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equinshadox.5418's Achievements

  1. I lowkey love it. Great way to make gold (though Ambergris has dropped like 33% in sale price since June), relaxing but not overly boring, and a great way to kill some down-time in between other activities like map metas and instanced runs. As an avid podcast listener, this is the game's best "do while listening to audio" activity by a country mile. Now, no system is perfect, and Anet could certainly stand to improve fishing mechanics and implement some QoL improvements for them. Also, I haven't really tried for the fishing achievements yet, and I've heard the Dusk/Dawn fish are a pain to get. I really like the tackle box suggestion. Additionally, the skiff sorely needs to gain a skill to either kill pesky mobs, or enter stealth to avoid combat completely. And I would love it if the party stacking buff lasts longer after disembarking, and/or persists through a map change.
  2. Confirming on my end that the bug introduced in June has finally been fixed! The game is rendering the Hero panel and gear previews as intended.
  3. Not SMG-esque in shape or size, but I recently discovered the plasma rifle skin, which has a modern gunmetal-like finish. When drawn it has an extended plasma barrel, but I think it really fits with the engineer's class fantasy. I'll echo that Rifle Mechanist would fit your playstyle more. But in the off-chance you stick with Holosmith (or find the jade mech cramps your style), I also recommend the Inquest Mark II as a great sword skin. Of course, the default Holosmith lightsaber does the job as well.
  4. From today's release notes, under General: Unfortunately the issue was not fixed for everyone. For me it's worse as I now no longer have any workaround and will either have to live without previews/Hero or swap to DirectX 9. Edit: Can confirm - for me, disabling DPI Scaling allows the Hero/preview to properly render, but this isn't an option for me since the UI is too small to read (even with Interface Size set to "Larger"). Edit 2: For now, I think my plan going forward is to toggle DPI Scaling if there's a skin I really want to see, otherwise I'll live without previews for now.
  5. Welp, back on this topic because today's update (return of the Tower of Nightmares patch) has further broken the previewing bug, in that I can't even use the workaround (set game res to match native res) to get past it. Screen taken today... My display is 3000 x 2000 but text and windows are scaled up 2x (effective resolution of 1500x1000). I refuse to turn this off just to play the game, lest I render everything on my screen tiny and unreadable. Issue is now WORSE than before? My guess is that there was an attempt to fix character previews, but the factor of DPI scaling was ignored somehow.
  6. I found a workaround where I: set Game Resolution to match my native resolution, to remove the previewing issue set Render Sampling to Subsample, to reduce some of the performance load that increasing the Game Resolution had added Hope this can help anyone else with this issue in the interim, until Anet can get this bug fixed. Edit: Also, for optimizing graphics & performance in general, I found this video and this video great starting points. Turning Reflections and Shadows to 'low' or 'zero' really helps counteract any increases in Game Resolution you may need to live with.
  7. I have the same problem, maybe this is a bug introduced with the latest build? Native res: 3000x2000 Game res: 1680x1050 With this setting (which I have used since the beginning), my character/preview doesn't show up unless I drag the Hero panel to the top-left, and then my character begins to appear (within a specific small region at the top-left of the window). If I set the game res to match my native res, this problem goes away, and character/gear appears as it should. Obviously for performance reasons, I don't run the game at native resolution. It's irksome that I can't preview any gear.
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