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Everything posted by Rubberkitten.3751

  1. For the longest time the game has this tax system where when you buy or sell your items you get taxed of some gold. Why is there a tax when it goes to no where? Goes to nothing? Does it go to the employees of Lions Arch? Does it pay for the city streets that has no streets? If there was a purpose, then okay but it still would be a stupid idea just to put one in. I know there are some mmo games that do t I mean, its a waste of gold, it doesnt do anything, there is no lottery, its not going to the City like it would in life, it doesnt have a purpose but to charge gold and nothing of it is used. Like as if the game really thrives off of gold and if there is no tax, the City would be in ruins or shut down the government. Where does the gold thats taken from you go? I never heard of what the game does with it. Thats my complaint, i think this gold tax in the Black Lion Trading Company store is rather meaningless, and doesnt need to be in the game if there is no purpose. If its just for RP purposes, its a dumb idea. Dont get confused with real life money, this is just a rant about your gold, you sell an item or you buy an item, there is a gold fee. I never understood the gold fee besides the game just having it. This be the only complaint i have of the game. Just the gold going to nothing. Air. Deleted. This is not to agree or disagree but to just say something about it. If it were to be removed, im sure it wouldnt affect the game but it would at least stop deleting gold from your hard work making it in the game. Just imagine you had sold something and it would be exactly the amount you need to get something in the BLTO like a sword you need for example but then the tax takes a tiny bit away and you are like, NOO! Now you have to go out and find something and sell it to recover that amount that was taken. Where? The cesspool of nothing...George Carlin makes that joke, it was good.
  2. Even though its in the books, all the stories should be reacted, and show the tale in playable story. I also disagree on the Labyrinth as i was glad they changed it only as something that is updated but i think they should have kept the Prince in with the two interacting with them. I would love to see the war between them, not just something boring from a book. Why read when you can play it? Also there should be a story even after the book. Doesnt look like they were at a Truce.
  3. This needs to happen developers. A new lore of the background of the Mad King how he became, how he ended, and how he had a war against Joko. There needs to be a playable lore story about the war against King Joko. It would be epic to play as the Mad King in war, and even have your own character run around in a time warp story where he falls in time at the era of the Mad King, and helping him aid in the war against Joko. The rewards can be a drop bag or (useful), items and it make a great addition for the Halloween event, since this would take time, try 2024 or 2025. Have the story explain on his Son, and the Father, he said in the Labyrinth he was buried in the box (coffin). Also can included a new Halloween fractal that can be done daily only during the event and can receive bags of candy, and even rare to legendary drops like the Mad Kings sword, and other things. I know there is a pumpkin flaming armor skin but we need accurate Mad King attire so maybe have that be like an adventure in finding pieces to make the armor or skin like a quest. This needs to be done, its a great idea i can promise you that because it adds content and lore to what you see new is Joko and Madking at the Labyrinth talking to each other, they dont like each other, and reading the lore about the two just begs to see what happened. Why did he hate him so much, they are both evil. Every Halloween doesnt have to be bland and the same boring things we see every year. The event needs something new every year or at least every other year. So that it gives people a reason to come back and play the event. New raptor races, maybe even make a haunted roller beetle track. You have monsters to run over, and have some be big so you have to run around and if it hits you, you are toast. Im a world builder, and character designer, its what i do. Went to college for it. I encourage this lore because its just asking for a playable lore story. Its gotta be done. It will be a great addition to the game, and to the fans. Make it epic where the fighting goes crazy, theres a lot going on in the lore, and big bosses. Not the bosses in the Labyrinth, we talking real big boys. Make something of a Skeletonal Bone Dragon with fire or green fire like the clock towers smoke, it be a Fallen Mad Dragon that the Mad King once had to fight. He hated this thing because it nearly killed him last time. Make it look creepy, intimidating, and screeching like a banshee and like a trex. This can happen in a location in the open world in Tyria seasonal only where the Dragon tainted the area, tainted a City, zombies crawling around, monsters etc, wraiths and what not. Defeating the Dragon will bring the City back to normal, can become a new town to walk and talk to npcs, get useful things from the shop, have a bank, trading co shop etc but when the dragon comes back to spawn again, you see the towns people turn into monsters and its on. People run for safety, and you have to be there to save the town or city. I can come up with all sorts of ideas. Please developers, please consider the lore of Mad King and King Joko. Bring new stuff to the event, the Halloween event tends to get boring after seeing the same thing every year. Dont add this for me, you are adding this for everyone who is a fan of the game and its lore. This is for content in the game, and story to explain because you randomly added the Mad King but no explanation in the game in why and where, and why hes in Tyria, and why there was a deal between Tyria and the Mad King's Realm? I found stuff in the gw2 wiki but this needs to be in the game, not just in a wiki that every was explained in the game. I mentioned this to some people and they were like, yeah that be bad kitten. See Mad King go at it with Joko. Also BRING DINKY BACK!! The beginning story side characters you guys forgot about? They have a place in the game too you know..
