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Posts posted by ShadowInTheVoid.9183

  1. On 5/24/2024 at 4:16 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    It's 2024.

    The Tiktok Generation craves their participation rewards. 

    So, every MMO. 

    WvW rewards are all partitisipation rewards. You don't need to win a single fight, you could happily just walk around withouts weapons, armor or any skills equipped and just run ruins or capture somewhere with other people enough to get your participation up and then just stand around till your rewards tick up and repeat.
    PvE you need to complete events and achevements, PvP you need to at least win some fights, WvW is just a participation time sink.

    Actually, I think the optimum build is to just max your speed, stealth and shadowsteping and just run away from any solo fight at the first sign of an enemy.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Sounds like you just want GIft of Battle , so just run WvW reward track boosters and get the daily completed in EoTM. Some of the WvW dailies do not even require player interaction such as camp capture , dolyak escort/slayer, or sentry cap.

    Yeah, those are the best bits of WvW. It's just annoying when you meet other players and they get in the way. Best case scenario you win the fight and you've still wasted your time and are worse off for it.
    At least in sPvP it doesn't feel like your being punished for fighting other players and if you die you get right back into the match without a long walk.

    + a sPvP map is less the 15mins

    • Confused 5
  3. There could be instanced maps where enemy NPCs automaticly balance team sizes.

    There would be predicable attacks/defence of structures . Some like camps could still be soloable however for bigger structures would requre squad coordination.

    No roaming players relying on stealth, shadowsteping, hit and run tactics or generally unfun tactics that rely on killing you before you notice them. Far less deaths unexpected deaths leading you to need to travel the full length of the map to get back to where you was. No having to deal with other players using bot assists or hacks or having spies on your side tell the other teams where you are and lead you into ambushes.

    It would be far easyer to balance and generally more fun and give players an alternative way to get WvW rewards like Gifts of Battle without having to punish them having to deal with other players and all the toxic stuff that goes with that.


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  4. On 10/5/2023 at 6:20 PM, Vancho.8750 said:

    You can play for you know fun, like  I know it is a hard concept these days to play a game for fun and not shiny pixels but it can happen. At some point if you played long enough rewards don't matter. Also at least for me unranked seems to have better match quality since the mmr is constant , while in ranked it volatile at the start and you have like 30 to 50 games of slog with kitten quality matches till the volatility goes away, but then you start hitting the leaderboard kitten and you still get kitten matches. In unranked there is no reason to lose on purpose (except being total piece of kitten wasting everyone's time) so you literally just play for the fun of it.

    But the problem is your insentified to play ranked which is so full of toxic players, afks, match fixing.
    I might actually enjoy playing unranked if it didn't have those things but while i'm farming Ascended Shards of Glory it would just be slowing me down


    You know what, the one PvP map I actually enjoy is Battle of Champion's Dusk, the Stronghold match type is actually far more interesting then Conquest (Legacy of the Foefire is at least a bit interesting).
    If PvP actually had a future they should really swap to Stronghold matches, they would be far better for getting teams to work together. (Assuming they actually did something about all the AFKs and matchfixers)

  5. PvP was an easy way to complete your dailes before but now there is plenty of easy ways in PvE too
    PvP rewards are in the worst place they've been for a long time
    PvP is the least fun it's every been with less and less players, broken matchmaking and almost every match being full of AFKs, match fixers or just toxic players who spend the entire match typing.
    Everything as it is, are you intending to keep playing PvP?

  6. On 9/29/2023 at 11:59 PM, Khalisto.5780 said:

    You could play unranked for rewards on losses

    Even a win in unranked gives less reward then a loss in ranked. There is never a point where playing unranked is a good idea unless you expect to lose and would rather protect your rank then get the extra rewards from ranked.

    The reward being based primarily on Win/Lose is generally a bad idea, especially when most of the time if your Win or Lose is far more based on the actions of 9 other players then your own.
    If match making actually worked everybody should be averaging a 50% win rate so half of your match are pointless anyway.
    But match making just doesn't work anymore because there isn't enough players it's really just completely random at this point

    There is no real reward for playing well and no downside to playing badly, AFKing, or just standing around typing at their team the entire match rather then playing.

    Unless rewards are tied to individual player actions then there is no reason to make any effort or even try.


