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Everything posted by kdc.4589

  1. I wanted to identify some “Paper Cuts” that I would hope to see addressed at some point. Quoting from Wikipedia, “In usability and interaction design, a paper cut bug is defined as ‘a trivially fixable usability bug’”. I recognize that because I can’t know the complexities of the underlying code, what may appear to be trivially fixable may be far from it. I am trying to avoid identifying “missing features” or features that would require a total rewrite. To that end, I won’t mention how exciting it would be to have a fully-fleshed out LFG capability, or a damage meter like ArcDPS in the game. So I won’t mention things like that. Well, not more than once anyway. I expect that many of these have been mentioned in the 900 posts that came before in this topic, but here are some of the items on my hit-list: Queue WvW by account but choose character on Travel. I would love to carry on with my PVE character until the Travel dialog pops and then choose the alt to enter WvW. Contacts and LFG dialog – could it not remember the last tab we had opened? LFG – I would love to be able to search for a term across all categories and have it show up as a single list somehow Achievement Tab in the Hero dialog – Recently completed is too short to be very useful. Nearly Completed doesn’t allow any filtering (PVP, Story, etc.) that might make it useful. Various Adventure like achieves are in the Story Journal chapter achieves (Gyala Delve Bettle Racer, for example). For the sake of my sanity – could we please be able to turn off scrolling loot. I still want to be able to click chests. The category of chest remaining that you can’t just right click accept are an abomination. Although, to be fair, I would love to read an explanation as to what this design decision is meant to achieve. We should be able to reorder Bank bags – Inventory wars is a thing and I need more flexibility Could we assign a name to our Inventory bags Hide/Show armor and trinket pieces by Equipment Template I said I wasn’t going to do it, but Homesteads ... , are you going to surprise us with a Bookshelf for all of the books collected through the years? Dare to dream. Dropped books of recipes don’t tell you if they contain any recipes you don’t already have – this drives me to distraction. Those of us with poor eyesight would appreciate seeing inventory counts for charges remaining on items in the mouse-over pop-up. It is shown for stack of items but not for items with use charges (Research Kit for example). The numbers in the inventory window itself can be hard to discern depending on the contrast to the icon. The mouse-over pop-up puts the number beside the icon and is much easier to make out. Depending on where you put your mini-map (mine is bottom right for reasons), mousing over chests can be a little like whack-a-mole depending on other selectors in the area. Items like map closing timer, map meta participation, WvW reward track participation all reside there and somehow I always seem to hit the wrong one when I wish to accept a bouncy chest. Possibly just me, but the high contrast cursor seems to have the selection point offset just enough from where my brain tells me it should be. Everyone will tell you that the boon bar is a travesty – on both our character and the enemy. But I am pretty sure this is miles away from a Paper Cut. Pop-up Turret message – ‘nuff said.
  2. I expect you are correct. But my concern is more that I only have three available (at roll-out) to slot across eight templates - those eight templates use different runes right now with different 6th tier bonuses. I have lost a choice of five 6th tier bonuses initially.
  3. There appears to be a lot of focus on legendary compensation. I have full leges (7 lege runes), but this seems like only a part of the issue. If a player has four equipment templates, he will generally have four sets of runes. Whether they are legendary or not there will have been an investment in a certain build. With the relic change they will be able to choose three (actual number to be determined) relics from the basic set (which may not have any of the 6th tier bonuses they had invested in – there is no current clarity on what the various relic sets will include). Without giving a number of relic boxes equal or greater than the number of character templates, clearly users build capability can be adversely affected at roll-out. My Ranger has the maximum eight equipment templates, which will be significantly less useful with only three relics. Druid, Soulbeast, Untamed, Core. Power, condi, support. Mix and match those for the different runes (plus 6th tier bonuses) to maximize the desired combination. Whether a player has lege ruins or not, will they have the same capability on day one when the new system is rolled out? On top of that, I invest in leges because I like to keep up with changes in the game (balancing, new options, niche builds). I dislike wasting game investment on throw away experimentation. The sheer number of combinations I tried on previous year’s Queen’s Gauntlet achievements, for example was excessive. But it was “free” to experiment. When relics arrive how many combinations will be available to me? Perhaps I am unusual, but I am not too fussed by the compensation conversation. What I find very irritating is the wait for a lege relic replacement. The lack of certainty on the length of the wait exacerbates the annoyance. If I could work on my lege relic on day one, the actual compensation discussion becomes moot for me.
