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Everything posted by MissDemeanor.9253

  1. My biggest takeaway/complaint with the new spec is the new dodge mechanic. Its great to deal damage with a dodge, I think anyone running a Bounding Thief can attest to that. But there's only a single dodge, and for a game that LOVES to throw out large AoE knockdowns/knockbacks/stuns/etc. in the later episodes, this single dodge is useless. I can't see trying to run through story episodes or Living World episodes, getting mobbed by Branded or Awakened that push/pull/knockdown/knockback/stun/daze/paralyze to say nothing of the siege weapons that get put into play on the Open World maps... and be stuck with a single dodge that isn't even really a 'get away' but is a means of AoE damage + boons. Suggestion: With only a single utility skill granting Stability, and that skill also being the only stun break... perhaps add either Stability and/or stun break to the Reaver's Curse, Angsiyan's Trust, and Song of Arboreum traits rather than endurance gain and/or Vigor. That will help keep a character protected from the large AoE's they can't dodge out of, while still making them have to be aware of the field since the faster/flat endurance regain won't be there.
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