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Everything posted by SoulBlaze.3059

  1. I can agree with a few points there, the problem I find is that if you look too much at the class itself, you fail to see how it performs in comparison to other classes. We can crunch the numbers all day, but when you see how the class actually fares, and what is has available in comparison to other classes, it just doesnt make much sense from a development standpoint. I 100% believe the class is lesser than all other classes due to the fact that it has extreme versatility. This aspect does not work well in PvP at all where the whole focus is picking one thing and abusing it. Yes, while this does create a much greater skill ceiling specifically for this class, when put into practice it does not work well at all due to the way pvp is currently run. I find it hard to compare other classes to rev because they all have a focus. Rev's focus is often burst damage because thats what excels currently, but is outclassed by the warriors axe combo which can easily hit over 20K damage in under 2 seconds. Not to mention trap guardians which have the capability to insta almost any build. A secondary aspect to think about is class synergy, the revenant does not synergize well with any classes as their skills are mostly direct damage based, hence why you dont see many speed wipes with this class. I believe the class could use an entire rework.
  2. The MAT was played without the full effects of the most recent updates, and mind you 5v5 plays nothing like the current 2v2 season. Its hard to justify you have the same number of skills as other classes as the secondary legend is typically on cooldown. On top of all that the MAT is played alot differently as in high skill brackets you see alot more skilled play and less stun spam that is typically used throughout normal PvP. You cant exactly expect the entire guildwars community to suddenly play the game differently and say its fair because they can do that. I stand by what I said, and fully believe that the revenant is generally lacking in the PvP scene and in my opinion the video mentioned shows that, as the revenant players were typically capping points, or a +1 in a fight ensuring their safety. The class cannot hold out on their own.
  3. Revenant is the worst class for PvP currently in the history of Guild Wars. -Around 16K hp as a typically melee class, with heavy armor, meaning you can die almost instantly to most bursts. -a single stun break at a time with a huge cool down, also requiring an immense amount of the class resource. -a single stun attack also requiring a modest amount of resource. (Which also goes way against the pvp meta which is stun spam, normally procced multiple times back to back) -Ok mobility, but specifically for engaging a target, and very limited for getting away from a fight, note the 16K hp -Ranged builds normally focus cond damage, which is exceptionally low in comparison to other classes, also making you squishier normally due to the attacks available. -Used to be good with heal spam builds allowing for an ok dueling class, matching the prowess of other classes. This has been nerfed to the floor, making you lose most duels. -Because of these changes, you are expected at best to be a support build, which mind you requires a Herald spec which has been made weaker than ever. Literally made of glass. -While the class still maintains ok burst damage with GS builds, because of the healing nerfs, and lack of health/stun breaks, you will almost never want to engage alone. I have been playing revenant for a long time and love the way the new spec works, and loved how good of a dueling class this was in the past with the improved sustainability. Currently this class is barely even viable for 2v1 fights as people will normally target you knowing you will go down extremely fast. I am suggesting a rework of the class to fit the current pvp meta as most other classes have atleast one spec that is somewhat viable without being carried by a teammate running something currently broken. This class is in, by far, the worst place out of all classes for PvP specific gamemodes, as it does not seem to have a focus, and has 1 of everything available for every spec option. This in particular makes it exceptionally impossible to match up to all other class specs in most fights. I am essentially begging at this point, please give this class something to work with.
  4. So when are we going to fix engineers running rampant in PvP? Oh the devs dont care about PvP? got it.
  5. I report anyone that is using a currently broken build as match manipulation. The devs have ruined PvP and made some classes unkillable so the match has been manipulated and devs should see it.
  6. forced to be a roamer because it is essentially worthless. Herald is for buffing support and it cant even do that so people tall you to go play off point. XD
  7. Atleast deadeye is still good in PvP, not in the current season, but will be when 5v5 comes back out. Warrior can match the current stun meta while still dealing good damage numbers atleast. Revenant doesnt have damage, anti stun, or mobility. its a joke
  8. herald is not nearly as good as it once was in PvP, not even going to mention how little sustain it has these days. The issue I have isnt that there isnt a way to play it, because yes, you can play it slightly well. There are ways to build it that make it ok, but it has gotten worse over times, and any time it excels at anything, it gets nerfed again. Every aspect about the class is outclassed by 1 or more other classes. Its not good at anything, just ok. It is beyond mediocre at this point and cannot stack up to most other classes.
  9. Am I crazy or is revenant massively lacking for PvP? At any given time you have a single accessible stun, a single accessible stun-break, and while the burst damage can be nice, it is still massively outclassed. It almost feels like the devs have no idea what to do with the class so they leave it in a mediocre spot. Healing is only getting nerfed more and more and max health is low af for a heavy armor user. The class feels neglected as a whole, especially in PvP. I do appreciate the burst damage, but it still cant compare to other classes bursts, and does almost nothing against some builds, such as a staff guardian. The immense lack of stun breaks is making it worse as time goes on due to every class these days relying on stuns/cc to win almost every fight. Such as necro being able to pop fear/freeze every other second. Recent changes have made this only worse as the recent patch has made even more changes to skills that allow for more stun. I had alot of fun with it in the last season, as long as I picked my fights correctly, but now it seems to just be lacking overall, especially with rangers doing 7K damage with a single hit.