  4. Still happening. Once again I lost 2 AP doing the Seitung meta. Long ago maxed out - but when you do it again your AP is taken off. This is annoying. Is this actually getting looked at? Seems to have been abandoned.
  5. Was at 38,476 AP. Did Seitung meta. Got another AP to 38,477 (don't think I should have - I think the repeatable AP was topped out). Travelled to Arborstone. AP was now down to 38,474. Exited and restarted and AP is still at 38,474. Quite frankly at this AP level I can't confirm which is correct, but the timing is very suspect. The previous AP (for which I received 1 point yesterday) has been consistent for some time. I believe that there was an over-correction for the misapplied recurring meta point.
  6. Yes, the game runs as normal - just is unsupported if you have an issue.
  7. tl;dr GW2 is not supported on Windows 11 - perhaps this is well known but was news to me Support ticket correspondence chain follows. Crashing repeatedly kdc.4589 Yesterday at 14:27 As of today, Dec 17 have crashed consistently in game when accessing BLTC and changing to view of items available for gems. Have done a client repair, tried both with and without dx11 active. Tried on multiple alts. Rebooted my computer. Tried it all. Nothing seems to work. DxDiag.txt(100 KB) Jarbyn Yesterday at 14:36 Hello, Upon checking your DxDiag, we see that your current operating system is Windows 11. Unfortunately, even though Windows 11 has been released, as such is an unsupported operating system. If you have any other questions or issues, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Regards, Regards, Jarbyn Guild Wars 2 Support Team http://help.guildwars2.com/ kdc.4589 Yesterday at 14:49 Jarbyn, This is a stunning revelation. I would like to request that this ticket get escalated so that I may have a more complete answer. If Windows 11 is unsupported for this game this will need to be far more widely communicated. Regards, ------------------------------- Ychrious Yesterday at 16:26 Hello, Unfortunately, we're afraid that we're only able to reiterate the previous response. Once again, please know that Windows 11 is currently unsupported for Guild Wars 2. Also, at this time, we are currently aware of this crashing issue and our QA and development teams are looking into it. Future updates regarding this will be posted on the official forums. Please do not hesitate to let us know should you have any additional issues, questions or concerns. Regards, Ychrious Guild Wars 2 Support Team http://help.guildwars2.com/ kdc.4589 Yesterday at 16:32 Ychrious, To assist me in getting the word out, then, can you point me to a publicly available link that articulates this fact? Or, if it is better for communications to come from ANET, a posting to this affect would be appreciated. I am quite amazed that this is Anet's official position on Windows 11 at this time. It seems remarkably dismissive of the fact that all new computers will be sold with Windows 11 and render your game unsupported on new hardware. Regards, ------------------------------- Zero Yesterday at 17:25 Hello, We understand your frustrations with this issue but as of now the development teams are looking into it. Rest assured, once the developers are done with the fix, the update will be posted in the forums and you should be able to access the game and play it as usual. Should you have any additional issues, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Regards, Zero Guild Wars 2 Support Team http://help.guildwars2.com/ kdc.4589 Yesterday at 17:38 Zero, I must admit to some confusion, now. The initial problem with crashing was mentioned by Ychrious in the second response as being a known issue that is being worked on. I have expressed no frustration around this problem, I was merely reporting the issue in the hopes it might give more data towards a potential solution. For the other issue which was stated initially by Jarbyn and then reiterated by Ychrious, that my configuration is unsupported by Anet (that being Windows 11), I also am not frustrated. I am surprised by the brevity of the response and was unaware of this condition. I would like to ensure that others like me who have a choice of upgrading to Windows 11 have all the facts and don't choose Windows 11 lightly without understanding that their favourite game becomes unsupported. I would like to make sure that this message is available to other gamers. They might wish to hold off on Windows 11 until they can be