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infant.8175's Achievements

  1. -wish anet removes the cds from mount skills and increase the mount energy gain by 100% maybe even allow mounting while in combat in the open world pve - remove the weekly time gate on raids and daily time gate on fractals and dungeons and strikes and dragon response missions and meta events rewards. - add all of the common rewards found inside the black lion chest as farmable rewards doing activities mentioned above with a lower chance getting the uncommon / rare stuff there for an example clear 50 end game activity from what's mentioned above get one unlocked black lion chest . -shared map completion for party members downscaling to the party member that has less progression done -shared achievement progression for party members downscaling to the party member with less progression or unlocks -shared mastery experience for party members -in game wiki tap -in game barber shop. -squad queueing for raids / meta events with a requirement of 2 things from fill- dps -quickness-alac-heal and starting when all roles are filled -party queuing for dungeons and fractals a requirement of 2 things from fill- dps -quickness-alac-heal and starting when all roles are filled -wish we could glide up or get launched up with a mastery instead of relying on the springer mount -wish open world in general get more adds and get more threatening with more elites and champions specially inside caves. -wish we had a rental system for fashion that unlocks all game skins temporarily that lasts a day/week/month that we can trade for gems or as something we get as a reward for birthdays or spvp /wvw ranks. -wish spvp elo became static rank wise instead of calculating the disparity between players points wise in example : always get +15 on a win -15 on a loss -wish each top stat had +4 points elo wise with a max of + 24 -wish spvp leaderboard is based on higher number of games played + elo points instead of elo points+ minimum games played . - wish anet remove point decay from spvp - wish 3 dishonors in single day results into spvp season ban . -wish we had tournament divisions so new players can compete against each other so they would be able in the long run with experience compete with the veterans in example a tournament that only non dragon ranked players can join with minimum rewards like static 2 gold win or lose and a tournament that only dragon rank can join with big rewards like 7 static gold win or lose + top 8 prizes -wish wvw rewards reset happened every 3 days with less time gating required to fully complete the wvw pips/reward track. lastly wish this game and its devs all the best for what is yet to come for this beautiful game .
  2. join an active guild make some friends ask them to join you as a favor gw2 community are freakishly helpful .
  3. private instanced for meta events for example drizzle wood or istan so guilds can get more active.
  4. -getting gold in this game is really important to get your quality of life going I recommend doing t4 fractals-domain of istan meta-drizzlewood meta as soon as possible alternatively you can go the fishing route or with the trade post flipping items method or the p2w method with getting more paid gw2 accounts for the daily login rewards or buying gems then converting it to gold' also you can use gifts of exploration to craft https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Mastery and trade it on the gw2 overflow trading discord (this will need knowledge with crafting gen1 legendary weapons ) -bitter pill to swallow is maxing your crafting once you have around 200 gold you should start leveling up crafting associated with your profession https://gw2crafts.net/ -Masteries will make your life easier so will mounts' do HOT and POF main story then all living story you have access to and from there mainly your true objective for the end game is getting full legendary gear starting with trinkets https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_trinket -you can start raiding as well so you can start with the envoy armor 1-2 achievements to unlock the legendary armor https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Envoy_Armor_I:_Experimental_Armor https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Envoy_Armor_II:_Refined_Armor https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Perfected_Envoy_armor you can also start with spvp and wvw to get all three armors types simultaneously https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Glorious_Hero's_armor (spvp) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero's_armor (wvw) -you will also have to participate in chak gerent - octovines- dragonstand metas as much as you can to get some needed materials https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers -map completion is usually associated with crafting generation1 legendary weapons it shouldn't be your top priority but you can start with it if you are really interested in one of those weapons https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_weapon P.S : to get the meta events done efficiently you need use the Looking For Group function and to enter the map 10-15 mins before the actual timer because the instances that are active will get full very fast on time you might not be able to join the same instance as the squad then' and all of this is what some veterans do for the end game you don't have to do this you can simply play the game however you like and enjoy the sandbox nature of this game.
  5. if he is a veteran he might have had passive exp bonuses from loyalty chests or he might be on a deluxe core gw2 where there is a chance to get bonus exp on kills or he might be doing stuff on the side that u didn't notice like kill more mobs/participating on more events than you / getting more heart objectives etc ' in the long run leveling up will be an after thought when you get involved in the end game and other game modes so you shouldn't get frustrated and enjoy the game at your own pace.