    At this point i'm just counting down Ascended shards of Glory to finish my 2nd Mystforged legendery set, then i'll turn off PvP on the Wizard's vault and never touch PvP again.
    Apart from the few people who actually care about rank, is there any other reason to play PvP now?

  7. 12 minutes ago, Drapoyo.8150 said:

    Instead of weapon swap, I would like kits to be in F1-F4 slots. This leaves the skill slot for utility skills. 

    That would mean loosing toolbelt skills and by extension would mean no kits on mechanists. Not having to use utility skills for kits would help balance that.


    My main issue with 0 weapon swap in combat is if you enter combat with the wrong weapon set equipped you could be stuck as ranged or melee when you want the opposite or may not be able to generate alacrity or quickness.
    Always having 4 kits would solve the range issue but wouldn't solve the alac/quick issue.

    Even just having the weapon swap on a longer cooldown (like 60s) would be something


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  8. Just now, zeyeti.8347 said:

    If engi gets a weapon swap so do ele will deserve one too , yes we have 20 weapons skills , and you think as healer or dps we use all of them ? weaver condi go earth and fire , thats 10 weapon skills who arent used (even more with 2x attunement) , healer maybe utilize 10 skills either you play staff or dagger/Scepter/warhorn , and don't forget engi has his toolbelt , thats 5 more skills to use , i know some of them are really not appealing and get no use depending of your utilitys ,

    If all weapon skills had a shared cooldown then yes, give Ele's a weapon swap too. That would help make Ele's more accessible and give people more options. All good

    • Confused 1
  9. Guardian has Tomes on Firebrand Spec

    Warrior has Gunsaber on Bladesworn

    Ranger has Celestial form on Druid

    Thief has Shadow Shroud on Specter

    Elementalists have 4 elements per weapon AND can Conjure Weapons

    Necromancers have 3 types of Shrouds

    At this point only Mesmer and and Revenant don't have some form of weapon kit.


    So why is Engineer the only one that can't change weapon during combat?


    If they're concerned about people swapping weapons too much to avoid weapon cooldowns then they should just make weapon cooldowns per slot.
    Example, use skill 5 and it goes into a 20s cooldown, change weapon, you still have to wait 20s for that to recharge.
    It would make it so much easier to balance damage around that and make Elementalist a far more accessible profession too. Everybody would win

    • Confused 4
  10. Just now, Dante.1508 said:

    If PvP and WvW are required now i'm done, i'll do the expac story and move on.

    Well you can untick those and opt out of them completely but you'll still need to complete all 3 of the 3 assigned PvE tasks and you will not have the option to go do an easy WvW or PvP  daily instead and basically those game modes will have even less value.

    That seams to be where is this heading, people will hard commit to 1 game mode.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    Anyone see a scholar relic? I've a power burst build that is weaker without it. Perhaps one of those posters who repeatedly said that we would not be weaker after the relic implementation could point out where I can get back my +10% health on my tanky characters too.

    Actually, I think/hope this was intentional. That 5% damage >90% health was far too much of a go to that nobody was going to pick anything else. I would hope it leads to power builds using more varied choices. Relic of the Thief and Relic of Fireworks are going to be a good choices for a lot of people.

    I wish they had kept a max health boost option, especially for the low health classes but the ones with pet bonuses are far more of a shame. Maybe they wasn't the best in high end content but they were fun to use in PvE and added a bit of character.


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  12. You have to hard commit to a game mode to even choose that game mode as an option.

    There is no flexibility to do some things from one game mode and some things from another how you feel. You can't choose to just do the PvE based WvW rewards. You can't opt in to do PvP without being forced to do PvP and have less PvE rewards for it.
    It's going to do a good job at getting people to pick one game mode to commit to (PvE) and stop playing the others.


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  13. When we had a choice I mostly played a PvP match or 2 as i'm also needed Ascended Shards of Glory for a legendary set and then I could concentrate on PvE knowing I had my 2 gold nice and easy. I occasionally went to WvW but just for the PvE parts like Veteran Creature, Ruins, Camps, Caravans and don't have any interest in the rest.

    But now because you have to do all of the dailies you are assigned and have no choice I've dropped WvW completely and probably am just not going to play it at all anymore.

