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  1. He just came to voice popular opinion for the sake of getting internet points. If he's content with the new changes and has no problem with the free skyscale — he has no point in creating this topic other than to feel good about himself. So in fact he is even more salty than anyone else.
  2. >isn't invalidated either, as they're adding in extra perks for players with both mastery line Leveling additional mastery track wouldn't require finishing old collection. I don't see how it's not invalidated.
  3. oh it definitely matters... Errands for original skyscale collection will be much easier.
  4. >Want to keep up as to not miss out out on events in Drizzlewood?...better have Skyscale Yes, good incentive to go and obtain it normal way as anything other of value. As everyone else up to this point did it for the purpose of having better navigation on map. Not something falling on you from the skies... Also, IMO gryphon is far superior on that map btw
  5. Ah right, couldn't just open the thread from the main page, must've followed you 🤡
  6. > I have heard no good arguments and only heard personal cries of: >>'I spent x amount of time doing this Not really, there are other points. Besides, talking about prestige feels old already, it is as much straw man as it gets. >This is like receiving the Sunday news and people are acting like it's the end of mankind itself. You are engaged in this discussion just as well, even though you apparently "don't care". It's just people sharing their view on new details, why make fun of other party? No, it's not an end of mankind. Slippery slope? Maybe so.
  7. Last thing you need is commanders that have no idea about what are they leading just for the sake of how they call it "mosquito lantern" or sth. Anyone who played enough to get a grip of commanding already has that amount of gold to spare. I think it is one of the things that works OKish. Look at the mentor tag, for example — the "mentor" part is laughable and defeated its purpose, it's used for different things now
  8. > New players and players that wanna fly are gonna toss money Not arguing that, but it is orthogonal. Of course that is gonna bring bigger revenue, nobody is challenging that idea.
  9. Also, on a different note, it's sad that glider mechanics is even more useless now than it was previously most of the time. Example of how old stuff is slowly deprecated, alongside with masteries. This is more akin to WoW model when next new thing renders everything else irrelevant, and IMO opposite of that made gw2 stand out.
  10. Considering that's how any other thing is attained (gear, armor sets, titles, home instance enhancements etc. and any other things), why should this be any different? I don't want to say "slippery slope", but I anticipate everyone likes e.g. auto-loot. Should it be handed free for newcomers? Commander tag, maybe? How many things can be sacrificed?
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