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Posts posted by Caid.4932

  1. 7 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Since HoT I would say. 


    Yup, thats my memory

    I feel like complaints about perma boons started with Herald and mesmer. Heralds F2 skill was a flat 2 sec extra duration to every boon and mesmer had a trait that ... did something weird with refreshing boons which i cant remember.

    Stacking was always a thing mind

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    • Do you play on NA or EU?  EU
    • What team were you on during January 12-26? Silent Woods i think
    • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? same?
    • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? Usually play reset, pop in at random times the rest of the week
    • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? Hard to answer, the score was close i think but each server seemed dominant at different parts of the day so it was usually one side pvd'ing their way around the map. Fights were never balanced, it was consistently one side crushing the other 2. I dont care about score or pay much attention to it but the fights were drastically less balanced than usual.
    • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? no
    • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? n/a
    • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? There was usually one somewhere at prime time
    • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? Stopped playing after the first week
    • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? Language barriers were a problem. You'd jump from a group speaking french, to german to italian and back again. I thought it was terrible in general to be honest. Drastically increased the gap between organised guild groups and causal players. There were very few fights while i played.
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  2. On 1/15/2024 at 1:37 PM, Mabi black.1824 said:

    Where I'm from, we play a different kind of music, bro.

    But what puzzled me the most was my sincere and casual personal feeling, literally ''I don't give a kitten about that Garry'' and that's not a good thing. And above all, how many will have the same feeling as me?

    Its still a waypoint that lets you get back into fights faster. I get that a server garrison you've been protecting for a decade has value beyond that but ... I dont know. WvW could do with a shakeup to be honest.

  3. So far i think it mostly breaks any existing organisation and structure that existed outside of guild raids. And makes it much harder if not pointlessly frustrating to rebuild them. Its created a much cloudier, scattered set up that im not sure is bad necessarily. Fights feel quite different - i guess part of me is kind of enjoying the novelty aspect.

    But then a guild raid sweeps through the map flips every keep in 20 mins and doesn't drop below 90% health. The current meta being very, very tanky isn't helping there.

    If the idea is to change the meta to something more spread out and impromptu it kind of works. It just seems pretty destructive towards server communities that have developed and it seems a shame to throw it away. I kind of think half the reason i still play 10+ years on are the random people on the server discord.

    I guess i'd like an option to be placed based on server. Give an incentive for guilds to flag themselves to be placed seperately to create balanced or fun matchups. This release just seems to be heavily pushing people towards guild raids that crush everything they encounter or low number 1v1's / 2v2's which are of really low quality due to pve itemisation amongst dozens of other reasons.

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  4. Dont pick one. Dabble a bit with each. I think some specs within them classes will fit and others wont at all. The best fit for your criteria is probably necro really.

    I'd say everything else breaks at least one of your criteria.

    I'd say having a vindicator, virtuoso, mechanist would give you better more suitable options than any one class.

    I haven't played Herald in a long time so i dont really know how the quickness version of it plays but it wasn't too hard before. Maybe a bit unintuitive at times. Revanant isn't a bad choice.

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  5. Its hard to see how the self healing wont be severely overpowered in pvp. I mean it makes sense when my own attacks are hitting me for 4k damage but i could just not use them and be immortal. Most just aren't worth the health cost for pretty unremarkable effects.

    I think they should be a proportion of your health because the cost to reaper vs harbinger is pretty wide but really both the healing and health costs should be much lower. Or else the flip skills need to be absolutely crazy strong

  6. Ehhh ... I dunno

    It feels kind of fun to use bugs aside. Ally targetting and needing blocks for the more obvious support apects makes that side of it feel like a situational skill shot rather than something to build around. Regen, Might and Fury just dont feel valuable in any group content due to how common they are. So im left wondering how much damage this does compared to x because there isn't enough else to really sell it.

    Animations - i basically like the character movements, bit of smoothing out here and there aside. Lighting effects on a couple of things feels a bit excessive, 3rd auto attack being the most obvious one that kind of bothered me.

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  7. Maybe they could or should chop a piece of the borderlands out and have balance and gear work differently there.

    Like in the bloodlust ruins area in the middle of the maps and southern dueling spot you're swapped to a spvp build and they can incentivise and drive roaming players to these areas.

    Maybe throw a wall around the middle of the map so players cant get too cheesy with hanging on the border of these spots. They're pretty big areas and have a lot of potentially interesting architecture. You've got capture points to punish players resetting fights / using perma stealth / chaining distortion or other immunities excessively. You can drop keep buffs and other stat buffs out of the area. Can drop warclaw and experiment to find a better balance without worrying about the wider zerg game.

    That would be the kind of baseline reset i think small scale needs to have something to build on.

  8. On 4/4/2023 at 6:04 PM, Zyreva.1078 said:

    Let's not pretend large scale is actually balanced ...

    And it doesn't make sense to only balance arround zerging, because neither is zerging feasible at all times - numbers simply aren't there 24/7 - nor is it preferred by everyone. Also the combat system wasn't really designed for that sort of gameplay, even if the current devs might pretend otherwise.


