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Posts posted by loregnum.3619

  1. 46 minutes ago, Maultrace.5761 said:

    I just don't understand, they requested feedback, it was a preview... so that they could change stuff that was not needed... and yet after all that feedback, it arrived without a single change... why did they asked for feedback then? What was the point of this?

    And if they don't change anything from previews... then why show them in the first place?

    Asumita hit the nail on the head, it is just like voting making gullible and brainwashed people think they have some say in what goes on. What's sad is there will be all these players that will just do the same thing the next balance patch giving feedback and then get upset when they realize the devs simply don't give a rip about the feedback, instead of cluing into reality.

    The best thing players who are upset can do is simply quit playing and especially quit giving these guys money for gems or expansions. Maybe a nice loss of income will make them finally care, though they may still not. Don't ever underestimate the power of hubris and ego of people. If the devs think their silly changes are great then they may refuse to change them regardless if they were to start losing players hand over fist. 

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  2. Yeah, I ran a mainly signet reaper build for open world and this makes the build effectively useless. What a silly change on their part since as you said, signet builds weren't at the top of the charts.

    It's just another example of how the devs want everyone to be forced to play the same thing/build while they laughably gaslight the player base about how they are for "build diversity"


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  3. 6 minutes ago, America.9437 said:

    It wasn't given away, it was integrated into the beginning of the story.   So if this new collection they require us to go on takes more than 1 hour to get that mount or somehow isn't integrated with the story, its gonna be a "nah dog, not doin it" for me.

    So if it takes 90 minutes you're out vs the dozens of hours it takes now? Wow.

    I feel your view here is as bad as the people whining about how it isn't fair that it is going to be easier to get for non owners compared to what it took them.

    Guess there will be entitled people on both sides no matter what.

    I'll add as a skyscale owner that it is WORTH more than an hour to get. It was worth the dozens of hours it took me.

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  4. I have a skyscale and I think this is good for those that don't have it and either weren't interested/didn't have the time or were simply too lazy to get it before. Why would I be upset that it will seemingly be easier for people? Because it took longer for me to get? So what. It's the best mount in the game and I like the idea more will experience it.

    Being upset at this is IMO, incredibly childish.


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  5. 22 minutes ago, Vee.6052 said:

    It's amazing how many members of the community voiced their concerns and dislike of this phenomenally bad idea and Anet ignored it anyway. It's left a sour taste in my mouth. Nobody wanted this. I loved my heal scourge the way it was and now they've all but mangled it. I don't even want to touch Scourge after this.

    It's not really amazing since this is how most companies are these days. Companies are so full of hubris and ego that they simply don't care what their customers may think or want. Example? Look at Bud Light. Cratering sales for 2+ months, massive negative feedback and how did they answer that? By recently coming out with an ad that mocks their customers by implying they are bumbling idiots and digging a deeper hole because of it. This is what happens when people making decisions are full of hubris and can't ever grasp they screwed up and think everyone else is wrong to disagree with them. 

    The best thing players can do who are upset is quit playing or at the very least, don't buy gems. I really like GW2 but I pretty much quit playing outside of some Dragon Bash the first 2 weeks after the patch preview since I knew nothing was going to change from it and that they were screwing up my two favourite specs/builds that I play. 

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  6. They simply don't care and I don't know why anyone thought/thinks they do. I've been playing this game for a little over a year now and I figured it out, knowing full well that their patch would not change despite the massive negative feedback. Why some that have been playing for years haven't is beyond me.



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  7. 3 hours ago, Waffles.5632 said:

    I have considered it yes, but you're not being entirely honest here. Mecha loses toolbelt skills for jade mech + signets, and jade mech alone more than makes up for lack of toolbelt skills sorry. It's essentially another party member with how strong it is, and I'm not saying that as a bad thing. I think it's a fair trade off to lose tool belt skills in favor of a near unstoppable AI pet that can solo any veteran mob and below, and even solo some open world champ mobs by itself, or with very very little help from the mechanist itself.


