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Posts posted by Endorphin.9147

  1. There definitely is a world of difference in between solo quing and duo quing. The only time solo quing at a higher level will ever benefit you is when 2 different plat duo q teams are quing at the same time.

    I found in solo q, if there is only one good plat duo playing. You'll probably lose once they are put against you. If they know who you are as a player they can have more choices of counter swapping to keep you in check and still have breathing room to farm your randoms. 

    Sometimes you win if both team composition and your players are just overall better than theirs are. But if either if these are not the case, you are most likely just going to lose.

    I am not entirely sure what the right solution to this would be because the pvp population is already so low at the higher levels. I feel like if something were to be done, it should've been done a long time ago.

    I personally wouldnt mind separating to have a ranked team q and a ranked solo q mode. I just dont know how theyd do the team q only other than revamping the game completely and/or introduce different game types.

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/25/2024 at 7:42 PM, RidleyDay.3056 said:

    Did anet hire someone new? Hasn't this been in the game forever without being an issue? Like, I've never seen magnet discussed a single time by anyone. Ever.

    Why are we suddenly "fixing" things that weren't an issue? Because it's unintended behavior from someone's 12 year old code? Study vidya game design history for a minute and look at how unintended behavior affected games like Melee and Street Fighter 2; quirks like animation canceling and wavedashing were unintentional and had the unexpected effect of being fun and skillful tech. There's no reason to remove things that are unintentional side effects if they're fun. If you're a dev and said side effects go against your "initial vision" but players enjoy them, either embrace it or work on a game that no one else will ever play. GW2 is not your game.

    Selfish assholes.

    They did the same exact thing wih a few thief skills over time which really just dumbed down the class.  An example was removing the detargeting and using your camera angle to cut the distance of heartseeker intentionally.

    They do this with mesmer too. Some examples were "Fixing" shield 4 jump, removing the need in stowing greatsword autos for better dps, and just recently dumbed down moa.

    • Like 2
  3. Yeah you need to complete 3 matches to get anything i believe. I have had someone leave and decline on the second match and you get no rewards at all. Not even QP. Some people may do it for malicious reasons to deny another from getting QP. 

    There could be a case that something urgent came up for the person IRL where they couldn't participate after they accepted to join. Who knows.

  4. 1 hour ago, bethekey.8314 said:

    I'll be that guy. I went through a lengthy discussion here and recent Thief trial period myself. For reference, I've played PvP for awhile, but never Thief before.

    Many Thief builds are absolutely easy, with extremely low skill floor. You can beat most players by repeating the same 2 or 3 combos, with maybe 4 buttons total, with minimal care given toward precisely timed evades/burst windows.

    Skill ceiling is high.

    Ill agree that thief is pretty 1 dimensional mechanically which makes it seem pretty easy in that sense. Understanding how your build works is simple.

    But, the timing and evades comment is wrong.  Vs any players with a brain, thats the most important thing... you shouldve realized that when you fought my DH in the ffa pit with your thief

  5. 33 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

    Chrono is all about positioning, the bad games I have are games that I tend to veer away from this and side node. This usually happens if no one on the team is doing it, but it really should never be a chrono trying to side node.

    I already port around, not sure what you mean by jumping puzzles. I use terrain all the time in matches.

    Thief is a hard counter for mes, so I think any mes is going to struggle against a competent thief. The mechanics of our abilities don't work well against thief due to going invis, it's difficult to shatter against them though I don't really fear them as much as before in this meta.

    I'm already a good mesmer, I've watched other mesmer players and all the high ranking ones duo. Literally the only difference between why they're higher ranked and I'm not. I've been almost plat solo queueing power chrono, so don't get it twisted, I'm a good mesmer. When you word things like, "Watching gameplay of good mesmers...", you're implying I'm not already a good mesmer player. Duo me with a DH, other chrono/mirage, deadeye and I guarantee you I would be plat right now no question.

    The term good is subjective I guess. Your definition of good will be different than mine.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

    Please, enlighten me with your master wisdom...

    Also, I don't know what a shadowrealm game is so not sure its even me you're talking about.

    It was you 100% And I am talking about games with low golds maybe even silvers mixed in with plat players.

    Theres mechanical and positioning decisions you could work on. Using jumping puzzles and kite spots and no port spots vs my sd thief would be helpful. Decision making of who to engage and being patient. Not willingly pushing the node off respawn to 1v1 a thief and tank their sword 3s with shield 4. Time your f3 (or daze mantra if you use it) to rupt certain animations. (Like the tail end of the thief sword 3)

    Honestly if anything just duel people a lot, hop in a server with someone. It will help you improve a lot. Watching gameplay of good mesmers will help too

    • Like 3
  7. 8 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

    Which game has fast pace as GW2 as the same time of having from F1 to F7, 10 skills (weapon swap), another 5 utilitys, dodge, weapon swap, cancel skills etcetc.... none. There are fast mobas, shooters etc... and they all have 1/3 of gw2 buttons, aswell as more visual clarity.

    Cos i play SMITE for example that is one of the most succesful MOBAS and oh men you dont have the keyboard spam of gw2 by any chance (1/3 of the buttons) aswell as you see whats happening 100% better.

    You said i was wrong and said it was the pace. Now youre talking about the complexity and the visual clutter of an MMO which is literally what i said is the problem. It has nothing to do with the pace. 

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  8. It is good at doing damage though.... It needs to use skills to help it land that damage and it isnt good at living after it.  Power chrono  requires you to lock the player down. What @ascii.1369 is saying is right though, adapt your build for your class or forever be stuck being a 1 trick. Its like a warrior complaining his signet power beserker isnt as optimal as a power spellbreaker. Some things are just going to be a niche or meme in pvp, accept it.

    Also i have played vs you @Deadmoose.6594 in some shadowrealm games. You have some things that you need to work on mechanically that would help solve some (not all) of your current issues with power chrono

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  9. 52 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

    No thats not true. The problem is that GW2 combat is so fast that you dont see whats happening. That plus the fact of having very small/thin character models + some animations being hard to notice or having too much particles makes GW2 a complete fiesta to watch a game. Even to play it, a semi experienced player can enter a pvp match and literally insta die not knowing what killed him, or i just watch a recent pvp video of a guy instant-teleport 8 times in less than 20 seconds, enjoy.

    But the real problem of GW2 PvP is the pace, it is way too fast and it has too many skills to be that fast too. Non sucessfull PvP game has this problem.

    There are plenty of fast paced games that have had success for esports that have done better than any mmo I have ever seen

    • Thanks 1
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  10. Honestly thats a problem with most mmo pvp in general. Those games have so much going on visually with all the cooldowns and buffs/debuffs. I can see how it would be overwhelming for some new viewer.

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