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fendahl fop.1530

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  1. this is getting bad the crashes are happening more frequent now and when they go i lose all my work up till that point now been trying to get of the sheijend island for 4 days now and keep crashing after i stop the jade construct that malfunctions for it to put me back on the island the crashes are intermittent at best some time i can play for an hour some time in my last instance it was only 5 mins come on anet we cant be the only people having this issue you have had at least thirty plus crash reports from me alone since aug you must know what the problem is i want to use my new gaming computer to play this game which was why i paid a great deal of money to buy only to now be forced to use my old machine to play what was once my fav game i'm seriously thinking of going back to gws 1 or leaving totally for something else this is the last straw
  2. yup still have the same problem still my old cpu still plays the game no problem no crashes but my new bee knees computer still crashes randomly and as soon as it does im off and playing something else there seems to be no fix for this problem on the horizon just keep sending the crash reports time and time again perhaps when they get 100 or so off me they might find a work around its annoying that until the aug 23 update both my machines had no issues whatsoever if i'm playing wvw at a point where there's a lot to do i don't even try and play on my new machine because you can guarantee halfway through or almost finished crash you go and have to start again
  3. glad to see this is still a problem now the new gws 2 nightmare tower requires public server to progress into the game 5 secs in crash sort this out a net its not only annoying but i cant see why this is happening and its putting me off playing the game now not had a problem like this ever until now and no response on how to fix this get it sorted pleaseeeeee
  4. hmm seems my problem stems from the jormag primordis missions when i use the servers anyone else have same problem did the brahm mission nps for 30 mins straight no probs 10 mins into a next public server mission down i go
  5. i have been playing gw2 on my old computer with no problems whatsoever for 2 days so i'll be trying again on my new beasty computer there has been some updates so we will see if not what is there left to do but wait and see is anet sorts this problem out or some switched on person figures an generic way around this issue before my computer explodes 😞
  6. sounds about right join steam have to start again from scratch no thanks sort out this issue now ive had no issues until now and certainly paid for a hell of a lot of gear and skins i love this game but if i've got to lose my progress then no more
  7. same problem here trying to get through my game is next to impossible at one point it even rebooted my machine so its still and issue i've sent 4 reports and had 6 serious crashes so far ill give it a miss now im having to repair my archive and that can take for ever to do please please let me know when this is fixed im an avid gws 2 fan and if ive read report the steam account if you install gws 2 does not recognise previous accounts which makes no sense to me
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