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Everything posted by Raison.2659

  1. After doing the meta for some time ... most of the groups cannot even pass the 20% mark to go into the 3 adds phase.... I try my best every time, I have all my buffs, I dont die, I press my buttons...... so why do I not win ??? All I read is "because of casuals" LOL. I even saw a stream of a popular gw2 streamer, his group looked really coordinated, and they barely made it to the last phase with no time. I lost hope I will try again when the fight is "adjusted" ...
  2. Hi, as the tittle says I'm a boosted player. I didnt boost with the lvl 80 item, but I did using the tomes of knowlege. I used to play pvp only when the game was only GW2 (7 years ago?). Just came back to test the new expa and have fun for some time. (I have all expas) Now that I finish the story and got 100% exploration on every EoD map, what should I focus on doing ? . I know alot of players will tell me "Do the older expansions" but before going into older content I would like to do this one (EoD). I have tried to find some "what to do" guides out there w/o success. If you can provide some tips/guides I will appreciate it! Thank you !
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