  4. I dont know why but it worked though but also the QoS also was the problem. Any boosts to your internet will throttle. I turned off the acceleration and the FPS was so bad i couldnt move at all on all of my games. I had to enable it, restart and it worked again. I had a 3060 but bought a 4070 TUF.
  5. I figured out an issue i have been having with my PC running at only 5 - 7 FPS, i have had help from arenanet and also myself investigating the issue, i wanted to share this to help others if they are going through the same problem. I was able to fix the problem. Allow me to share it so you can use this because this is very crucial for people who have the same problem. Windows 10 or 11 there is a thing called Hardware-accelerated GPU and Variable refresh rate. Go to System>Display>Graphics>Change default graphics settings> then Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling. This reduces latency and improve performance. This actually bumps up the FPS. In that same window, below theres Variable refresh rate. It gets a higher frame rate and reduce screen tearing in games that dont support variable refresh rate by default. If you want optional, go to msconfig, services, hide all microsoft services and uncheck apps that dont need startup. I disabled a few things and it was ok. All changes must restart the pc in order for things to start moving snappy. Lastly, if the person has a personal router they bought such as a gaming router which is not owned by their ISP. Sometimes theres boosts in the app or software. Sometimes it will have Game Performance Boost or QoS. What happens is this grabs a portion of your bandwidth and pushes it towards the gaming part but it really is useless and does not enhance anything. Its the most useless garbage made by a company. It throttles the speeds, and affects everything. If gamers are online and gaming, the gaming being the focus for this boost, its not doing anything to raise up FPS. Its actually like its putting pressure to the connection. So disabling all boosts made everything run smooth. I dont know why but it even fixed my Logitech Capture software when it has NOTHING to do with the internet! I now get 59-120 fps because of these steps. Please, please, please save this and give it to other members so if they are having a problem with frame drops, the enabling of the Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling, and the Variable refresh rate, might help. There could be other reasons for others peoples problems such as bottlenecking GPU, and CPU, heat in the GPU or a hardware issue with the ONT modem thats connected to the Router. Could be other issues for people but what i figured out did fix everything. It went from 5 FPS to 120, right now im running 59 fps at max appearance settings. If you were to uncheck the GPU scheduling, it will chug lag like a keg and a beer bong. It be chokin lag hard. I couldnt move at all, it was so bad. Now my games work crazy fast, i hope this experience gets passed on to other players who are experiencing the same problems. Please contact those who you are speaking with who are having fps issues. The Optimizations for windows games setting turned on might work too since it improves gaming on your PC by using a new presentation model for DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 games that appear in a window or in a borderless window (WHICH I DO). When these optimizations are used, games that originally use the legacy blt-model presentation can use the newer flip-model presentation instead (if the game is compatible). This results in lower frame latency and lets you use other newer gaming features; for example, Auto HDR, and variable refresh rate (for displays that support it). Have them open the game, game menu, then options and look at the fps to see if it made a change. They will have to restart the pc to make the changes affective. Im sure you guys know more than me about stuff, this is just something i did that helped me, and i wanted to share this in case anyone can try it if anyone has ran out of ideas. Try what i did. Good luck.
  6. Ever since Arena Net merged DirectX 11 into the game, it made my gameplay HORRIBLE. Its actually lagged to kitten! I had this problem when it was beta and i had to uncheck the box so it relieved the lag and i was at recommended settings. Even at full settings i was pretty decent. But when i had DX11 beta check marked, it was garbage. Now that Arena Net made it as a default, the game is ruined for me. I dont have $2000 to buy a 4090! My machine is kitten fast too! I have a RTX 3060, i7 11700K, 64Gigs of DDR4 RAM, and fiber optic 1Gig internet on a hard wire. There is NO REASON for me to lag, and now you guys ruined the game for me. I cant even move around properly! Everything moves at 4 FPS!! the Ping is 300! I NEVER HAD THAT TILL THE UPDATE. YOU GUYS SHOULD MAKE IT AS OPTIONAL FOR MEMBERS. NOT ALL OF US CAN RUN AT DX 11!
