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Infernal Dancer.8560

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  1. The first couple of tries I really loved the meta event. I love the storymodes and I think it is amazing that this meta-event is tied to the main story. I also love that it is challenging, but.. Every time I fail this meta is a reason for me to, when I finally will succeed, to never ever get back to this again.. I love meta events, and its ok to sometimes fail it and see how you can improve as a player or as a communicator.. but when a meta event is very likely to fail. Why would I even participate after I got my win. This meta-event will die out when more and more people get their turtle unlock or when people will just give up. And so for newer players to be able to complete this event will get harder and harder if A-net wont do something about the rate of fails (and fun in replay ability). its been 11 days since release and a lot of people are already burned out by this event…
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