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Posts posted by reddie.5861

  1. 10 hours ago, Twilightzone.7452 said:

    Hmmm Alliances with most people I choose or bots on SBI hard choice.

    Your "communities" aren't going anywhere, you still have 5 guilds slots to talk to them. Got someone in map you enjoy talking too but not in a any guild? You can use this feature called the friend list to add them and even give them a nickname. You can always whisper and talk to them.

    I would agree, ANET hasnt mention how long the "alliances" last before we get a shuffle of alliances.

    the point is, people join a "ally" suiting to their skill lvl.
    he might have had ton of friends below or above his skill lvl these people are gone its not about talking to them.

    then again alliances to me is like the last nail for WvW. like i said people will stick to people with the same skill lvl, thus all the somewhat proper people will join each other crushing everything, for a while its fun but sooner or later the boredom strikes they will quit. the one who gets farmed by them will quit before that already or avoid them like a plague.
    see i know anet is like in perfect case senario people will split up and we will have balanced fights from no skill to high skill. this could have happened if alliances would have been reduced to 30 max.  but no the amount of people u can ram into 1 guild is enough to fill up a whole server in WvW for multiple maps. the system is just beyond bad. it doesnt add or remove anything from what we had already right now.

    either way everything with alliances is wrong. plus anet is losing their income for server transfers before all the bandwagons had to server transfer now they just join the guild and end up in same server on the next shuffle. all for free!

    anyway i dont see anything good coming out of this alliance crap. i know people i can trust but i never said a word to them just by roaming around i know who will fight and who will dash off, things like this will be gone i either gonna have to trust every1 or not trust any1.

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  2. On 6/5/2024 at 2:54 PM, draxynnic.3719 said:

    A condi-only melee weapon might work well. All of the existing melee weapons have power- or CC-based stealth attacks, so there's space for a melee condition-oriented stealth attack for deadeye.

    Lack of a new offhand on the one profession where an offhand would actually be a big deal is a bit tiring, though.

    no condi.
    i hate condi, condi options enough on thief. i dont understand why 1 likes to play condi.
    every human enjoys fat big numbers and here we have one i like to see my target bleed to dead slowly weeee the joy >.<

    anet needs to put thief back to its full glory like it was at start of gw2. mobile like no other and hits like a truck in a short burst.
    nowadays everyone is mobile and hits like a truck where thief is doing a little to no dmg at all anymore.

    • Confused 1
  3. i quit already that good enough? 😛 
    boonball meta is really kitten, i understand we need boons to fight. but pulling all boons out of ur kitten just like its nothing is boring as kitten.
    dunno why anet thinks we need this much boons with a little to no effort.

    • Like 5
  4. 15 hours ago, Asur.9178 said:

    Wishful thinking to expect it to be changed any time soon considering it's in the Trickery traitline.

    Most long-time thief veterans know that the balance team is pretty clueless when it comes to thief; you don't need to look far. Just look at the balance patch this week - they once again increased initiative costs.

    every balance patch is like, Increased x dmg or whatever to be more used in raids or whatever.

    but thief not being used in anything beside sPvP (even there it doesnt shine anymore) nothing is being done about it. i miss my good old thief when u could almost 1 bang people in WvW if not 1 bang but the down side was u get 1 banged aswell by anything with a bit of dmg.

    nowadays every class in game ports all over the place does ton of more dmg has invuls or blocks poops tons of boons and there we have thief 😄 doing nothing

    • Confused 1
  5. On 3/19/2024 at 8:25 AM, Chyx.3956 said:

    Almost every single server is open right now. What happened?

    cus WvW isnt fun anymore?
    every1 has every single boon in the game for 1 minute running around like idiots.
    mass corrupting keeps getting one nerf after another.
    i have lost fun few months ago.

    for me wvw is equal to doing a raid in gw2.

    u just have all boons and u spank the "enemy"(raid)  and see who wins nothing else is involved anymore. maybe GvG is somewhat different but really not into something that was already dead for multiple years.