  7. DX 11 version is garbage. I used to be able to run at max settings but when it was in beta and i tried it with the check box, it lagged hard af. I had to uncheck box it back to DX 9 and it ran smooth at full settings. Now they set the kitten game as a perma setting and i can barely move unless i had minimal graphics settings. They ruined the game for me. I dont have $2000 to buy a 4090 GPU!!
  8. Found out its DX9 but ive used DX11 and never had this problem. I believe that because DX9 is in Beta, whatever settings or config they are using to use CPU/GPU usage is using too much for just the store. Everything else runs ok but DirectX 9 it feels like what happened with New World and GPUs. But its using it just for the store which is weird and i dont see why that would need a bunch of CPU/GPU.
  9. Thanks but this wouldnt have any relation to the issue i was having. I dont have a connection issue. Its the game itself that causes the problem. Its been doing this for a long time now. I even bought a new PC spent about $4000 to upgrade so i can be faster. Still the same. Its only the Trading Co Shop that does it. Everything else works smooth and fine. If All Else Fails, Contact Support! If you’re still having problems after an hour or two of waiting, please submit a ticket so our Support team can assist you further.
  10. BLTC seems to lag real hard when its open but in the Bank and pretty much everything runs smooth. In order for me to use the BLTC i have to go to my graphics settings, turn it down to performance and then use it. Then when im done, turn it back and everything is running smooth. For some reason, the store lags and chugs FPS so hard its not usable. I have a fast PC and i play on the highest settings on many other games including Lost Ark. This feels like a bug and the store should never have to lag that hard just by pressing O. It would show a Lion kitty with a hard hat saying try again later. I have to close it, open it just to get it to load. I run a 1 gigabyte up and down speeds so loading should be just fine. 64Gigz of DDR4 overclocked, it should run fine. I wont have to prove my speeds, i know i run fast but the store is the only thing that just chokes on frames. Dev's! Please look into it! I dont know why just alone, the store lags that hard. Its like as if its vampiring something, it just lags hard.
  11. It seems ridiculous that if you already have the buff but you cant select the buff for the bonfire for other people who doesnt have it, we cant select it because my character has the buff already but i want to give the bonfire for others. I cant though. I didnt know and it got wasted. The bonfire should be allowed no matter if you have the buff or not, should be able to set it anyways and here i wasted a bonfire from stupid lootbox lion head things, and people here sitting and cant get it. Change the restriction! If someone asks if they have a bonfire for Karma and you give it to them but deny it because the character has one, thats flippin' stupid arenanet. You gotta remove that restriction so when a guild or a group who needs it and some who might have it, like yourself, should be able to still set it and i cant. I am mad because i paid 7 of those kitten things so i can place it for people to use but i still have 47 mins from the last login. You wasted a Bonfire for me dammit arenanet.
  12. I recently bought a " https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41DBzSJrQuL._SX90_.jpg Sceptre 30-inch Curved Gaming Monitor 21:9 2560x1080 Ultra Wide Ultra Slim HDMI DisplayPort up to 200Hz Build-in Speakers, Metal Black (C305B-200UN) and the resolution 3620x1527 or any lower wide resolution options cut the top of the game and the bottom. At the character select screen, the top of the head is cut off and the feet is cut as well but everything is there. Is the game not wide screen friendly? Because i want to use all 200hz and it looks great when it does but is there a solution to fit the game into a wide screen?
  13. While i am trying to build protection near the dolyaks, people usually never pay attention to them, and i be the one who tries to keep the dolyaks from dying.So i have to keep the cap gun and kill the toys. Only a few times i get help but the other 2 are still building. Even when Toxx comes out, theyare still building. I do both, i build while i am protecting. I break, grab, stack, and watch. If i see them running in, i am not far, and try to cap em.But cant do it all alone.
  14. When are we going to get Exclusive Colors for the body for us to any color we want? All the other options get Exclusive Colors and not the body.Hair color, and accessory color has exclusive, i would have to get a dark color for my character that is in the exclusive colors. For example, i need a dark blue for my characters body, i have a RP character that would match the color i need.
  15. While i was playing Toypocalypse, shooting the toys, i noticed they dont take as much damage now. Did the devs change it? Usually it takes 1 to 2 hits to kill one but now it takes 4 -5 shots. Did they make it harder?
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