    Mecha straight up allows engi to coast through soloing nearly all open world champs, including HoT hero point champs with their Jade Mech both taking the brunt of aggro and damage, while still dishing out plenty of dps on it's own AND mecha is AFAIK the easiest alac class in the game by miles atm. I could be wrong on this last bit but I don't think so. Off the top of my head I can't think of another class that dumps out Alac with such ease.

    Again though, there are other design avenues IMO besides overloading signets to the point that players feel forced into taking them because they offer so much.

    This is outright gaslighting. You can't solo all these champs you speak of by basically just sitting there and letting the jade mech do its thing. If you wish to double down on this lie then please, post videos of you doing this against all these champs you speak of and I mean REAL videos, not tests on a stationary golem that doesn't hit back and saying "see, look at that dps figure!" The way people constantly post golem videos to try and back up their points as though the golem is in ANY WAY representative of the actual game is so maddening at this forum.

    Same with acting like the jade mech does so much damage like it is a secondary player which is not the case. It does decent damage if you have it all booned up in a group setting but solo it isn't anything amazing. Just go to your precious golem and only have the golem attack without a bunch of group based conditions on the golem and boons applied and see for yourself.

    You seem to have some massive hate for the mechanist spec to where you are absolutely lying about it. I don't main mech but I do have one and I mainly like it (prefer scrapper) and I just have to roll my eyes at people like you that constantly go on and on about it as though it is some super spec when it is not.

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  8. Is this about competitive? I ask because you say everyone takes this when you can go to all those "meta" websites that show power reaper builds that do not since a signet build has lower damage. I personally run a mostly signet build on my reaper main so I do trait suffering but I am a mostly solo player just running around in open world. I also don't run signet of vampirism though I used to at one time. I suppose if I were in a group setting most of the time that I would run it for the allied siphon.

    The proposed change to signet of suffering is trash and if it goes through as we think it will, it'll have screwed over my build for my main character. Thank goodness I've lost a good amount of interest for the game the last few weeks which has drastically cut down my play time so it won't be a big loss if I have to outright move on or at least shelve it for X amount of months. The writing is on the way for where the game is heading, and I say not that not simply because of this patch but other stuff like the mediocrity that was all things Gyala Delve and the horrible dialogue the game has had since EoD.

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  9. The fact that anyone who plays the game for 3.2 seconds can see the obvious issue with all mechs looking the exact same says to me this is one of those things by the devs done just to troll players and yes, there are examples of other stuff that was surely done just to annoy players.

    If they weren't seeking out to troll then they'd have made the mechs dyeable. Even if by some chance they truly had no clue it'd be an issue before adding them to the game, the fact nothing has changed in over a year shows they simply don't care and enjoy the annoyance of this for mech users.

  10. 1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Except you don't get to decide if they are doing a poor job, or any other players. That's what the dev's senior managers get to do. Don't assume they come to the same conclusions you did and don't even assume that the measure of the dev's performance is related to what players think is bad balancing either. 

    Right. So if a lot of people quit playing the game or at least quit spending money because of stuff like this then it just isn't someone doing a poor job and thus they deserve to be replaced if they can't improve. Nope, not at all. The reaction of your customers has zero to do with how well you are or are not doing your job. 

    My goodness...

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  11. I main reaper and only play open world. I use a mostly signet build will the full knowledge it gives me less dps than if I went with the "meta" build and this change will pretty much make this useless now and will resort to me just using the same "meta" build you see on websites for power reaper. I imagine very few people will use signets and this trait going forward. 

    Brilliant job by Anet in basically forcing everyone to use the same builds, which can be seen with other changes for other classes. What "diversity!"

    Only positive is the writing is on the wall for the future of this game so I've cut back my play time by a lot over the last couple weeks to the point I am content to fully move on if need be.

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  12. I got EoD at the start of April this year and I was originally using the ranged option for my mech but changed it to the melee options after a couple weeks. I was using single-edged cutters until recently and have switched to high-impact drivers. Reason is I am usually playing solo and the might is more useful than the tiny bit of bleed, and testing the mech by itself on the golem shows high-impact does a good bit more dps when there's no group boons or group conditions on the golem, which is more representative of my real life roaming play.