    • Like 1
  6. On 1/20/2024 at 5:48 PM, TheThief.8475 said:

    It was 2015 when HoT was annouced,

    I was young, back then,

    and since,

    i'm waiting for off hand sword.

    I got a stick;

    I got a pewpew ranged weapon;

    I got ranged magic weapon;

    I will get a ranged phisical weapon;



    I will leave this question for you Anet: "Why do people pick Thief as their class?" 

    Maybe if you answer this simple question you will be able to craft something we love (after 12 years of not delivering anything I whished for as a Thief/Rogue enjoyer)

    why? because back in the day pre expansions thief was fast had mobility and could deal a MASSIVE single dmg spike.

    nowadays i dunno thief doesnt have the mobility anymore as all classes port like fools
    thief has been nerfed million times on dmg and its not even close to massive anymore on a single target with a spike.

    thief is kind of a handicapted class with stealth. its no good at anything vs a equal skilled player.



    lets not mention every thief build has
    trickery and kitten


    trickery and CS

    then ur limited to a elite so neat.

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  7. 10 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

    mesmer - blink - 1200 range stun break

    thief - shadowstep - 1200 range 2 way 2x stun break

    engineer - shift signet - 1200 range stun break

    guardian - judges intervention - 1200 range targeted stun break

    necro - flesh wurm - 1200 range stun break

    revenant - phase traversal - 1200 range, targeted, not a stun break BUT gives unblockable, gives quickness and has 5 seconds cd....

    ranger - unnatural traversal - 900 range, targeted, not a stun break BUT gets half cd if it hits someone gives 5 stacks of might, regen and vulnerability on the target

    elementalist - lightning flash - 900 range, not a stun break... "but" does 80 damage... OMG BROKEN NERF IT RIGHT NOW HOW THE HELL IS THIS EVEN ALLOWED???



    i really never play ele but when i do! i slap my cele gear on with arcane? trait where flipping ur attunements gives HP and i just go like weeee 1111111111111 switch and my HP never goes down.

    oh ye i might take wrong traits but i dont care i still wreck people on my ele because i dunno people just die after a few mins while i didnt even take a hit.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Malus.2184 said:

    How do you defeat roaming Elementalists? They seem to have great mobility, great survivability, and great damage. It's like, they have everything and the kitchen sink while everyone else has to choose two of the three. 

    What's this an issue of? Celestial? Or is it the Elemental Attunements that give them all of this?

    if you see a ele on celestial u just turn around and run off.
    not worth to give them a fight not worth your time either.

    it takes kittening long to kill in meanwhile u could probably already had 3/4 other good fights somewhere else. if u do wanna blow your time on them u simply keep hammering till they kitten up and u unleash a burst.

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  9. 19 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    The previous system also told you what to do, you can just say the only reason you logged in was the free rewards and now with having to play a bit you have no intention to log in.

    the previous system let me login click daily reward and then i could do whatever i wanted to do.
    now i login and i have to do 4 simple task or 3 or 5 i forgot already.

    i hate doing quest in any given game. go kill 3 of x and return to me. i dont wanna run north to run 3 of x and then run back to south to return the crap and then run north again to progress in the game.

    now the wizard vault isnt exactly making me path back and forward but it does tell me where to go and what to do.

    i do not like i do not feel like logging in cus theres no reward for me waiting anyway so i dont really play at all anymore.

    • Confused 6
  10. dont like the system also, tried it for a few weeks.
    yes it does yield alot more gold for me but i kind of hate the whole system, havent logged in for few weeks either by now, not just cus of that but before i logged in to collect a daily and played a little now i login to collect nada so i better not log at all 😄 .
    basically the old daily was worth to login for this new wizard vault isnt worth it to login for unless u feel like playing, and if theres 1 thing i hate in mmo's is a quest telling me what to do 😄 (yes its weird i know). So with that in my head that i have to do some shite a system is tellin me to do i dont feel like logging at all.

