansion first look, but is not that bad either. The 9 elite specs and Cantha itself are already good enough for an expansion, even if it's just the bare minimum.


    Fishing & skiffs are a welcome addition, but not something worth of being the expansion spotlight. The siege turtle still has to be seen, specially in terms of utility. Sure, you could consider each of these features patch content, but they all come together, so it just adds to that bare minimum. And everything else, guildhalls and strikes, just keeps adding.


    Is still too early to judge in terms of quality, but in terms of quantity we got enough, even if none of it is a big shiny selling point.


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  3. I still believe that the private version should have some sort of system in place that allows players to directly help other platforms once theirs is cleared, not immediately, but once certain time has passed you should be ablet o move to an uncleared platform, that way you can have a system in place that doesn't trivialize platforms but has enough breathing room to fix up mistakes.


    It's not as much about the champions being hard as it is about being able to recover from a few personal mistakes that can potentially end up punishing 45+ people. I don't mind punishing mechanics that rely on each individual performing their roles or otherwhise it fails, but not for such a large scale event. For a raid boss or strike? sure, it's fine.




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  4. 35 minutes ago, LucosTheDutch.4819 said:

    Debatable. 8 year old core Tyria world bosses still get completely full map instances every single day, I don't see why Twisted Marionette wouldn't. It's a fun boss with decent rewards.

    Maybe if it was part of the open world, but as instanced content i don't think this is going to age well in terms of player participation. It's the concept of placing this kind of big events on an instance outside of the open world that in my opinion creates a barrier that kind of detracts from one of the strongest points the game has: the world. But i guess time will tell both for this event and dragonstorm.

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  5. This kind of massive events, like it or not, rely on good players being able to carry not so good players. If things like octovine, chak gerent or dragon's stand are usually successful is usually because there are a bunch of players that are able and willing to adapt to things as they come.


    This event fails to leave enough room for other players to fix someone's else mistake. No matter how good you are, how much CC and damage you put on your lane, how easy you can solo your platform... if someone else fails to do their platform for whatever reason, things go wrong for everyone very quickly and there is nothing you can do about it.


    Basically, 50 players is too tight for the way the event is designed. In my opinion mobility between platforms should be allowed once your platform is cleared, maybe not immediately, but there needs to be some way for players to help out or fix mistakes other than a buff button.

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