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  1. @Rubi Bayer.8493 Couple of questions/notes: 1. Will Home portal stone have an option to port to homestead as well as home instance? Otherwise, it will lose its value. 2. Deluxe/Ultimate options are bundled with infinite tools/identity repair kit, which veteran players have a bunch already. It's definitely a value prop for new players but would be great to have deluxe/ultimate options with cosmetics or other stuff useful for veterans. For me personally added content has no value to justify more expensive purchase even if I would like to get it otherwise.
  2. I look at Wayfinder mastery as a way to unlock gizmo that allows you to convert useless mats into other trash and let you sell this trash immediately. IMO best reward of SotO so far... I almost unlocked Sandstorm collectors edition, but this one is a converter, so it takes the cake. UPDATE: You apparently cannot sell items with this converter 😞 Makes it meh ... I regret maxing mastery for this.
  3. All legendary, all classes/specs, can try to accommodate any role with some training. Around 3k WvW rank, not into sPvP though. Prefer organized semi relaxed play, discord.
  4. I personally play during the time population changes on my servers. Server goes from full defense to offence and map domination, sometimes vice versa. I like to see this dynamic and really enjoy it.
  5. Would be nice, but with all this we should probably start grinding IRL for the new GPU now 🙂
  6. Also if it's any bait don't use region specific bait to reduce possible pool.
  7. You will literally get access to it without unlock in current legendary relic... Only next expansion will require unlock.
  8. Dude, not sure what's up with you. You were telling me that you suspected unlock mechanics on the runes, which was clearly impossible. I was explaining you this whole time this moment. Legendary armor clearly worth clarifying as they are changing they mind recently, but my conversation was mostly about first part
  9. The point is there were nothing clear written about the relic. They wrote one thing, proposing you to grind for 7 runes for progress, then only one rune enough, but legendary relic is not that legendary anymore. This precedent allows to inquire about legendary status of armor as well in case they changed they mind. So worth asking ... Although it was a sarcasm.
  10. Discussion is about expectations from "legendary" relic with ambiguous announcements and what functionality should you reasonably expect based on precedent, as they didn't clarify about unlock mechanics in the beginning. You are just trying to pick separate words from statements.
  11. Precedent is about word "legendary", generations are just example of precedent. Don't twist semantics
  12. Totally nonsense, sorry. After something happens at some point you can be sceptical about ambiguous statements. If there is a consistent history of similar precedents (Leg gen 1/2/3, Armor, trinkets) you can pretty safely assume continuation. You will be called conspiracy theorist otherwise. To predict unlock mechanics and not be surprised there should be quite clear wording in current situation.
  13. When wording is ambiguous you look at precedent, if this not clear enough. When someone tells during a winter that day will be worm, by precedent you understand approximate temperature and not wearing shorts when it snows.
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