  6. don't let your memes be dreams friend http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWABs2xzlhyoYpMVWLW8X2RXA-zRIUR8fMchGoDRgICvPVQmSB7OLmZGBVA-e
  7. this is a tricky question to answer because we have 3 game modes that overlap with each on some level not to mention if we balance the game to cater towards casuals basically we are tipping the scale away from the veterans and vice versa but if had to start with pve i think merging core dungeons with fractalls is a good start to manipulate all kind of players into doing them actively as dailies would also slightly shorten the gap between casuals and veterans . my wet dream for pve though is making meta events instanced instead of being public with normal mode where the squad max is 50 members and challenge mode where the squad max being 25 members. for pvp my ideal vision would be removing anything can help a build to bunker a point for extended amounts of time and reduce all self healing by 75% while keeping outgoing healing as is and reduce all damage done by 15%-20% in general can't say much about wvw since i didn't play that game mode enough to have an understanding of it .
  8. @zeyeti.8347 you can play heal tempest in normal t4's specially if you want to introduce newbies to fractals it can easily carry the party also you have a meta option with power dps alac tempest gameplay wise its not that different you just replace decent green numbers for decent red ones .
  9. this thread got straw manned so hard' hopefully anet doesn't nerf the dodge damage on vindicator seeing the 45k- 50 k dodge is satisfying reducing it to 25 k would be disappointing .
  10. Vindicator no longer consumes all endurance to dodge. Reduced endurance cost of dodging from 100 to 50. Reduced dodge evade window from 1.6 seconds to 0.8 seconds. this will carry to pve on the upcoming oct 4th patch ?
  11. if that's the case giving encounters periodic magnetic aura can balance the gab between ranged builds and melee
  12. well this is what a balanced build looks like and please mention the dps builds that its lagging behind too because if we analyze what ever builds you will mention you will find that vindicator is not to blame most of the time and since we are discussing vindicators in raids specifically its a fact that its competitive with dh/reapers/daredevils/holosmiths/most warrior power builds/heralds and falls behind power virtuso/ power weaver/power mechanist/power soul beast dps wise in power favored encounters so i truly fail to understand what makes vindicator lacking in specific encounters in raids that favors power builds is it a matter of wanting this build to be the best same as rifle mechanist ? or is it an issue with failing to understand that any reckless buff to this build might result in bigger problems down the line. PS :only thing making this not the same as mirage in its broken days is the harsh limitations that anet enforced on the build they could have easily made this spec to have 2 dodges instead of 1 or gave lower cds on hard hitting skills or better numbers overall 'vindicator isn't the strongest pdps build out there but it doesn't mean that its weak nor does it mean its not viable for raids .
  13. especs are the way they are by design and not by chance and 2/3 of every espec is core ' following that logic all the power creep and imbalances that occurs in the game is directly related to especs if anything core builds are "balanced" and ironically especs are the main culprit and reason for making gw2 balancing such a "nightmare" and besides core builds needing balance was never the main point it was always power creep and how to best mitigate it without rolling back to gw2 vanilla because at this rate next expansions if power creep left unchecked and "new expansion builds" needing to be better and competitive even todays meta builds will be obsolete same as old core builds that used to be meta in vanilla .
  14. making meta events queue/instance based instead of timers/public would help alot .
  15. that's alot to tangle but lets take it point by point 1- you mentioned that your favorite build is condi willbender due to personal biases and preferences which is subjective and irrelevant to facts concerning vindicator . 2- you mentioned that renegade having a nerf and general issues with utility regarding renegades /revnants that you claim that its still better than vindi in that regard i assume you mean CC where i fail to understand how is jallis or staff 5 not enough for CC checks in the game and for the dps loss for doing cc which is a fair trade in my opinion i think its fine and not game breaking by any means. 3- i fail to see how would a condi renegade outperform in a power favored encounter or how would vindi would do the same in a condi favored encounter . 4- hammer is a bad weapon for revs in pve compared to the alternatives that rev has access too across all 3 specializations but it still has its usages mainly in pvp and wvw 5- vindi has unique mechanics associated with the approach on how you play the build mainly the dodge and survivability aspect of it IE : vindicator running sigils of energy is not the same as full dps sigils and your choice of legends heavily impacts the play style IE : jallis/ demon = more emphasis on consistent damage+ utlity at a slight loss to dps while shiro/alliance = more emphasis on damage to slight cc loss legends wise so in conclusion i fail to see how vindicator fail its designated role as a dps
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