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  1. A really good idea at first glance which I also had in mind but is it rly worth losing the utility & cc for it ? Also if u playing with Tactical Reload & Dragonspike mine, the second DT wont get Buffed most likely since the buff goes only 4 secs. Thief on the otherhand e.g is like having 5 more Stacks of Fierce of Fire exept of that u have to hit the Enemy.
  2. For Dps Bladesworn its not that bad I guess. Superior Ranger Runes, Thief Relic, Berserker Stats, 1 Precision Infusion (can even be a +4 Lorberry one) Precision Food and there u go. For now at least. The Ranger Rune overall seems to be a nice replacement for the Thief rune to get to 100% Precision with a bit more Ferocity for Power Classes.
  3. Ok, my last try to make this Problem as visual as possible for you. Maybe it was a bad timing for a post like this because this is legit a problem outside of the whole core warrior problem bubble, which deserves a own treatment. Bladesworn isn't used in "many" circumstances and this for "diverse" reasons without even guessing, because their literal facts. Let's imagine we havent had the disastrous patch and Banners etc. still function, what was the world looking like pre patch. Q: Is Warrior good ? A: Warrior= Banners= GOOD Q: Which spec is usable? or what does anyspec do ? A: Spellbreaker= KEKW Bladesworn= High Damage but really static, bad cc, so it can't be used in "many" areas as efficent as Berzerk = Good Damage, less then above but way more "diverse", better CC aswell A: Is this a guess? Q: NO because their facts proven by players over time. A: Are there still players playing rather BsW than Bzk in certain areas, and if so doing even good or better ? Q: Yes, maybe, we have some stats but we can only guess whats fun for who. So the only serious problem Bladesworn has before 28th June was that he struggles being as efficent as he possibly could be, just because he can't keep up with the Boss/Mechanic and have for e.g. to Dragon Trigger: Boost instead of DT: Force, or maybe even missed it completly. Boost doing btw 20% less dmg then Force, and since DT doing about 50-60% of your whole dmg, you arent allowed to do "many" failures". With this in mind, we can arguably SAY, not guessing here, BsW isn't as "diverse" as Bzk is right now Diverse, Many, why hes marking those 2 words the whole post ? Because thats the whole POINT of this thread. All of the 3 Warrior Specs doing the same kitten (mediocre dmg mostly) and have such niche abilities that they cant be used anywhere. And since Spellbreaker didn't get touched since pretty much release we can't even count it as a whole usable Spec so whats left is talking about real solutions, EASY solutions. Now the main Question, What would be a solution for BsW? Take away some of the contras like the staticness e.g and keep letting him dish out the dmg hes already doing, with that change it should look like this: BsW = High Dmg, low CC Bzk = Good Dmg, good CC Warriors have had to play Berzerk for waaaaayyyyyy to long, got already dissapointed with Spellbreaker, and now this ? a Spec that u pull out every now and then as if it were a super special old timer Ferrari, or better a F1 Racer, being nuts on a bench and specific roads but cant do kitten offroads. Like cmon, what we REALLY need is getting rid of this pingeonholded thinking. When u smell kitten but u cant see it, well guess what, theres probably kitten around u, YOUR GUESS gonna be maybe right, even tho ur only guessing so please for the sake of all warriors, WARRIOR is not ok now NO MATTER the spec, dont let anet think that WARRIOR is in a HEALTHY state even for a second. They have to focus this right now.
  4. yea I wrote a proper answer 2 days ago but it got deleted/reported or so, however man all I can say is that I just can't wait for the steam release.. lets kittening go 🤡
  5. wow, since I looked at it the last time yesterday Bladesworns popularity went from 0,92% to a full 1% for raids, shall we celebrate it ? 🤡 nice post I agree especially with the 66% speed part, this is what I'd like to see aswell, and along with that I would love to see movement being Endurance draining, which would give Endurance a right to exist in general, and wouldnt let move us 24/7 so we still gotta manage some Flickersteps in it. As it is right now, the Dragonspike Mine distance drawback along with Pistol 5 AND the self-root every 7s is just unfun to play imo.
  6. 🤡🤷‍♀️ what should I say, warrior or nothing
  7. dont get me wrong, I've never said it's weak because it isn't, like u mentioned the cleave potential is huge(Dragon Trigger Slash mostly) + using the Action Cam, but once again, who enjoys this playstyle in all seriousness? It was fun, I played it a lot, but the MAJORITY doesnt and thats what ANET should really focus on.
  8. well again, IF ANET WANTS IT TO BE PLAYED, right now it has a hilarious playrate of 0,92%, no matter if u or me enjoing it 😂
  9. Gw2 Wingman (nevermindcreations.de) I'm seeing ur point but its not realistic at all and that for many reasons, like many times said in this forum warrior has some serious core issue.
  10. Yea man, I'm chillin since months (EoD start) in this forum and reading so much technically good advices, it's a shame to see that the comunication is still One-Dimensional as it allways was.
  11. Then pls let it be kittening moveable in Dragon Trigger State finally, literally NO ONE cares about the damage/support u deliver if u can't use your dodges nor ur movement properly. At least let us able to dodge without break DTS because as it is right now, it will stay extremly disengaging to play it especially in harder content. In my opinion we just arrived a point where u gotta accept that is not about "getting the hang on it" anymore, it is a MAJOR design Failure because movement and dodges are a MAJOR selling point for many Players since the very beginning untill now (who came from wow know what I mean). Theres a second solution which should look like this explained in short terms: "meanwhile ur in Dragonstate, u become an unmove/break/stopable object." along with Protection and maybe some taunt mecanics which were recently discussed in the Warrior section (REALLY huge and nice ideas there btw). This goes of course with the expectation that u bring the Banner mess back alright, otherwise its all nonsense. With this being said, have nice start into the week 😎
  12. I actually enjoyed my experience till now and wasnt on the hating team but WTF... why the f Warriors got ignored in todays patch, sorry I mean more like NERFED (Warhorn 4+5 only buffs 5 instead of 10 peolple). So with that, u took the very reason to equip this weapon at all by nerfing its effectiveness almost by 50%, meanwhile u gave nothing back in return + ignored the dmg coefficent of the baby doll hitting Gunsaber skills aswell. The Warhorn was a insane tool for the DE meta for example but falled off under the radar of the most so or so. Where is the exchange? You know what, delete this weird class that youre seemingly hating and ignoring, transfer us to revs or guards and its done, because this is starting to get as stupid as it could possibly be. Seriously no wonder Rytlock rolled over years ago. PS: You can easily cancel ur own DT with quickness on because its aftercast is dogshit, in fact that u ignored this shocking me the most.
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