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Posts posted by Chase.8415

  1. On 3/21/2024 at 10:37 AM, shion.2084 said:

    Its been explained before... if you want to keep a high rating you basically have to either play the system (cheese duo's with a low MMR partner), queue dodge, play off hours, or luck out with your matches to hit a high MMR, then play as little as possible.  Because at that level with a small population the average MMR of the match will be lower than yours usually.  That means a loss is much more costly than the benefits of a win.  So 3 wins will not counter 2 losses.  So you need to try to play as little as possible.  GW2 is basically a game that incetivizes its best players to play the minimum in order to do well.

    Since I like playing I've quit looking at ranks and I just play my best each game.  I use to hit top 50 repeatedly, now I'm like G3 routinely... but I actually get to play and I have more fun and get to see more stupidity.  Over all I'm happier not caring about rank.

    Queueing with someone will cause your partner to have the exact same elo as the highest person in the party. Meaning if you are 1500 and you take some noob wit h you, both of you are treated as 1500 players. This is to prevent boosting and also the main reason why its so difficult to break legendary because when you duo queue the average mmr is so large that yo end up losing 20 points and winning 3-5.

  2. 13 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

    last minute they try to get rating and get loses enough

    Actually the main drops in leaderboard like that are caused by decay generally, it's why you see large gaps in the minimum rating in US too, like how someone got top 250 at 1430 ish when the rest had to get above 1460

  3. Honestly I feel support is pretty weak the last two seasons, its impact is much less and is also countered pretty heavily by chillmancer with demon queen relic.

    There are some maps where I feel like support is very overpowered in and I tend to avoid voting for them

    Revenge of the Capricorn: The bell is just too strong, not being able to win team fights makes it near impossible to win, even if you out rotate. Your best bet to win is to stall bell indefinitely while capping sides, which often rarely works out. It's basically an automatic loss to whoever wins the first bell.

    Temple of the Silent Storm: Never vote for this map, even in plat people fail miserably at knowing which buffs to prioritize, it's just too risky to trust your own teammates to know exactly what they are doing. Support can be overpowered here by allowing critical buffs to win, or can cause teams to make critical errors like trying to rush Tranquility for 2 minutes while people are side capping the other 2 nodes. This buff is very easily countered, but people hard commit to it way too much.

    Djinn Dominion: Another map where rotating is very short, giving a slight advantage to support roles since mobility is usually their weakness.

    • Like 1
  4. After advancing to the platinum rank this season—a milestone I've maintained for over two weeks, reaching the #70 spot on the leaderboard—I've experienced a profound shift in my gameplay approach from my days in high gold. The competitive scene and my tactical focus have evolved dramatically. Whereas previously I aimed to lead and carry each match, I now prioritize executing the safest and most sensible strategies. This adaptation often involves taking on a supportive role, contributing to my team's success indirectly rather than attempting to outperform the top-ranked players. By acknowledging my limits and focusing on not making detrimental errors, I ensure I'm a reliable team member. For example, while I may not consistently prevail in one-on-one situations, I concentrate on controlling objectives effectively, aiming for neutralization over outright capture when necessary.

    This approach makes it easier  for higher-ranked teammates to lead us to victory. I've learned that not risking unnecessary plays can be as crucial as making bold moves. Essentially, being open to being carried by more skilled teammates when appropriate is a strategy in itself, ensuring I contribute positively without compromising our chances of winning.

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  5. On 3/15/2024 at 2:43 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

    There is no tech in the game to measure a player's personal skill level. The devs realized this year's ago and instead of spending resources in trying to solve an unfixable puzzle, they instead opted into expanding what other games already used (Overwatch is a popular comparison). They spent quite a bit of resources on the the PIP UI system and Glicko pseudo algorithm we currently have.

    (it could still use improvements btw. >GUILD TEAM< in the pseudo code needs to be removed because it can be abused. I feel this was meant for a specific feature in the old 5v5 Rank system queueing that got scrapped but the pseudo code stayed)

    TL;DR In this day and age it may be possible to have an efficient individual skill measurement system that's on par with games like CSGO, but that requires a whole new game engine with its own new tech. This 12yo game will never have anything close to that.

    Actually there is such tech in the game, its the rating itself. Statistically speaking, the more you play, the more accurate the rating becomes. I can easily solo myself to high g3 and plat on alt accounts, with enough games.


    On 3/14/2024 at 5:36 PM, Unknown.6851 said:

    I feel like my rating consistently places me where I need to be as long as I'm not yolo queing after a swing shift at 4 am or too late at night. Solo que with around a 60% w/l. 

    Yup, as long as you are not queing during bad times you shouldn't encounter these games where you feel like matchmaking completely screwed you over.

