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Shadrack Blackstaff.2018

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Shadrack Blackstaff.2018's Achievements

  1. Hey why hasn't this been a thing. You have the bad afros. Where are the bad mullets. C'mon ANET, add them.
  2. I'm having issues with the turn left and jump through with the jackal as you jump down through the one portal. is there a quick way to turn and jump forward. I seem to have a delay after I jump through.
  3. My crash issue is in the Guild Hall, while running Directx 11. As I go to the Assembly Device in the Guild Hall, I get to the Manage message and the game crashes and closes back to the desktop. This has happened in both the Magumma Guild Halls and the New Canthan Guild Hall. Haven't tried this in the Dessert Guild Hall. This is on an older system. Intel 2600k cpu and AMD RX 570 with the latest drivers.
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