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Everything posted by Erdbeerchen.2674

  1. Same bug for me today - did 4/4 and the chest was greyed out (sitting at ~1250AA and i also checked the achievement panel to be sure) Tried doing the leftover daily, relogging to another char and restarting the game - none of that fixed it
  2. Since your video stopped before the weekly SotO strike achievement popped: Did you stay in the instance long enough? I've had the strike not count for that weekly before if I left the instance before the weekly progress would pop (which is like 5ish seconds after the daily pops) - would not be surprised if the WV special might behave similarly (I waited for the weekly and my special completed just fine as well.... I did not check when the indicator on the WV symbol showed up though) edit: typos hitting hard late at night x.x
  3. Same here, a whole squad not getting CM coffers :c I'd really really love if they send out the coffers to the peeps that got the CM achi this week...
  4. Before todays patch, you could cancel (and therefore end) a continuum split (CS) on chronomancer early by pressing continuum shift (i.e. to not die in Sabethas flamewall or one of the walls at SH). Now, CS goes on cooldown as soon as it's activated and doesn't give the follow-up skill anymore. The patchnotes don't say anything about any changes to CS other than it moving to F5.
  5. My assigned team: First Haven Original home shard: Ring of Fire Selected WvW-Guild: The Mysterious End [BAD] (the box was still ticked from last beta) Team of my WvW-Guild: Skrittsburgh Description of the issue: I was placed in the wrong team
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