  6. To be fair you can sort of predict when stability is going to be used based off the build you are fighting and in general if you are being stunned, there is most likely going to be a huge burst after that so you need to use stun break and dodge immediately. That works even against plat players, their rotation is rather predictable a lot of times. Top players wont be that obvious, but generally speaking if you're stunned for any reason you need to get out of it as quickly as possible

    • Like 1
  7. Some builds are just ridiculously bursty, like yesterday I got spiked for 40k damage from a mesmer in a period of 2 seconds. I got stunned in reaper form, 100%-0 in both forms in that same stun. A lot of side noder builds have too much sustain and damage at the same time, such as elementalist and warriors. Willbenders seem useless unless there are necromancers you're trying to counter...

    • Confused 1
  8. 31 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

    This actually doesn't sound all that inaccurate. I'm a very casual PvP player, usually end up around 1350 and I am almost in the top 250. Plus my games can swing wildly from cake walk to getting absolutely steamrolled.

    That's because once you hit 1350 range you will be facing against platinum players and it is essentially a coin flip if you're going to get a fair match or not. If you're lucky, the matches won't be 100-500 but often you can figure out exactly who is going to win the first 45 seconds of the match because of how ridiculous the matchmaking is above 1350

    • Thanks 1
  9. 6 hours ago, ccccc.4963 said:

    The post is framed from the pov of a support player (in ranked too)

    ...1v1 a warrior on support? 

    You're just pivoting from being a dependant/useless role (support) to another equally dependant role


    I am a former support player, I have given up on being support in this meta because I feel like its a lost cause because of the large gaps in matchmaking plus the damage output is crazy right now.

  10. 7 hours ago, Goosekilla.2796 said:

    I like how all these answers are basically "you can't"...

    Anet maybe notice that warrior might be in a bit too good of a duelist position and tune it back a bit, please? I was pretty surprised to see what looked to me like mainly buffs for warrior in this balance patch.

    Yeah I am shocked there isn't any hard counter, like for example Necromancer gets pretty hard countered by Willbender. It's really difficult for Necromancer to win against that build, regardless of the skill level. I guess warriors have nothing like that, in fact now thinking of it, a lot of builds have hard counters.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  11. I typically play support, but recently I feel like it is a lost cause because the matchmaking will literally group silver and low gold players in the same match as high g3 and low plat and quite frankly I don't feel like I can carry with support anymore. 

    I have also noticed that a lot of the top players and plat meta involve pushing side nodes, in particular warrior is challenging for me to figure out how to counter.

    My teammates will literally spend like 5 minutes, dying to said warriors....

    Can someone explain to me hard counters to warrior side noders so I can carry my teammates?

    • Like 2
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  12. 9 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

    consider that 1200 rating, gold 1 is what anet give new accounts in pvp

    which is why the rating system has such issues, because gold 1 is both brand new players & vets trying to climb to plat. you can't have a functional skill rating system, bronze silver gold plat, & put new players in the second highest bracket and then expect it to be able to make good games. if the bracket system does not have the least skilled & least experienced players in the lowest bracket & puts them in a high bracket with experienced players it will not be able to make good games.

    not to mention the issues this causes with player retention. expecting new players to get farmed all the way down to their rank is perhaps one of the most moronic things I have ever seen in a game. no wonder the pop is dead, anet basically designed the system to farm new players into quitting buy giving them an inflated skill rating and making them play with far better and more experienced players. dumb as heck

    Literally every PvP game that has elo based rating has this issue, it is expected that anyone participating in ranked PvP will lose a lot of games until they reach the ratings they belong. Give me one game that doesn't have this problem

  13. Years ago I was following a bot train to farm things and someone messaged me asking if I was real and told me to stop following the bot train or I would be mistakenly banned. At the time, they didn't have their ArenaNet tag so I told them I wasn't botting, was just curious on what they were farming. They then proceeded to turn their tag on, which made me realize it was a game master... so I moved away from the bot train.

    They then banned every single bot in the bot train. I don't know if they had some AOE ban spell or whatever, otherwise it didn't make much sense to me why they cared I was following a bot train or not.

    • Like 3
  14. The main issue with the games ranking system is that ArenaNet needs to periodically adjust the tiers based of bell curve and population.

    It makes no sense to make 90% of your playerbase in gold and then just even crossing into platinum causes you to be in the top 1% of the game. 

    Tiers should be rebalanced to be like this instead:

    Bronze: Bottom 25%
    Silver: Next 35% (up to 60% percentile)
    Gold: Next 30% (up to 90% percentile)
    Platinum: Next 9% (up to 99% percentile)
    Legendary: Top 1%

    • Thanks 1
  15. The issue with this style of matchmaking is that you don't feel rewarded for working hard and overcoming a close match, it wouldn't be really fun spending 12 minutes only to gain +5 rating. It's bad enough you need to be in top 1% just to even exit out of gold, it would be practically impossible to do it with this change.