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  11. 9 hours ago, Chrome.9841 said:

    Anet should make match ups with: Total War Score x total K/D (Ex: war score is 200.000 and Kill/Death score is 2 their match up score should be 400.000) not with victory points. So both Claiming objectives and PvP will be effective on match ups. Some worlds are winning the week by doing mostly pve at wvw and ending up finding themselves fighting against pvp strong worlds. This is causing some players having bad wvw experience. 

    this isnt a anet issue, its a human issue where 90% of people want to play on a winning team. its natural 😉 the thing is imagine logging after a day of work or w/e u do and u have to run to the enemy spawn in order to wait for that 1 kitten to run out of spawn to get jumped by 10 of ur server buddies.
    oof the joy! the happiness! u might aswell kill grey mobs somewhere in the PvE world it gives me the same effect, FAT DMG Numbers on my screen WOOHOO after the 2nd grey npc im bored and logoff 😛 . i admire the people who actually login daily to camp a spawn or deffend a object on other side of the map from wsr cus i dunno what it takes for them to get bored or they have a serious addiction issue which makes them unable to logoff from the game for a week cus of 0 action from the enemy teams.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Jonny.6013 said:

    I haven't been that active in WvW for awhile, but can't recall ever experiencing this level of commitment from an opposing faction.

    It sounds like a) hell b) the challenging new content much of the playerbase has been crying out for for ages (Delete as applicable)! 😀

    It probably will ultimately come down to waiting them out until reset, or at least a time period when that particular server is less active. Unless you can muster up numbers an organised and motivated commander and/or an alliance with the neutral server to take them on, your best bet may be to temporarily engage with some alternative content, or they'll continue to farm bags.

    I'm not sure ANET would agree that it's toxic behaviour - it's just a strategy available within the remit of the game mode.


    none really wants to play vs wsr, none logs in they can have their joy :D.
    thats the reality for wsr, i mean like i said they have some good players but the majority wont take on a fight if not 101% chance to win.
    they have zillion of morons (i actually find it funny but u kill ur own content) who like to pull commander.
    wsr has got it all to make the whole game so boring its better to log alts and enjoy a different match up.

    even if u lose every single fight vs them i wouldnt care but their massive blob that is already full of try hards will win any (good job) but around that massive try hard blob vs bunch of mostly people who play to have fun on a open tag they have 10/20 gankers picking off people also + pulling commanders.
    ye well tell me wheres the fun for the other server 😛

    • Like 3
  13. 2 hours ago, diomache.9246 said:

    That's why I asked him and why I checked on my low level FSP toon.


    No queues for any bl, not even EBG. Yeah, sucks to be on a dead server, but it's just not true that you can't do anything. I mean there is three maps to take instead of running into gank groups on EBG spawn.


    i think on any given server thats being spawn camped is more fun for the people then for the people who are actually spawn camping.

    imagine having to camp a spawn with 10ish people ganking that single player running out of safe zone..
    ooh the thrills that he might have setup a fight that he might have killed u or actually made u sweat a little..
    tbh i know wsr has some good players but most people on there are like a bunch of mongs how u even enjoy having absolutely no preasure against ur self.
    i mean i been there done that in a different mmo eventually u just quit out of boredom.  but atleast gw2 gives u the option to switch server.
    else wsr probably would be dead in less then a few months.

  14. On 11/13/2023 at 4:37 AM, Vadar.5724 said:

    I didn't forget. At this point anything would be good.

    ye old dmg back from thief, that would be a good start.
    going from high dmg and high mobility to wet noodle dmg and basically mobility is non sense now with every1 porting around like idiots 😛

    so ye giving us proper backstab dmg back for example would be a good start.

