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Otto Ohlendorf.3128

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Everything posted by Otto Ohlendorf.3128

  1. Thanks Linken, I had the same issue and was about to make a post about this.
  2. Hello all, what are your recommendations for which ascended trinkets that I should buy for a warrior?
  3. How do you park a character ? Is this offline?
  4. Hello all, I have been hooked on Drizzlewood, but please let me know what is your farming map?
  5. I just love this map, I can't get enough. Been a mad man farming for gold and doing great events and metas.
  6. Wow, these are by far, the best seasons that I have played. Thoughts?
  7. Hello, what happens if you use a level 80 boost after hitting level 80? Will I still get rewards?
  8. Hello all, just hit level 80, what were the first things that you did after hitting that landmark moment?
  9. Thanks, but it seems that I would make the most money with the volatile unbreakable tools, right?
  10. Do the Infinite Spirits of the Wild Gathering Tools have glyphs? Can't find that information.
  11. Thanks. So, as long as there are glyphs in any unbreakable tools, then that should be fine?
  12. Hello all, waiting for the Volatile to be available in the Gem Store, but in the meantime, instead of waiting, would it be good for me to get the Infinite ones that have the animated animals? Thanks again.
  13. Hello all, new player here. I bought the Ultimate Collection and will be receiving 4000 gems. I'm sure this has been asked before , but what are the most essential items? Are seasons 2, 3, 4, and Ice Brood good to get? Thanks
  14. Thanks Farohna, looking forward to it. Can't wait to spend my 4000 gems.
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