    The way ELO systems work is by taking points away from other players, if a close match awards -5 then that means the other team got +5

  16. 21 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    i wish they would treat people being afk the same way... because THAT is the real Issue at the moment. =( 

    In Guild Wars 1, you could report people for being afk and they would get dishonor. Because it was abused, was the main reason why its not active in this game, but it was a nice feature to stop afk players back then.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  17. On 2/8/2022 at 12:11 PM, anjo.6143 said:


    U cant lock char. 2 suportes, 2 thieves and a mesmer and u cant reroll is insane. 

    There was a time where ArenaNet asked the community about class based MMR, at the expense of not being able to swap once queue pops. It looked like it was going to happen, but then some streamer and people who misunderstood the benefits, all voted NO and basically that was the end of that.


    This was the most common excuse, despite them saying they would change the matchmaking to significantly reduce this scenario (at the expense of longer queues). In the thousands of hours of PvP I have played, I have maybe only seen less than a handful where people actually swapped when they had a team like this. The vast majority of players one trick their class and can't really swap, so it doesn't matter you are still going to be stuck with these BS comps.

  18. This horse has been beaten to death a million times, if you keep disconnecting, you are ruining the experience of other players on both ends.  Every time this topic is brought up, it's always the same story... some player only disconnects for like "1 minute" and they shouldn't be punished.


    There is a reason why leavers aren't that big of an issue in this game, it's because it's quite punishing. If you keep dcing, fix the problem or just stop queing PvP.

    • Like 4
  19. 9 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

    lol anyway i thought i could never like any PvE mmo games, because i dislike gw2 pve..and only play pvp, as top25 player

    then i played ff14, on release it was boring and bad and slow, but now? it is intense and amazing and actually hard, even hard for a gw2 pvp top 25 player..i've never imagined any mmo pve would be this good..as most of my other MMOs were pretty much grind fest boring...


    before i never could quit gw2 pvp because i also thought "gw2 pvp gameplay is too good" but after i played savage raids in ff14..and comes back to gw2 pvp...it's is slow..it is boring..it is unfair..and full of bots and unfun..and even the gameplay seems way less interesting..which was something i thought i could never get rid of.


    there's plenty of games out there..there's nothing really special and irreplaceable about gw2 "combat and movement"..you just didn't look, or not looking at all.

    Oh please, FFXIV PvP is just awful. If you're complaining about how GW2 balance updates are too slow, it is far worse in FFXIV. Expect to not see any PvP balance updates for an entire expansion. 


    Now onto Savage, there really isn't anything difficult with them. This is obvious because they were literally cleared on the first night on release. It is also full of raid wipe mechanics if *one* person screws up. If you get tilted in PvP because "idiots" make mistakes, Savage is going to tilt you even further.


    The true gem of Guild Wars 2 is that it is by far the most alt friendly MMORPG out in the market. Even FFXIV, which lets you level up alt jobs conveniently has flaws in this regard, if you are doing Savage you have to main a job because the gear drops are ridiculously time gated that it makes it unfeasible to play alts. Their time gating is just beyond stupid, like for example you can buy crafted gear that is basically dirt cheap (like for under 3 gold in this game for example) and the same ilvl gear that drops in an instance is time gated and locked out to once a week, why? Who thought it was a good idea to time gate useless gear? There is no option to gear up alts, except buy crafted gear, that is just dumb.


    Then when the new raids come out, those are advertised as a catchup raid so you can get into Savage. Guess what? Those are also time gated, so yeah you can't gear up your alts either.


    The fact that it is the most successful MMORPG right now, I seriously doubt they will fix this issue.

    • Like 1
  20. @bigo.9037 said:

    @bigo.9037 said:Over the past year or so I've noticed spvp has gotten laggy.@Kuma.1503 said:I've had an issue since forever where stealthed classes take a while to appear on my screen.That might eventually be a PC problem dudes.With my old PC I had lag problems too sometimes, but since I bought a new one, that didnt happen anymore.During one year of playing I had just 2 or 3 server-sided lags.

    That wouldn't explain why this specifically only happens in spvp and not wvw.

    More often than not it is an issue with the computer.Most lag is caused by a third party service on your PC doing something in the background.

    Perhaps you enable something on your PC when you're doing sPvP that you're not doing in WvW.

    Regardless, open a ticket with support and have them do diagnostics to see if it is something on your PC or an issue you need to talk to your ISP about.The vast majority of network issues are not at the fault of ArenaNet, because to get to them you have to travel through someone else's routers.

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