  10. Revenant in general has reached such a mediocre state and its more than likely because the devs dont know what to do with the class as a whole. It can barely support these days, it has very little healing after getting nerfed over and over, it has terrible health max in PvP, and the DPS burst used to be nice, but is outclassed by every other class these days. Not to mention the lack of consistent stun and anti-stun for pvp that every other class can spam back to back. It was built like it is meant to rely on pure damage and not cheesing stuns, but then they took the damage away. The class as a whole is disappointing and a waste of space now.
  11. lol try revenant in pvp for a bit
  12. To be perfectly honest, I believe WvW is a consistent kitten-show and expecting anything to have a balance in it is hoping for too much. I primarily focus on PvP as balance there is a possibility, and revenant is in a sad state. So yes, its nice to hear that revenants are appreciated in some aspect, as the devs continue to make them more mediocre for everything else. Let the class have something
  13. lol the cooldown on this has already been nerfed to hell in the recent patch, plus their healing in general is worse than ever. Its good to know they have something useful in WvW, because in PvP they are regarded as wasted space right now after recent changes.
  14. Am I crazy or is revenant massively lacking for PvP? At any given time you have a single accessible stun, a single accessible stun-break, and while the burst damage can be nice, it is still massively outclassed. It almost feels like the devs have no idea what to do with the class so they leave it in a mediocre spot. Healing is only getting nerfed more and more and max health is low af for a heavy armor user. The class feels neglected as a whole, especially in PvP. I do appreciate the burst damage, but it still cant compare to other classes bursts, and does almost nothing against some builds, such as a staff guardian. The immense lack of stun breaks is making it worse as time goes on due to every class these days relying on stuns/cc to win almost every fight. Such as necro being able to pop fear/freeze every other second. Recent changes have made this only worse as the recent patch has made even more changes to skills that allow for more stun. I had alot of fun with it in the last season, as long as I picked my fights correctly, but now it seems to just be lacking overall, especially with rangers doing 7K damage with a single hit.
  15. Good thing we have gotten a million PvE changes, and PvP is a wildfire. Revenant is beyond worthless in PvP these days and generally ignored by the dev team as they have no idea what direction to take it. It gets worse and worse with every patch that is released, and is generally a joke to try to PvP with it now. Can we please get a PvP balance patch finally, one that is actually tested by the devs? Lets be real we all know they only play guardian when they PvP which tests nothing since you can do anything as a guardian and win.
  16. Maybe someday revenant will actually be useful in PvP, have more than 16K HP, have more than 1 stun ability, have more than 1 stun break, and not have its healing nerfed over and over every patch. Literally unplayable. Can we start a vote to rename the class to Clown, because thats how I feel trying to play it. get 3 shotted by other classes due to a single stun break, absolutely wrecked healing. Yet guardian can half someones health in 1 second and then heal full in another. Weird how the dev favorites keep getting better.
  17. Thats exactly my point though, why are devs making the game to focus so hard on the cc/stun spam. This is massively lowering the skill ceiling, and thats aside from the OP classes with dumb healing and insane damage. On that note why does the revenant only have a single stun break and a single stun for every spec, they were literally not made for PvP, yeah their damage is ok on a burst, not nearly as good as others, but it takes 2 CC abilites to insta them due to low HP and nerfed healing. The game is making mediocre classes worse and great classes even better.
  18. Revenant is in the worst place it has ever been, damage is lower than every class, almost no HP, healing keeps getting nerfed, glad I payed money for the most worthless class in the game for PvP and PvE.
  19. I have read alot of what they have to say as well as recent announcements. They talk about some long term goal of balance which makes no sense, because each patch they have less and less balance in place. They are delusional in thinking that there is some end goal that will provide balance, when most of PVP is cc spam for a fast kill and some classes are beyond stronger than others. Not to mention the skill ceiling just drops lower and lower because of these changes.
  20. Warrior is not in a bad spot, and well played bladesworn is immense damage. guardians are unkillable by most classes while still continuing to do immense damage, not to mention trap guardians and guardians insane healing amount in general. necro has way too much health as it is a mage class and not meant to be a teamfighter normally, on top of that also has an overshield due to the transform. Revenant is unplayable these days as due to being 3 shot by many classes and has almost 0 stun break. Revenant damage is worse than ever and will lose most fights after this recent patch.
  21. yeah thats my bad, was ranting not thinking
  22. SoulBlaze.3059


    Devs, can you all play some pvp as the other classes aside from warrior(firebrand) and guardian so you can see how much you are kittenin us. Game has become a joke. Didnt you release a notice saying you would start looking into peoples complains on the forum? While the heck does the necromancer has 2x the health as the revenant and 4x the healing? Why can the ranger hit for 7K+ damage in a single hit now? Why does the mesmer transformation last so long in PvP? balance does not exist!
  23. the bait worked, now answer the questions!
  24. So why is staff guardian essentially unkillable? I dont understand why the game has so little balance these days. Hunter is suddenly hitting for 7K damage. Revenant has almost no health and healing and is worthless. Necro can perma fear. Wtf happened?
  25. my necro has twice as much health plus the overshield, wtf
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