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Everything posted by Benjini.5243

  1. I'm a queer male and my partner is a young newly out trans woman. I've been playing since Beta (lol) but left for many years and recently came back and am still learning all the changes; my partner is much newer to the game than me and is moving through all the changes and content much faster understandably. Back when I was still around a million years ago there where some fairly large LGBTQ guilds - are there still any now? It would be helpful especially for my partner I think to feel like she is among peers and have a sense of community and know that people are not gonna be saying inflammatory stuff to her
  2. Don't make weapons and mechanics feel so fundamentally different from PvE to PVP where stuff suddenly feels way stronger/weaker when switching modes and has different recharges or less ammo or gives less boons, this is trending towards giving everyone multiple sets of stuff to learn depending on which game mode
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