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  15. 6 hours ago, Vadar.5724 said:

    Yeah, axe could be the wvw weapon we have needed for 10 years... It looks like an aoe long range damage weapon. An aoe long range pull of some kind would be nice. Imagine if we could use a weapon that actually did aoe damage/supression that's not a majorly nerfed shortbow. However, knowing Anet, it's going to be another 1 target weapon that's completely useless.

    i think you forgot about projectile i guess half kitten gets reflected in ur face not dealing any dmg.
    thief is doomed for another patch on wvw xD

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  16. On 10/13/2023 at 8:25 AM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    They did state the last balance patch was going to be about SotO and it was. Not sure the next schedule though so plan for that.

    most balance patched are more about we give X class this boon or this support so they can be used more in raids.
    i mean im not sure about this but Raids are most dead mode in gw2 if u ask me.

    could just nerf the HP punch bags instead of giving more classes boons and support if  u ask me.
    the raids are nothing more then a fat stain on ur screen that needs alot of spanking to kill, same mechanic same skills same thing everytime u do it no need for buffs or nerfs based on this.

    in my eyes every mmo should always be balanced around PvP as its the only content that last for ever PvE is just a little thing next to it which gets boring over time for most people because like i said its all hard coded what NPC's will do unlike PvP we arent hardcoded and will take advantage of everything.
    right now every group in WvW if not half decent runs around with to many buffs with to high uptime because theres no proper stripping anymore compare to how easy its to poop out the boons.

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  17. 4 hours ago, Chips.7968 said:

    Did you not know, it's only temporary while they work out how/what is overperforming.





    So they'll be re-introduced around 2027; this is based on how long it took to solve the 5 minute cooldown things. Or how long it took to suddenly go (prior to a release) "Has been overperforming for a while, so we're addressing that in this update" (whereby the mechanics had been overperforming for 4 years).

    So, not long. Hang tight, they're very busy doing all the balances don't you realise. 

    nice after alliances we get this sorted then 😄

    • Haha 3
  18. 21 hours ago, CrimsonOneThree.5682 said:

    Who is we though?

    Clouders? Warriors? Necros and even Mesmers still boon strip, but you still need coordination obviously.

    can out strip most people while not even focusing nor traited towards doing ton of strips on reaper.
    i understand most people enjoy having all boons but then we might aswell at that jade bot kitten in WvW so on every engage we have all boons running and strips rly dont matter.

    we all know strips have been nerfed and boon ball came back.

  19. On 2/4/2022 at 9:45 PM, displayname.8315 said:

    No need to imagine I played in the 3rd beta and would like that back ASAP.


    Yeeeah that's not gunna happen.  We have years of evidence to the contrary.

    bit late but w/e

    ill make alliance for you ill invite every proper FoW player
    ill make another alliance for you on my alt account ill invite every proper WSR player
    ill make another alliance for you on other alt and do same on w/e given server

    guilds can have 500 players u forgot didnt ? its easy to stack a whole server or proper players in 1 guild.
    the balance is going to be worse. sure if you enjoy one pushing everything u might like it. but hey ur enemies will just fade at the end its just you playing untill ur alliance breaks up and u get something to fight again but it will be to little and then what? gw2 is offically dead in WvW.
    not like its super active nowadays.

    like i said system is to easy to manipulate, i have been on top of a server in different game i know what its like when u win everything i also know whats the outcome in long run.
    i had to leave the server in order to start having fun again. losing a fight is actually what makes u want to keep playing but losing every fight is wats gonna make people quit slowly
    when enough have quit then the winners gonna be doing some karma trains and get bored very fast. they will vanish aswell..

    alliances are nothing but full of kitten and a loss in gems for transfers for anet, cus as i said before either u join big fat 500 man guild to be where u wanna be or u simply dump 1 alt to always get to choose which server u wanna be in when ur main isnt on a server u enjoy.

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  20. Just now, psizone.8437 said:

    Please no! I like the amulet system in sPvP but I love the build freedom in WvW.

    Just make sure the relics can be bought in the heroics notary vendor in WvW and it won't be much of an issue.

    or that im just tired of having to go into PvE world every update to do some dumb achievements or story, which is 90% of the time just irritating me cus of long lasting dumb chats between npc's or video's or w/e i just want a skip button 😄

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  21. On 7/20/2023 at 5:47 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Learn all about the expansion's newest equipment slot.

    EDIT: Below are some answers to frequently asked questions. We may add more as we keep an eye on this thread and see questions we are able to answer at this time.


