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Everything posted by Radagast.9403

  1. I did manage toi find Braham with the call target mark on the last phase, but he never erects a shield to protect. He seems to be fine though but me, just die right beside him >.>
  2. Good suggestion. I will try this now. Just tried it and got downed in all 3 phases where last ending to reset again 😄 Coulkd not see Braham anywhere but the marker should help in that.
  3. Thanks for pointing out that Braham has the bubble. I have propably missed it because in addition to having blind spots and only one eye, i also have problems with blue colors and that adds some challenges to places where one needs to go under shield. I need to look at this today when i try again. And also yeah, at least couple of moths ago with other character i did the thing, i went too far to some direction somehow in the flying part and ended up losing progress mmorer. Good thing with that character was that i made it as tanky as psssible, so there was great margin of error in avoiding damage. Every time i take Caithe and Canarch with me. If i take Braham, the first fight agains Eir and Garm is very problematic since the game loses target when i dodge and finding the right one take too long time while also concentrating to avoid damage. So this in mind, i dont know how Pale tree is with other, but with Caithe it has been the most enjoyable and managable fight in previous character. This is the first ranged light armor character and that added some difficulkties but i still managed to do it pretty well and still liked that part. Fight with Canarch seemed easiest thoughj a bit dull as i found out circling the target in counter clockwise in steady non stop pace seemed to work the best. Took almost nno damage in that. Took some time though since i mostly misplkaced my ground aoe skillss but thsi soprt of failure is what i accept and take as part of having some challenges. Its always the full reset of battle that frustrates me and im glad in later conmtent the battles are more tolerable in way that you can just continue if you die. I dont consider dying as failure story wise as dying is not in line with being aböle to continue at all so its just a part of game, not part of story. Failing the story would be like making wrong choices leqadin to permanent loss of somne strory characters and so forth or doing wrong choice even if its an illusion of choice like the one in Icebrood sagha, where if you dont drop the bom,b, Rytlockj will do it.
  4. Hey. These days i do like most of the HoT story content even while in some places i need to try few times to get things done. Then comes the end of that story, the Hearts and minds where you chooose 3 companions to go with you to battle Mordremoths mind which is all nice anbd well on paper and would even be good and fun to do if nopt the design. Mostly i talk about the way how the battle punishes the player if one fails and dies in battle. It all gets reseted to zero progression on the boss you are currently doing. Thank gods it wont reset fully though. Today i was doing that story third time ever and i was enjoying it all until the last part, heart and minds where i tried to finish the battle for 4 hours in total. So thats to say theres no lack of trying. I also know the mechanics so in theory, i know how to do it. Its just that i cant see well since im visually impaired and tyhe damage is hared to avoid at times thougfh mostly i can avoid it and i have accepted that i will fail morre tyhan normal player will. What i dont accept is ddesign that punishes player from not succeeding. Especially in the last phase of the battle where you need to avoid big damage 3 times but hey its not enough that the boss is apparently "Building upo for massive strike" that never comes, just some aoe that covers the whole ground but the boss can easily throw rocks at you while he is "Building up the force". This is problematic since that spot that mnakes you airborne is hard to spot and when you get uip, you often end up being hit by rock, falling down and dying there. Somehow i always managed to get to third part where you need to fly and after that, i fail and die. Ending up gettting the battle reset and then i have to do it all over again-. The whole last boss in that battle for me takes about 30 minutes to fight until i die and then another 30 miniutes to reset after fail and yeat one more try which i actuially managed to do almost to the end, but doing one small mistake and die, ending up getting that half hour wasted too. At this point i am so frustrated and angry that the story itself is of no consequence anymore. Its just too tedious to actually care about anything else than trying to get it done but now the clock is so much that i just hjave to stop and go to sleep and guess what? Since GW2 apparently cant make systems that save the story progress, i need to start from scratch tomorrow if i even try to do it anymore. Why i wrotre this sort ofd rant? It was because i wanted to say that and ask, why iis it necessary to make everything reset. Why not save the boss health and phase or make the npc team revive you ifg you die to continue. They can help you pretty well and fast if yopu get downed so why not make them help you if you die. Why not make the battle so that it does not punish a player from failing when all that player did was trying his best that he can and dared to fail.