    I didn't switch to melee so much because the mech does indeed do more dps when it is in melee but rather the fact the firearms spec has 2 skills that want you within 450 range of the enemy to get their perks so it didn't seem to make much sense to me to not have my mech in melee range if I am going to be somewhat close to the enemy in the first place. This makes it much easier to keep mechanical genius up as well since I don't have to deal with my mech sometimes engaging too far away and I then have to micro manage it to get it closer when I go closer

    I also like to occasionally swap to mace/shield when roaming out and about in open world since I find mace skills more fun than rifle when it comes to mobs. Having the mech in melee mode obviously makes that easier to do. 

  13. Reaper. Doesn't have to be a minion build as reaper with signets is easy to play and can't really die unless trying to solo champs/legendaries. You can also slap marauder gear and/or defensive trinkets/gear. Can even go celestial gear like Lord Hizen uses for his reaper build. Could use the vampirism runes that will give a big health bump and also give back 10% health after each kill if need be.  Using the trait signets of suffering in the spite spec and fear of death in soul reaping along with signet of undeath means you will have a lot of life force gen even while in reaper shroud (double tapping 3 in shroud will give 15% life force along with the natural amount you get from signet of undeath) so you can just go to town in there. It's a very easy build to play and powerful for open world. I use signet of spite, signet of undeath and signet of the locust since I like the increased movement speed it brings, especially while in reaper shroud. I only play open world so absolute max damage potential is not required. Spectral walk can give increased movement speed too yet I like the passive nature of the locust signet doing its thing. While dodging is obviously optimal, you can get away a bit with not dodging well when in reaper shroud, even if it means shroud will end sooner than it would by not taking as much damage.

    Scrapper using gyros is another that works well since you create a lot of barrier when you use the bulwark gyro and the blast shield trait in the explosives spec which means you have a bit of buffer for not dodging. It requires a more active approach to play though in terms of buttons to press, even if you don't really have to have a strict rotation. Basically just use the gyros on cooldown and try and set up a lighting field with hammer 5 and then use hammer 2 and sometimes 3 inside the field. Hammer 4 also blocks attacks and creates even more barrier.

    As for you mentioning setting up a controller, I only use a controller to play this game and it is not hard but you'll probably have to set it up using the triggers/bumpers with button combos for skills. Keyboard and mouse is easier for skill activation since you don't have to do the button combo stuff while I think a controller is maybe easer for movement. Action cam with a controller also kind of makes the game more like a regular action/adventure 3rd person game. I can recommend the controller, especially if she is used to using controllers. 

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  14. Like pretty much every reply stated, there's a reason many of us maxed level characters go into those zones so please don't try and tell us we should be banned. That's absurd.

    As for me, I slay stuff using my real skills if nobody else is around but if I do see others around, I try to first just auto attack, especially if it's an event. I want others to get hits in since I know it can be frustrating to take part in an event and not get credit. 

    I also wonder how many of these players are actually newer players and not just vets looking to level up another character. I wish mastery points showed even when you are levelling up. I also agree with those stated even level appropriate characters can mow down enemies with ease so it's not simply us max level folk. Core tyria enemy difficulty should be bumped up a bit. 

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  15. Have you tried a gyro scrapper that uses the bulwark gyro and the blast shield trait? It's somewhat difficult to die to mobs or anything under champion level while solo with all the barrier you can get with that scrapper, and the quickness you have access to is also quite nice, along with superspeed. Fun class, and I think scrapper is better than mech when it comes to mobs because of all the barrier and how you can "tank" things a bit more. Moving is of course still ideal since it won't create a bad habit for other classes but you can definitely be more stationary on scrapper. It's also a more fun class to play than mech. One of the main things I got EoD for early last month was to use mech but I use scrapper far more now than I do mech, despite me unlocking scrapper after I unlocked mech. I have scrapper almost on the same level as reaper for my open world enjoyment and use. 