    I've picked PvP because I'm still playing PvP and they seam nice easy stuff to do just from playing a few matches as normal and i've picked PvE because that is where I spend most of my time.
    I can't opt out of PvE because then I wouldn't get any rewards for PvE (and the Weekly PvE stuff looks more fun) but because I'm opted in for PvE I get less rewards playing PvP and am now forced to do at least 1 PvE task as well (and for less reward)


    I'm getting close to finishing this PvP armor set and then I have to consider if I want to opt out of PvP completely too and just stick to PvE so I'm not forced to do both.


    Only having 3 dailies assigned and having to complete them with no choice is just going to push people out of playing game modes completely. It's just too much of a commitment to play something you might not want to do that day.

  14. I sort of like that quickness generation here looks so passive, that should make it easy to balance too

    If they made it the same on all professions for their quickness/alac then it would be easy to balance it so you needed full celestial or something to keep it up

    Also, 600 range should be the standard, let people move and dodge and end stacking

  15. This may be a bit of a hot take but..................

    Remove group alac and quickness from traits completely and put it on Relics..........
    They're adding Relics to unlink rune effects from runes, as well as big bonuses to damage, health, movement speed ect.

    They could add ones like  "When you grant barrier you also grant Alacrity", "Your pets gives quickness to nearby allies", "Wells give alacrity to nearby allies" etc. etc. just a whole bunch of options that give you different options for both.

    That way you can just play whatever spec you want and just pick the relic that matches you play style. You wouldn't be able to use the damage boosting Relics so there would be a trade off but they can balance that easily.


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  16. 6 hours ago, Noxin.9276 said:

    Fun in your book was pressing gyros on cooldown?

    It's not that pressing gyros is fun, it's that you can don't have to worry about pressing a whole bunch of different skills in spread between you utilities, weapons, weapon-kits, and toolbelt, in a specific order and can concentrate on using your weapon, using the skills you want to use, moving and dodging and resurrecting people..........the actual fun stuff

    • Like 8
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  17. 6 hours ago, Eugenides.1274 said:

    think you're a bit too optimistic with this being a "1 go" sort of fix.
    Do you think the current thief would be playable with 10 second revealed? There would have to be significant overhauls to our traits and abilities if we were no longer able to rely on stealth and stealth attacks. I'm not saying that would be a bad thing but changing revealed duration is not an insignificant change.

    Would there?

    No high end builds are using stealth anyway because of the loss of DPS from spending time hiding or running away. Your team would rightly kick you for being a waste of space.
    The only real usage for stealth is PvP decapping and running away from fights. This wouldn't stop it people doing this, it would just make them have to think about attacking out of stealth when they have no intention of winning a fight and are just intending to run away after 3 seconds anyway.

    10 seconds of Revealed might slow down a Deadeye against some weaker enemies but not so much again larger enemies and 10 seconds of Revealed Training would be a nice boost to make up for any slowdown.

  18. 2 hours ago, Zizekent.2398 said:


    To be fair to them that took 2 thieves with some serious coordination and as a result they had almost 0 DPS. Giving thieves traps back, with or without stealth from Rune of the Trapper would not have made this any worse.

    Either way though, increasing Revealed to 10 seconds would end this silliness in 1 go.

    • Confused 1
  19. 15 hours ago, Eugenides.1274 said:

    Trapper thief was the ultimate gimmick build and you want to bring that back.

    Right now Ranger and Guardian are doing stealth traps anyway, what what would this change really make? It would make stealth more accessible to thieves and make work less hard on combo fields to keep up stealth. Being able to use Rune of the Trapper isn't going to make them do any more DPS or anything. It wouldn't change PvP or WvW in any meaningful way.


    9 hours ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:

    Should they have just removed/reworked trapper runes to no longer provide stealth?  Yes.  But as it stands, it's a horrible idea to re-implement traps on the thief for a ton of reasons.

    TBH, either or.
    Thieves are meant to be the stealth class but right now it's far easier to do stealth on other classes.

    They could make it easier to do it on thief and balance around that with changes to  Revealed

    Or they could just remove the stealth on using a trap skill effect. Hey, with Relics coming, maybe they'll just cut that effect from the game, problem solved. Rune of the Trapper will still be a good rune with just the extra condi damage and duration.

  20. 4 hours ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:

    I meant on thief in general

    Stealth Thief is a gimmick build anyway. If your playing stealth thief you have already given up on doing any serious level of DPS or doing anything else well apart from running away and the odd bit of decapping in PvP

    At least a decent amount of Revealed would get you a nice damage boost from Revealed Training to make up for it. Stealth might actually be worth it for high end content then.


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