sure of being supported. To this end, I would like to be able to point them to official Anet material so that it is clear and well communicated. That is the nature of the current communications I have sent. Is their a link detailing Windows 11 is unsupported you can forward to me that I can pass along so that the message is clear and written by Anet? Regards, ------------------------------- Hibiki Yesterday at 19:34 Hello, Unfortunately, we do not provide troubleshooting steps for Windows 11 yet and it is not in the supported minimum required specifications of the game. In the meantime, we suggest to keep an eye on the official Guild Wars 2 Forums (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/ ) for any upcoming news and updates. Thank you for your kind understanding. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know. Regards, Hibiki Guild Wars 2 Support Team http://help.guildwars2.com/ kdc.4589 Yesterday at 19:52 Hibiki, Unfortunately, this response has still not answered my question. You state " we do not provide troubleshooting steps for Windows 11 yet and it is not in the supported minimum required specifications of the game" but when I go to the minimum specifications it is included. The minimum specifications state https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201862958-Minimum-System-Requirements : Operating System Windows® 7 or better (64 bit only) Clearly Windows 11 is better (as is Windows 10). Windows 10 is not named specifically, and therefore, neither should Windows 11 be required to be named. I have been told multiple times now that Windows 11 is not supported and I would like a publicly accessible link so that I can communicate that to others. Clearly it is considered a fact by technical support but I would rather not use support emails when I communicate information publicly. I might suggest that perhaps there is a more appropriate person I should be corresponding with to bring clarity to this issue, instead of continuing to waste Supports time. If this is the case, please forward this correspondence to a more appropriate person and cc me so that I can continue as appropriate. To summarize: 1. I reported a game crashing issue. 2. Support response was because I used Windows 11, I was unsupported (no other information provided) 3. I requested further detail 4. 2nd Support reiterated the first response and additionally mentioned that my crashing issue was known and being worked on 5. I asked for a public link to use to let people know that Windows 11 was unsupported 6. 3rd Support assured me the crashing issue was being worked on and would be rolled out when solved 7. I asked for a public link to use to let people know that Windows 11 was unsupported 8. 4th Support said that Windows 11 was unsupported and mentioned the minimum required specifications - I inserted a link above 9. I am asking again for a link that can be used to publicly share this information (lack of Windows 11 support) Regards, ------------------------------- Chryssa Today at 03:42 Hello, I can only reiterate that we cannot provide troubleshooting steps for your device with Windows 11. We have not yet announce that the game supports it. Also we cannot guarantee to fix the issue that you're encountering with our basic troubleshooting steps. Announcements about this will be released on our official website. For now, we highly suggest you to use the suggested OS to play the game which is from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Thank you for your understanding. Regards, Chryssa Guild Wars 2 Support Team http://help.guildwars2.com/ kdc.4589 Today at 09:24 Chryssa, I appreciate everyone's ongoing assistance in answering a question I am not asking. I am very clear that Windows 11 is unsupported. Could you (or perhaps some other department?) provide a publicly accessible link that makes that situation clear, please? Because the only thing I can find states the minimum requirements are Windows 7 or Better. Regards, Jarbyn Today at 11:19 Hello again, Thank you for the understanding you have provided for this matter. For now, we will be taking this as a feedback and we encourage you to shared this as well on our official forums wherein our Development Team gather feedback from our players. You can access it through this link: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know. Regards, Jarbyn Guild Wars 2 Support Team http://help.guildwars2.com/
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