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Everything posted by Daiviejones.4098

  1. Really cool concept and I love the addition of the pistol. I do wish the pistol was main/both hand/hands, but I can understand if running dual pistols doesn't fit in with the ANet vision for the class. The Gun blade is such a cool thing to use, but swapping to it, and getting knocked out of it when downed feels super clunky. I don't want to have to use a separate key bind to swap to it if it's essentially a weapon set that I’m locked in to. It feels really weird to use the burst skill key bind to swap to a pseudo-weapon set instead of the regular key bind. I'd say either treat Gun blade as a weapon set or give us three sets. Not being able to swap weapon sets in pvp makes sense when you're in the actual map/arena but it seems weird that you can't swap when you're not fighting anyone up in your own spawn. I think that if we got the ability to swap weapon sets while we were in the spawn it would help with the flow (get it?) of the spec substantially for pvp. It seems like the intention of the Gun blade is to function like the Necro Death shroud, which is cool. What isn't cool is that I unequip the Gun blade when I get CC'd (but only by some CC's I think?) or downed. Really messes with the flow (there it is again) of gameplay when I have to keep swapping to it due to some CC's or knocks. In my mind, this SHOULD be fixed by just getting rid of the auto unequip when downed, or COULD be fixed by having it operate like a secondary (or tertiary) weapon set and having dragon trigger as a burst skill that will auto equip the Gun blade. Lastly, I want the Gun blade to be visible all the times when using Bladesworn, even when i'm not actively using the weapon itself, as it is just too cool not to see all the time.
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