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gektek Radio.3241

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  1. I've been having a TON of fun ty! 😄 Follow up question whose answer I may have just missed in this thread...if I simply destroy the weapon on the toon I originally collected it with would I be able to then get it on my second toon (which it turns out I DO enjoy playing more) or is that too easy of a fix to actually work? 😛
  2. As a VERY new player to the game I was under the assumption that the weapon, based on how similar items in other games work, was a per character item. My one and only character was around level 23 when the event started so, after doing a bit of research OUTSIDE of the game, I managed to figure out where to go to partake in the event and claim my weapon. Then, after enjoying and dying in the labyrinth a few times I figured I would take advantage of the event and get a second brand new character to level 10. Again, as a new player to the game, I wasn't sure if the first character I made would in fact be the one I want to stick with. After creating my second character I'm fairly positive I am going to enjoy playing it more (Necromancer > Ranger 😛 ) so I was excited to get my event weapon after I got to level 10. After searching the area I assumed the vendor would be in for quite some time I had to visit several different websites before finding this one lonely post that clearly states what I assumed to be a fun event goodie I could get to help level some toons in fact might now go to waste if I decide not to play the first character I got the weapon with. TLDR; As a new player I was COMPLETELY unaware that the event weapon was 1 per account. Had I known I would have DEFINITELY made a different choice or at the very least weighed my options better... End result...brand new player is disappointed...clearly not a good introduction to a new game. Thank you for reading.
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