    There is a spot in echovald wilds near the junkyard that for what seems to be 10-15 minutes has basically unending mob/enemy spawns with elites and vets being a part of them so for 10-15 minutes you are constantly fighting multiple enemies. I like to take my builds there to see how they do and scrapper was actually better than reaper for that because I had so much barrier the entire time and rarely got any of my actual health depleted. Mech was a clear third to those two builds. 

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  16. 15 minutes ago, Atomnium.1532 said:

    It's not really an engi problem, reaper is completely overtuned, especially considering how self sufficient it is. 

    Modified ammunition, shaped charge, the need for quickness and alacrity to have 100% uptime to have a working rotation makes it hard to compete with a reaper who will reach 100% of its potential while being alone.

    Basically, the highest theorical dps of an engi is higher than necro but in open world, in unoptimized groups and pretty much anywhere in the game you'll reach 60% of that amount. Farming jade protocols helps quite a bit, but running around in open world you'll lack alacrity, quickness, vuln stacks, might stacks, fury uptime while the reaper will lack alacrity at most as a dps-relevant boon, which is not that impactful for its performance, or not as much as others, especially holo.

    Reaper has 38k dps, wherever, whenever regardless of what surrounds it.

    But I don't think any class should compare itself to reaper right now as it's bound to be hardnerfed in the future.

    Give me a break. Reaper does NOT have 38k dps "wherever, whenever" as you can't reach that just with self boons. If you say it can then please, go to the golem and produce a video to show me this 38k dps figure with only self boons and the golem not having any pre conditions on it. Back up your claim. Given I have hit the golem with only self boons and have not got anywhere near 38k, I would love to see you produce this.

    Why should Reaper get hard nerfed? You act like it got boosted by 200% rather than the buff it got. Furthermore, if it was this super build you now claim it is, why am I not seeing reapers everywhere? I still see more mechs out in open world than reapers so its buff from earlier in the month has clearly not made everyone want to play it, which you'd think they would if what you say was even remotely true.

    I also have a scrapper and it does not lack quickness or fury uptime in open world while solo as I seem to have fury all the time in combat with her and I have more quickness on her than I do with my reaper outside of reaper shroud. Reaper also doesn't produce fury unless you trait for it along with using chilled to the bone and the "meta" builds don't even use those traits and that skill. 

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  17. I feel like a lot of the decisions of the added game mechanics in EoD were designed to simply troll the player base. The jade bot station you mention, the fact jade bot chips/arrays (perhaps keep cores being character based) aren't account bound, the abomination that is known as the research note system, and I'd also add fishing tackle taking up a zillion inventory spots on each character rather than having an account bound "tackle box" storage area like material storage you can easily access with any character. Also how you lose fishing stacks if you change instances (especially when the game forces a map close) or go to  different map. There should be a 3-5 minute timer to keep them if you change maps/instances or are away from your skiff in the same map. 

    None of the above actually improves the gameplay but rather decreases it when having to deal with these things.

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  18. Are you a newer player? if so, I can understand that view as I felt the same way with the expansions when I started playing the game a bit over a year ago, especially Path of Fire. Felt like no matter want, you were in a constant state of dealing with mobs and it annoyed me. Now, I don't mind the mobs, though it can be annoying if you are trying to look at the map in a spot you thought was fine and then have some enemies that seemingly were half across the area magically hitting you. This is where the skyscale is great since you can usually just get high up enough and hover while you check the map/other things.

    Turtle is great for moving through mobs since it has the 60k health so you can just basically ignore them.

    If you are having issues while on foot in clearing the mobs then it could be a build issue. 

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  19. 38 minutes ago, Min Min.9368 said:

    I have played this game since launch. Although I took around 2.5 years break in-between, I came back about 3 months after HoT launch.

    A few times I tried going through the super grindy and time-gated (ANet changed some of that time-gated requirements later) achievements to get the dragon but I stopped halfway through each time and telling myself this a waste of time. I could be doing something way more fun, something I actually enjoyed.