    • What happens to rune slot 6?
      • Slot 6 will be another stat bonus. Some runes already have a stat bonus here, and those that don’t will have one added. 
    • Can I equip 5 runes and +1 of another set?
      • You can, as you can now, but this will be giving up the 6-slot bonus of one rune set for the 1 slot bonus of another.
    • Will relics that launch cover all the special effect from each 6-rune set?
      • Not all existing 6-slot rune bonuses will be available as relics at launch. We will continue adding additional core relics over time as part of our ongoing commitment to improving our core game features.
    • Can you explain the note about “choice of three core relics”?
      • When we say "your choice of three relics,” we mean that you’ll get to choose a total of three relics (exact number subject to change, but that’s our current plan) from among the available core relics.
    • There are runes that have the same exact stat combinations up to 5 runes and then the 6th rune is different. For example, the runes of the pack, fireworks and surging. Now the rune of the pack actually gives stats (+125 precision) for the 6th rune. But the other two only have the special ability and give no stat bonus. Or does the 25% increase in movement speed count as a stat increase?
      • In cases like this, we’ll be making sure that runes with duplicate 1-5 bonuses have unique 6 slot stats. In this example, 25% movement speed will count as a stat increase and will be seen on a handful of rune 6 pieces.
    • Will you be retiring any runes (due to duplicates or otherwise)?
      • No. All of the existing rune sets will have unique stat combinations and none of them will be removed.
    • What will happen for rune sets with a special ability on rune 2 and 4? 
      • Unique 2 and 4 slot bonuses will become raw stats. (Boon and condition duration increases are not considered unique and will not be removed from runes.)
    • Do we need 7 or will 6 that everyone crafted be enough towards the progress? 
      • We recognize most players will have only crafted up to 6 runes, but for players that have crafted seven, the extra effort will be recognized. That said, there is no requirement to make 7 legendary runes.
    • Why only "progress towards," rather than rewarding the relic itself? 
      • The relic will need to be unlocked separately because relics will have new abilities beyond those covered by runes previously, and the legendary relic will be capable of expanding with new relic releases.
    •  Is the relic choice box granted to each character over level 60, or do you get one per account?  
      • The relic choice box is granted per character.

    gw2 starting to get boring, i mean no offense for regular PvE players its fun and stuff "content" woohoo..

    But for us WvW players having to do kitten story again having to farm some kitten relic again having to farm if wanted a crappy legendary again..
    comon Gw2 used to be logout for a year return do some stat swapping on ascended gear and off you go again nothing to much of a hassle.
    now we get update after update adding more shite in the game.

    Can we have amulet system in WvW like PvP?
    can we have auto unlock reward tracks if we bought any given expansion? (no need to do story with long kitten video's that cant be skipped etc)
    can we have just about everything unlocked without the need of PvE? (amulet system would insta solve this problem but w/e, never understood why WvW doesnt have amulet system like PvP)

    for the people who wonder why i dont go play PvP if pretty much anything i asked is already in PvP, because i kinda like the "team death match" mode from WvW im not interested in capping nodes or whatever im interested in the open world random PvPs i dont wanna have goals to win by capping something i dont wanna queue i just wanna PvP. hence why WvW suits better.

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  22. On 5/9/2023 at 9:00 AM, Myror.7521 said:

    @reddie.5861 I mean the difference between Thief and willbender is pretty clear. It does not gain any source of stealth and can only Port tough enemys. Also besides this it also does not have 3 Dodge Bars. All of this is also the reason why daredevil is not allowed to Deal more DMG. And cause drd itself where not gain Thiefs any dmg modifire (besides this less dodges available = more DMG Thing) they Just nerfed core Thief. 


    Still i ever said If you want to have drd make any more DMG you have to remove its third Dodge bar and remove some stealth (Last one was semi good done)


    im talking about Core Gw2 when i started (just bit after the release) it was thief who had fat backstabs and good dmg, and mobility.
    tell me something a thief has nowadays? beside stealth which really isnt that great either. but okay for some people stealth is game breaking so anyway we have stealth.
    so we stealth up use a backstab and then we relay on what our dodges? because any other given class out dps out and out sustain us.

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