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Everything posted by SoulBlaze.3059

  1. didnt realize quickness wins games or gets kills. My bad.
  2. ele is easier then ever with the new spec available, and is more able to bunker than a vindi than ever.
  3. Wow I wasnt aware of that, because it isnt an accurate statement. Oddly enough most people try to play some kind of borderline when talking about it too, saying that well its still good for extreme competitors. Why? why is it that so many people tend to believe the class can only work in a high skill scene? Maybe because they are able to rely on a team to carry them? Hard to say, but doesnt it seem off that there is some kind of gatekeeping going on, even from the development side, like they enjoy having a class that you have to try twice as hard to do less overall. 🤷‍♂️
  4. It means absolutely nothing, guaranteed the people that react to posts are typically not the people playing the class. Just as I would guess alot of people who post are the same case. The fact of the matter remains, the class is lacking compared to other classes currently. It does not matter if 'yeah well you can still be ok at best if you play like a tournament winner.' That's not what defines balance.
  5. I just really dont understand their thought process with the class as a whole. It seriously feels like nothing is tested for PvP. The divide in class capabilities right now is terrible, and revenant has nothing that can be used in true competitive play.
  6. I understand where you are coming from, and you are more than welcome to ignore them. An issue is here and it has been ignored for way too long. It is obvious the devs do not know what to do with this class and continue to kinda toe around with it to see what happens. This is unacceptable and change is required at this point. I am tired of them slowly pushing this class to the ground and I am not the only person by far. So I have every intention of continuing to complain until something is done.
  7. The class is at a massive disadvantage in the current meta and needs a rework, or to be buffed back to its original state to be able to compete.
  8. It feels like a majority of the time playing vindi that im playing rock paper scissors with the other classes, but for some reason im missing scissors. We are at a constant disadvantage and can only do anything mediocre. Revenant has nothing that really stands out and it is not a meta class in anything. The devs have no idea what direction to take it and its ridiculous.
  9. Why should we have to really know a class for it to be semi good when engineers can spam rifle 1 and win any fight? Do you see what im getting at, skill means nothing when others are playing a game rigged in their favor. Revenant needs something to match these.
  10. Also why does every other spec for all other classes have the ability to do some super long range escape? I love being able to run 4 yards, and not survive due to the nerfed healing. Why was it nerfed to begin with? thats the real question.
  11. I havnt seen anything constructive regarding why the revenant doesnt need a rework. The class is seriously in limbo and doesnt fill any role as effectively as another class. Please update this class and make it useful. Most raid groups I know don't even accept them in parties due to the lack of usefullness.
  12. I think the anti stun is a good question. Tell me what about that is fair then.
  13. Considering how much stun spam there is in PvP with some builds literally being built around being able to stun multiple times over and over, why is it that if I use a single skill after refresh, I can no longer anti stun as a rev? The class resource makes no sense in the current PvP scene. Something needs to change.
  14. i did in the last post, maybe you should re-read. 🙃
  15. change should be consistent to attempt to better balance everything, referencing the past as a comparison to the current is a reason for change, never a reason to leave things be.
  16. While I can agree that balance can go either way, this seems like a way to avoid the question. If something is better, and you are seeking balance, would that not mean that one thing is doing 'too well' in comparison to others?
  17. so its not balanced, but you just dont know what is doing too well?
  18. ok then what is overperforming in your opinion?
  19. Revenant is really in need of a buff in the PvP scene. The only good thing it had going for it was its ability to self heal and survive, which has now been nerfed as low as possible. It is overshadowed by another class in any aspect. Ranged damage is terrible, if you play shortbow in PvP you do not have the skills necessary to keep enemies off of you, nor the range to work effectively. General damage is way outclassed by most other classes. Its healing has been nerfed to the ground and it generally cant survive most fights. Its buffing ability is subpar at best with herald and has been made worse over time. Anet really needs to figure out what they want this class to be, because currently it is midline in everything. It has a very low amount of stuns as well as stun breaks, and requires a class resource meaning most times you cannot have those skills ready. Due to its naturally low health pool, and the lack of effective stunbreak/stunspam it will normally just get pinned and insta'd. It is less effective than ever in teamplay due to the even lesser healing now, not to mention that most teams do not need a dedicated support as most specs have been given the ability to provide any buff they need to themselves in some way shape or fashion. So what is the revenant for at this point?
  20. yeah you are right, its a balanced playing field. XD
  21. so the class with arguably the best sustain in the game due to invincibility and stun stacks? which mind you other classes dont have. Got it.
  22. I find it interesting that everyone grabbed onto the scrapper comment, yet very little was said about mech engi in pvp. hmm
  23. This is a super unproductive way of looking at the situation. 'it was worse in the past so lets leave things the way they are' That doesnt make any sense, if its still broken why not fix things? It literally has nothing to do with the past.
  24. Why the heck does the guild arena use abilities PvE stats if you are fighting other players. Nothing about that makes sense. Is there any reason for this what-so-ever?
  25. No reason to nerf anything, they would just have to bring other classes up to speed. Let every class be able to self provide everything while also being able to push out huge damage and evade half way across the map to get out of combat if need be. Maybe if they do that and level the playing field, skill will actually become a deciding factor.
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