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Weru.5203's Achievements

  1. Cosmetic shoulders to complete the priate outfit - with parrot on shoulder. Scruffy chair - with the front bubble open - a chance to reuse some of the voice dialog.
  2. Shoulder set to go with the Pirate Headgear, Hook Gloves, Pegleg Boots -- Shoulders should have a parrot perched on them.
  3. Real PIA that the Gift of Exploration is bugged and you basically have to earn another one for it to count. Ones earned pre-expansion do work for making the components though.
  4. Not sure what the licensing would be, but it would be very awesome to be able to ride around on my very own Black Beast of Aaaaargghh being a silly knight questing for a chalice - or a chalice shaped lamp.
  5. Still bugged she will not start moving. Could it be just set on a timer to fix? Or remove the requirement from the Gandaran Service Medal?
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