    Yep, today I am still without the skyscale. My griffon can fly faster than the skyscale, my springer can jump higher than the skyscale and on the ground my beetle and raptor is way faster than the Skyscale. And if I want to afk in OW maps and be safe from mobs, I always go to my GH and go back to the exact same spot anytime.

    Yes, the dragon may be the go to mount for most players, you can still enjoy and play the game efficiently without it. The Skyscale is not indispensable.

    And also, I saved money from not buying the dragon skins 🙂

    The bunny does not jump higher than the skyscale. That's crazy talk, not to mention the bunny is an absolute pain at times to land on certain ledges. Anyone that has all the mounts fully mastered knows how amazing the skyscale is and like me, would probably shake their head at your comment thinking the bunny is a good substitute for the skyscale. If you ever change your mind and get it, chances are you'll see the same thing we all do and you'll shake your head at your comment here and realize how silly you were being. 

    I'll add that before I got the skyscale almost a year ago (I started playing the game in April 2022 and got the skyscale last summer), I tried out the freebie one in dragonfall and I thought it was pretty lousy and decided I was not going to bother getting it and then like you, I tried to rationalize my decision in a similar way you stated here with the bunny and raptor and even the griffon, which I didn't yet have. I was all set to get the griffon first and do the annoying bunny jump to griffon trick to get decent starting height. I then started to change my mind and got more used to how the bare bones skyscale flies after spending more time in dragonfall and read up on how much better the masteries make it and decided that I would indeed go back to getting it and trust what people said about how it is fully mastered. Did that and I am so glad I changed my mind and just shake my head at the sheer silliness of my very first impression using it. It's the best thing I have ever got in the game and I'd quit playing if I ever had to give it up. It's that good. 

    I actually unlocked mine sometime during the Four Winds festival and the difference in using the bunny vs skyscale for the coin event was laughable. I think I tripled my total with the skyscale and didn't feel borderline rage at how imprecise the bunny was doing that. Where I was about ready to not even do that each day with the bunny after experiencing the annoyance a few times, I ended up looking forward to doing that event with the skyscale. It's completely night and day between the two when it comes to their ability and usefulness in going vertical.  

    Of all the mounts I have, griffon is the least useful and most niche. I don't regret getting it since it is fun to use when a map is open for it and it has its moments of being quite useful, but it sure as heck isn't worth the 250 gold it costs. 

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  20. Getting the skyscale is not difficult nor is it as big a time taker as some make it out to be. Outside of the early collections in dragonfall, you can incorporate the other steps with simply just playing the game, like how one acquires the map currencies. Just play the darn game in those maps and you'll get the currencies from the return to... achievements. If one only looks at everything they are doing as a skyscale step then they're doing it wrong and will probably get annoyed.

    If someone is getting burnt out then don't try and get it within a week or ONLY do stuff that is based around it. In dragonfall during the start of it and don't want to put in the couple hours to collect all the stuff? Get some of the items and take part in some of the map meta while getting loot. Repeat the next day. Now of course this would require one to show some self control and common sense and we can't have that in today's world. Better people choose to jerk themselves over and then complain after the fact. 

    I also have to "lol" at the person that keeps calling the turtle useless/pointless. Turtle is great, especially with the pilot booster jade bot component that makes the slam skill fun to use. Turtle isn't at the level of skyscale (no mount is, IMO) but it's my second favourite mount and I do own all of the pve mounts fully maxed out. 

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  21. I have both a gyro quickness scrapper build and a power rifle/mace mech build. While mech may be the easier of the two and probably better to solo harder enemies like say HoT hero points, I find scrapper to be more fun to play. Scrapper can also easily handle mobs with all the barrier you'll be creating for yourself, especially if one of the gyros you pick is bulwark. There is a place in Echovald Wilds near the junkyard where you can get constant mobs spawning (as in there is no down time) with elites and vets for like 10-15 mins and both handle it just fine with scrapper arguably better. I'm now using this spot as a way to test how my characters/builds do with mobs because of the constant barrage of enemies.

    I also really like using scrapper in the Dragonstorm event. Can tank a lot of the hectic boss fights where visibility of what is going on is low and you are also providing some quickness goodness to others.

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