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Everything posted by VooDoo.9014

  1. Sure I can be bothered to play a few weeks. Those few weeks will be at a heavy disadvantage though due to everyone else running round maxed gear. In a game that is supposed to be a bout pvp balance the fact that WvW gearing is not the way it is in SPvP is laughable. Efficiency, its the fastest way to the content i want, with the gold that I have. Look we all like different parts of the game and enjoy them differently. Just because someone doesnt want to interact with your personal favorite best thing ever part of the game, doesnt mean everyone else has to engage with those parts as well. Some people just want to log in and do WvW (in actual non garbage gear) and play the game. Someone being able to do that deminishes none of anyones prior work or achievements. All I am hearing from this crowd are cliche stories about how back in their day we had to gear 2 miles in the snow up hill, and these newer players are just entitled. Entitled to what? Being able to interact with the game they bought for the thing they enjoy to its fullest potential without being asked to put at least SIX WEEKS of their life to get MINIMUM required gear. Casuals can say you dont need min max gear all you want and thats fine. But the min maxing doesnt have to be for you, there are several who derive their fun from this kind of thing.
  2. No one is asking for everything to be delivered to them. What I am asking for is for the things that are delivered to be updated. Yea some parts of games are meant to be un enjoyable, there is a limit to that. I am sure you are familiar with how many others have the same opinion of the Brink. I think its very uncharitable to class all those people as just wanting everything handed to them when all they are doing is pointing out valid problems. Sure you can buy some things off of trading post if you know what you're doing and indeed many new players to this game know that because it is not their first mmo. I don't think they would find it a challenge either, I think many would find it tedious and not fun and just want to have some fun, you know the thing games are played for. How we have that fun varies but I don't think it unreasonable for more than one type of player to have fun in their own way. It affects you none how someone else got their stats. And if they never told you you wouldn't know. (AS LONG AS THEY ARENT CHEATING OF COURSE)
  3. Okay cool. Useful information. Any advice on the other slots? Icebrood is paywalled but so is the boost I don't really see a problem.
  4. To go out and do the things you want to do, not to "look like" anything. Exotics are bare minimum, More stat selectable sources are needed.
  5. Well yes that is indeed the point of an 80 boost. To get you to the current stuff with minimal effort and pass up all the things that are years old now. Its not like im asking for full legendary or anything don't pretend that exotics are anything less than bare minimum for end game content, and as far as e specs go all that does is save time on the walking around.
  6. Yea sorry you had to go through all that if you didn't enjoy it, and if you did I am happy for you. Times change though and this is the same political argument I hear being argued elsewhere I just brush it off. People were also paid pennies back in the day that doesn't mean we should still be paying people pennies now.
  7. This is true and goes back to 80 boosts. Celestial should have been done better, if youre boosting to 80 and already have a build in mind you should be able to select the setup you want upon leaving silverwastes, maybe even choose 1 elite spec fully unlocked at the end as well so you can play that cool new spec you just boosted for or bought the game for, got back into it for. instead of just full celestial. Regardless of one's opinion on 80 boosts and the people who use them, no 2 people are the same and many people use them for different reasons, some can play like people who you would never have expected to have been using one. I don't claim to be one of those, but they exist.
  8. Side account or not, you are not starting from nothing you have done it before and have a different starting point via experience and knowledge. Easy for you is not easy for everyone. I am not even saying it should be easy it just shouldn't be this tedious. WvW boxes you're looking at at least 6 weeks for 1 set by the way. Many will tap out before that.
  9. Pre ordered this game 10 years ago. Never was a fan of the open world content or the story or leveling, I am not against other people enjoying it. Just not my type of content. It actually makes me want to (and actually has made me) quit the game for years several times over on and off. I love the game's world vs world, which you need to farm gear for and we will come back to that later. I love the SPvP as well. I know it is considered by many, even in the PvP scene itself to be the worst part of the game, but there are still some who like it and that is enough for me. The thing that gets me coming back time and time again is the SPvP , the combat, the WvW. The thing that makes me keep leaving is the fact that for I don't even know how many years now Heart of Thorns maps have been, and will continue to be the standard "gearing up your fresh 80 expansion". Some people like HoT maps and jump puzzles and the verticality and that is fine I am a fan of giving people what they want. A fan of options. This has been the most efficient option for new players for a bit too long don't you think? I mean the HoT maps alone are enough to make me want to uninstall every time I load into one and try to find where I am going. Sure you can say just give it time and you will eventually get used to navigating there, but the point that I am trying to make is that there have to be better or equivalent options of stat selectable exotic gear. I feel alot of vet players forget what it is like gearing up from nothing with very little knowledge of the gearing and merchant system of this game. Even when you go out and get the knowledge things are scattered all over the place, to get them is actually trivial in most cases, so I don't even know if I can call it gameplay at that point it is more like a shopping list or busy work, running errands. This is where the "Well maybe this game is just not for you" crowd start to chime in I guess. But the game is for me, it has the things in it that I enjoy, some of the best quality of things that I enjoy even. I would just like ANet and maybe other players to realize that when it comes to new, and returning, and re re turning players. Gearing is a complete mess and I feel there is no reason for it to be so esoteric. Obligatory I own all the expansions, yes I have boosted my 80s, yes I understand how they are played at a level competent enough to clear content and even hold my own in PvP. This is not my first mmo, although I do understand they all have their qwirks. The core gameplay I understand . The world completion, exploring, all of that pve stuff its just not for me, especially the HoT maps. I just want to be able to have a source of stat selectable exotic gear that is accessible without having to go on what feels like a prologue to actually starting the game, when you are already quite literally supposed to be at end game working on the main selling points of this game like legendries and ascended gear, fractals, raids, WvW . (the debate on weather or not this game has one is another topic that I won't get into here)
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