    1. Small scale wvw and sPvP are quite different from each other and 2. balance in spvp might be different but not neccessarily better.

    But they clearly are balancing around zerging. You might agree or disagree with that but its not particularly relevant. You could make an argument that it should be balanced differently but saying x is overpowered in a piece of content they've made no attempt at any point to balance isn't going to go anywhere.

    Balance in spvp is better. Much, much better. It wasn't necessarily going to work out that way but it has.

    On 4/5/2023 at 8:25 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

    So if its not balanced for small scale, what is the problem with just deleting cele or nerfing it? Its not used in large scale, there still will be balancing problems in small scale (in wvw overall but that is a different topic). Nothing has changed for players who go "wvw is not balanced around small scale", so what is your problem with a change like this?

    You also got the players who go "its more efficient to min-max stat gear and not use cele", so see? No problem there either. You could even remove it from pve, according to those players.

    I dont particularly have an issue with that. If i was attempting to fix small scale wvw its a good start. I think it'd be much easier, faster and more effective to just copy and paste spvp gearing and so on across though.

    • Confused 1
  9. Its funny how many of the threads in this forum could be covered by 'wvw isn't balanced around 1v1 or small scale'.

    They could fix harbinger, virtuoso and willbender and celestial stats and they'll still be hundreds of changes short of anything vaguely balanced.

    I'd get it more if spvp wasn't a thing but it is and 90% of the problems that people have issues with in wvw have a solution there.

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  10. They could do it every other or every 3rd expansion.

    I'm still quite enjoying the EoD specs, i could go another 18 months+ without more to be honest. Think most of them could do with a couple more balance passes or more in the case of specter for instance. Think its similar with mirage to be honest and the firebrand changes probably need some attention.

    I'd rather they shave off some rough edges on whats there than add more at this point. Give it a year and it'll probably be more enthusiastic about new specs. Maybe it chews up a lot of design time on an expansion but i dont think they'd need much else to sell it.

    • Like 1
  11. 8 hours ago, Bobby Stein.3612 said:

    Related to all this: where do folks think the story is going based on what you know right now? (I'm sure there are theories earlier in the thread and I intend to read through it all when I'm on break. Currently in a VO session so I gotta step away from the forums for a bit.)

    Honestly no idea. Just felt a bit thin a sliver of plot to get a footing. The mention of clones and illusions makes it hard to take at face value. The strange selections of enemies, the lack of clarity as to who or what the threat is.

    Ok its a mystery for our detectives to solve (?) But i just dont know, i feel like i'd need to be way more familiar with GW1 to have a clue whats going on at this point.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    While the thread is vastly exaggerated, people seem to be forgetting that going from 22 weeks to 66 hours (theoretically, let's be honest, no one is going to 66 hour this), is a HUGE change.


    Now putting for a moment beside the point of players actually going for this, the main issues are as follows:

    - it encourages players to waste supplies only to get that defensive tick, no matter the catapults or trebs aimed at the wall

    - it encourages players to spend insane amounts of time on basically very boring tasks (players WILL do such things for hours on end because shiny!). This in turn leads to burnout, even more than before


    I mentioned this already, these changes are fundamentally wrong and will do more harm than good in the mid- to long-term.


    I mean going from a hard cap on weekly skirmish tickets to no cap changes things quite a lot. In terms of how long you spend playing wvw to get the rewards i'm not sure its drastically different?

    I think it needs tuning. I think most game modes can reward players who dont 'deserve' it. They wouldn't be my primary concern.

    I spent about an hour last night defending SM. Had no supply to drop on walls and no yaks coming in. Think every outer wall and gate were down by the end of the hour. Just running back and forth and fighting. It was quite fun and reasonably rewarding but im pretty sure the rewards would pale next to an hour of fractals / strikes / map metas.

    It rewards and encourages some good things as well is all I'm getting it I think

  13. It kind of seems peoples primary reason for wanting this nerfed is its getting in the way of seeing their wish list for pet / longbow / rotation changes.

    I messed around with Alac untamed after the previous time posting in the thread - i cant play it, at all. Spirits require thought, timing and placement, boss mechanics will make them harder to make use of. They're not particularly hard to use on their own but i dont have the focus or attention level to spare with the hundred other untamed mechanics. Its way too fragile a rotation to maintain, with virtually any any every fight mechanic leading to problems even if i had the focus to spare.

    I haven't seen a single alacrity untamed in any content since then anyway and im not convinced they exist in any meaningful capacity. Theres probably a couple of gaming ninjas playing it and making it work but i presume theres about 2 of them and if they can get it to work then they've earned the 3k extra damage or whatever

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  14. What about the caladbolg weapons?

    Staff / Greatsword is fine to be honest. Your basically using empower on staff and switching to greatsword. You probably dont switch back unless you need healing but if you do the symbol and staff #2 aren't terrible fillers while waiting on cooldown. Line of Warding is occasionally brilliant, and its kind of fun to play. Theres better options but it gets the job done. Just having a ranged option is a nice quality of life sacrifice in open world when you dont need that much damage.