  5. GW2W says about toughness, that is one contributing factor in deciding NPC agression, so keeping that in mind, it may also increase the aggro radius. I usually build high toughness characters if i want the enemis to come ofter me instead of someone else, like if i want to roleplay a character who wanders around and helps people in battle needing aid. High Toughness helps me get the enemies on me.
  6. The CC of the mobs, mainly stun and knockdowns are the bnig problem sometimes. It feels like theres litle thought on dev side put to what mobs groups consist of. Lke in Elder Scrolls Online or many others as well, there are also CC the mobs do, but its usually one or two mobs in a grouyp. Unlike in GW2 where a wholöe group of 6 can consist of npc's who all can knockdown or stun you which leads to running out of counter and being swarmed yto death especially in some classes/builds. Id like if the GW2 system of creating groups were more like Elder Scrolls, where there is usually a healer, some CC and most of the group is basic attackers. In this case when even lots of enemies come, you can tyactically down the healers and CC first, then proceed to the bigger hroup with less danger.
  7. I do tend to build a bit more on defense to keep my character more easily alive meaning, that i can stand on that nice place for at least a while and let the sand lion scratch her clawsd on my leg while i do that. Its just that i dont want to kill everything everywhere and even when i do, the respawn trimes ARE rather fast so theres not much time to really relax. Like when i fish, that krait or shark just come very often to gnarl my boats keel and i just need to jump in thje water to kill the thing too often to actually be at peace. Not to mention that fishing bar also keeeps me from watching the area or char but thats another conversation 🙂 Its like i sometimes miss old Arathi highlands with all the raptors in WoW since its too empty now and then theres the other end here, wherte its even worse at times that Atathi was at it peak when it was actually fun since you could really do the pulöling play well and keep thje amount of raptors on you reasonably low. Here its just that when you pull something, it pulls other mobs from quite a long distance too and then theres the knockbacks and stuff which leads to more mobs coming at you. This is what i call as "Sand shark/Hydra phenomenona" where you end up flying all arounbd the area becauser mobs are playing soccer withj you. Its sometimes even quite funny 😄 At least to the point where the first hydra respawns and you fly to its mouth which apparently is a goal.
  8. Hey. I die sometimes to trahs mob be it normal bunch of them or a veteran or whatever as well as in story boss battles. Most of the time i notice i die because some design choices on the game which are not difficulty based, but seem to be based on mental endurance of player. Like i am explorin some PoF area.. I try to stop at a beautiful spot to watch the sceberyt, but a mob comes to tap on my shoulder saying "No no.. You cant stop here" I fight the mob and often the battle and evasions pull more mobsd. The battle itself is not really difficult at all, its the health pool that begins to build frustration and the sheer amount of mobs that are everywhere and everything hostile and those that are neutral, are harder to kill than actual hostile and you end up battling that ram too, because some ability just hit it accidently. When the last of the bunch is dead, its very fast when everything sdpawns back. No watching scenery and no traveling on foot because on foot you have to fight most of the time and fdights take time. There is no time to stop and watch the beautiful sceneryu, take screenshots in peace and really take a time on that campfire. Frustration builds up, i get the feeling "Not again, go away stupid mob and just dont have interest to put the necessary attention to battle which results in death and more frustration. There are many interesting ruins and caves and whatever place i really want to explore in detail and look at small things placed there, but the density of mobs, the health pools and all that makes it too irritating to do. In storu boss battle, the frustration is again the reason of death.. The battle feels epic for the first 5 minutes, then you start to gte bored and think "Why this has to take so long, i just repeat the same stuff over and over again, its not epic anymore, its a chore you just want to get done, but in some battles, the first boss kill or defeat leads some more boss mobs tro spawn in groups, thenm more and more and i think what the heck.. Why all of these have to take so long, attention wanders, the story behind the battle gets forgotten and also the npc speak the commanders mates and the enemmies do start not to matter. I just want it done. I die at the end phases often not because the battle is difficult, but because im tired, nored and frustrated because of the legth of the battle.. Core Tyria however, is nice to explore. There is this other problem where things are often too easy, but at this point for me it should feel like that, core Tyria IS for beginners after all and it should not pose a big challenge most of the time... It just feels like the open world could use a