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Everything posted by Pangolin.9365

  1. These are both still broken, neither glitch has been fixed and they are both very clearly glitches, not intentional.
  2. Race: Charr Gender: Female Face: one of the new canthan faces Issue: the righthand upper lip is anchored to the lower jaw, stretching the mesh whenever the mouth opens https://imgur.com/a/xQVLOgX
  3. Race: Norn Gender: Female Light Item: Light Antique Hat Issue: the hair clips through and messes with colors and textures of the hat https://imgur.com/a/Aa8NEVH
  4. Sorry, meant several in-game bug reports. I'd submitted only one ticket, which had responses and we had a back and forth happening in email, but support team's end stopped responding several months back.
  5. I did contact the team through the support button several months ago, and while they responded for a while they ceased contact that same month and I haven't gotten any followup since. I've also sent in several support tickets. At this point, I don't think they're willing to keep up on this specific issue with me or they have no clue what's going on either honestly
  6. For my account, any dyeable auras or flames or glows are glitched so that their color is locked to the color at the nape of my character's neck on medium or high shaders (ex: if my character's skin or longer hair is white, any auras are white no matter what color I dye them). This is consistent across my account and only affects my characters, it has been an issue for years, and I don't know anyone else who's had this issue. Uninstalling and repairing the game have not fixed this. I do not have any shader alterations on this computer. Does anyone know what could be going on? UPDATE: with the help of several people I've been able to narrow it down to some sort of computer issue. Not sure where it's stemming from since we've checked every corner of the hardware and graphics capabilities, but I guess it's just something to live with ir time to get a new laptop. I hope this detail might help anyone else who goes looking for this same issue!
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