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  1. Ow if this was the only thing than I would definitely agree with you but as I said before it's not the first time I run against this frustration. Now I could just skip it every time and let the frustration build up and leave but I don't think ArenaNet is helped with that. So I choice to voice my experience and hope for something better.
  2. You know I'll bite although I know I shouldn't. The real hilarious thing here it's you calling other people selfish yet making a selfish statement yourself. It's like you don't want to see it from a different perspective and only yours. If you want more challenging content that's fine but why can't other people enjoy the same content on a lower difficulty. In the end it's a game and it's about having fun and what does it matter if people do it at a different difficulty. Maybe ArenaNet could make different difficulty levels so everyone could enjoy it.
  3. I agree this is just frustrating. It's a fun game but every so often their are these things which just suck all the enjoyment out of the game. Let's just throw everything we have at the player so it's almost impossible to dodge or you have to wait for some item to spawn just to drag the fight even longer. This fight is a good example, everything at once. Ow and instant dead is never a good game mechanic. It's the same when playing a board game and drawing a card which says you loose. Not fun. I work and can't spend hours of a day learning some fight or spend hours replacing gear because my current setup it's impossible to finish a fight. I already skipped some things but doing that to often it's just makes me think why bother with the game at all. Can't really imagine it's something the developers want to achieve. Even Star Trek Online did it better. An extremely grinding game but at least you could make some baby steps each session and the festivals you didn't have a pain in the kitten thing. Sorry I'm just frustrated and had to vent because I like the game but it just to often throws some ridiculous things at you but behind that they're some nice goodies which I know I would never get.
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