more relaxed approach. Cantha seems to have that, so im happy with how that goes, theres actually time to relax, its just that this needs to be implemented to older areas as well. One could argue that level 80 zones are "End ghame", but is endgame about constant combat against trash mobs that dont even drop anything good most of the time or should it be about some REAL challenges in some specific areas of the map where is either a special mob that may even travel around the mob like raiding party opr a boss that has more complec mechanics and requires coordination. By challenge i do not mean the way bnattles are now, where the trash ai seems to be mostly about knockbacks and "cpomplex" just means theres plethora of overlapping aoe attacks that ecven get barely noticeable because all the effects and circles from players and npc's overlap so much. What i mean is real surprosing mechanics, not pre patterned aoe attack but something like the boss have various abilities and special atytacks, it uses randomly and even reacts to players abilities. Regarding the story battles, why take so long, that the battle like one where we should be fighting to save Taimi from suffication inside scruffy ending up not payuing attention to Taimi and her pain, but ending up in battle that you just want to be over and then you dont have time to speak with the rest of the npc's because clock is too much and you need to go somewhere. I think 5 minutes should be maxim,um a story battle should take before it starts to get too repetative and frustrating. I really would like to die in battle because im not good enough, noty because i get bored to the combat.
  9. I have watched it and also read about such activities and is is work that very small amount of people in the whole world can do. Most påeople when fishing is casting and reeling and when you get a fish, you need to use reelbrfake and move the rod in order to tire the fish if its a very bigh fish. Most of fishes catrched by this method however, are just reel in and try for more. Even more basic fishing which is the most relaxing hobby in the world is fishing where you just have a basic rod with line attached to it. No reeling or anything. Just put a worm on the hook and throw it in and wait, then get it up. If the fish took a good bite you just get the fish, otherwise it gets away. This is about watching tythe bobber to know when fish is eating. There is no fighting involved. Some bigger fish you get this way are just heavy to lift and may get away, but if you proceed to "tire" the fish by fluctuating the rod, the fish will surely get away most of the time.. This last fishing style is what most represents the way most MMO's and also GW2 has. You have a rod, bobber and the lure on the hook. None of the fishing methods however, involve watching a fluctiationg bar. Its what TV gamnes were on the beginning weith games like ping ponmg.
  10. For the first week, i loved the fishing as it was implemented because itrs different from what im used to.. I still like it, but dont love it AS LONG as i stay fishing at Cantha and use level 80 character who gas good geart and put the work of getting food and all that plus the masteries help a lot too... But when i play new character with less level, normal gear and dont want to cook or go to TP to buy food plus i just use some basic tackle wsince i want to keep playing the character where he/she is and have fishing ONLY as a relaxing side hobby out of constant combat, the fishing started to annoy me, then frustrate me and now its just something i try once in a while but watching that fluctuatring bar is just not fun and relaxing. It is tedious and feels like still being in com,bat since you cant relax. YTou need to watch the bar anbd keepo pushjing buttons like you do in combat. I for one would not want to fishing to be bar watching. Id like it to be like something you did in EvE while mining with friends. A activity where you have to do very litle micro managing and can keep chatting with your friends and enjoy the scenery. The constant kitten Krait or some other thing trying to eat your boat is irritatoing too and that couldd be handled with depth charges, but they hit like a noodlöe boiling water when it got cold and was slowly poured out of tyhe kettle. But still its not a big problem sin-ce one can usually jump out of boat and just persduade the enemy to stop fighting... What the bar does, is that it negates the mening of 5 people fishing on the same boat or more boats with more people fishing as a group. It basically is like fishing with NPC characters since nobody has time to type in chat since everybody is watching that kitten bar fluctuating and jumpin to kill some krait and losing stacks of fishing buff. Remove the bar, and make the fish battle more relaxing and reqalistic as well, byu making it to be about watching yuour bobvber and making that go right or left and you needing to press the opposite direction. Also make it very easy so its mlow workload. Make it about relaxatrion, not about performing. Or since that makes problems when more fishers are on the same spot, keep the bar, but make it much slower so its basically just a bot prevention methind, not a methiod to perform.
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