    Dont actively work towards Kudzu, having it cooking away in the background as you do something else is just a better pace to do legendaries.

  15. I think Fervent Force Untamed is huge amounts of fun. The most fun elite spec of EoD. That would be my primary argument against nerfing it. Theres some tidying up to do around the edges with projectiles and axe but i hope they leave the trait more or less as is.

    I think in perfect circumstances it gets pretty crazy but perfect circumstances just aren't that common and its merely good the overwhelming majority of the time if played well. Most players will perform better with soulbeast imo. I'm pretty sure i do most of the time.

    • Confused 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Zola.6197 said:

    On my replay last year I took noticed of her in the personal story, and I was so excited when I thought she was the asuran agent in TD meta once I got to HoTs. Sadly it was just a different character with a similar name, though Zrii does have a very small cameo in Dragonstand.

    Would be great to see her again!

    She pops up a few times in dragonstand

    Think 'no need we got him' at mordremoth is her. Seem to remember her hanging around a couple of camps in other maps but could be wrong, been a long time

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  17. On 12/27/2022 at 6:40 PM, Migraine.5810 said:


    That sounds fair. Unfortunately I've been threatened by players that join my party, don't even greet and also seem to ignore that I wrote "not skipping cutscenes" in the party info for story... So there are people like that too :classic_blink:

    People have metioned wvw and pvp but my experience with dungeon groups is the one that most often brings about hostile players. Strikes have their moments but dungeons really seem to attract the grumpiest, rudest players in the game.

    I think my server in wvw is pretty friendly, a bit trolly but good natured mostly. Maybe its a bit of an exception?

    My attitude to dungeons is pretty laid back, watch cutscenes if you like, i'm not in much of a rush.

    Maybe they could adopt the Final Fantasy thing for people playing a dungeon for the first time. Gives the other party members bonus rewards, so leading a new, possibly slower, player through a dungeon is almost a bonus. Just a nice incentive that helps the community be welcoming.

    It kind of sounds like you've done everything reasonable that could be expected to warn people. Go at your own pace, your not obliged to make every run a speed clear.

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  18. Thought it was pretty terrible. Thought the quality of the fights and the play by servers was dire. Which is the only thing i care about i think.

    I stopped caring about matchup scores about 6 months after the games release so a change this disruptive to address the problem is really unappealing. I think its a fools errand regardless, i think balancing the match ups when such a significant proportion of the player base are going out of their way to unbalance them in their favour is an impossible task.


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  19. I'd kind of like an inbetweeney season of stories. Whats happening with the various dragon minions? Feel like the unchained around Cantha could be a good intro to that story. Check in on the Sylvari and Mother Tree. Check in on Braham. Maybe Zojja can show up for a trip down to the depths. Maybe the Kodan can head back north and bump into the remnants of Jormag.

    Feels like theres a bunch of stories that have been in stasis for a while and could be tied up.


    I'd like them to reset the power levels a bit. Just throw in a couple of lines of dialogue about us having trouble with more grounded levels of enemies now that Aurene is out of the picture. Maybe a comment about picking fights with gods being off the table at the moment (just before a god shows up that we need to pick a fight with!).

    Beyond that some weird and bizarre environments to explore - the mists, underworld, maybe space? Just something completely out there would be quite nice.

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  20. 4 hours ago, Ahkaskar.3906 said:

    Just throwing in my two cents... damage seems okay but I find playing Catalyst to be physically uncomfortable as defined with the base keybinds. And before someone tells me to remap, consider this is a core problem and remapping my keys to play one spec isn't a solution.


    Hitting the F5 button is uncomfortable regardless of what spec I'm playing, and considering how often I need to deploy a Jade Sphere it feels like it adds a lot of busywork for little purpose. It's also hard to intuit when to do it especially when I'm juggling so many other mechanics. I also feel like the orbits are a waste of a button and that one of these mechanics needs to be simplified into another button or removed. One example might be putting the orbits as part of any weapon's auto attack and moving the Jade Sphere to an attunement's button. (Overload style) This would let weapons other than hammer use that mechanic. The 3 key on the hammer could then get a more active ability, or even a unique/upgraded version of the Jade Sphere.


    That said I also don't really like the orbits as they tend to keep me in combat when I hit random passive or ambient mobs trying to get from point A to point B. I've spent an inane amount of time stuck unable to mount and keep up with a fast moving squad in PvE. If it weren't so integral to the Catalyst's (as I see it, too many concurrent) mechanics and the hammer weren't so dull without it, I simply wouldn't use it.

    Changing jade sphere to attunement button would be a nice change. I rebound f5 but its still not on a particularly easy to reach key.

    I wouldn't be opposed to them bringing a cast time back to hammer 3. The class could probably do with a couple more longer cast skills to weave the instants around. Would help solve double pressing the button. Ideally making it a pulsing aoe around your character instead of a floating projectile that does 1 damage. Would normalise how many times it hits. As it stands it still makes energy generation pretty variable.

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