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  1. It pulses for me every 3 secs only while in battle, kinda like an indicator that the mechanical genius buff will be refreshed as after it pulses the buff will reset to 6secs.
  2. Another thing I encountered is that if the "3 seconds" ticked while the bot is outside the 360 radius, even when it comes back and it's beside you, you will still lose the buff, until the 3secs refresh again.
  3. After playing a bit more, the 3 seconds is just unbearable to re-activate the buff, and the 360 feels too tight of a radius to keep the bot in check while in attack mode.
  4. Same, managed to lose the buff just by running straight in OW because the AI pathing is awful and mech decided to social distance while running, this is without any mobs following me etc., just run straight ahead. Yea rifle is so clunky rn, heavy problem is that the animation duration is still the same with 3 bullets pre-patch, now we have 2 bullets animation, but I feel that the animation became slower just to fit with the previous duration.
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