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Everything posted by Hottie.8274

  1. Love the new outfits but the Elven Ears are not showing... https://ibb.co/ZfSkGsy https://ibb.co/dBnTLmy
  2. I have 2338 unbound magic. what can i buy with that
  3. Is there a guide or video you'd recommend on LS3. I'm working through LS4. Just bunch of magic shards idk what they do.
  4. I'm 500 in armorsmith and weaponsmith, or is there a way to buy all the mats instead? I bought the weapon with gem to gold conversion on the store. Now just need the armor.
  5. Anyone know how to go about legally buying a legendary armor set? Berserker / maybe bloodsworn.
  6. I spent like $500+ this month on gems at least, probably $100 alone on costumes. I can't preview... Loss of revenue for ArenaNet. I don't get it.
  7. so I crafted a single Zajja's Axe. What would you recommend to put in the infusion slot? I have gold and gems.
  8. I'm having the same issue... I run at 4k, use DPI scaling so I can increase the fonts, but now after the update I'm forced to turn that off.
  9. Do people sell those off the Trading post? (but still legal)
  10. i did, same issue. https://ibb.co/nwSyXJD
  11. i did, same issue. <a href="https://ibb.co/nwSyXJD"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/grC80KD/Screenshot-337.jpg" alt="Screenshot-337" border="0"></a>
  12. I'm following this build - although i don't have any of the ascended gear yet. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Berserker_-_Greatsword_Burst
  13. Just about to wrap up Path, but throughout the game so far I always have a hard time surviving regular PVE content... I used Metabattle's Power DPS Berserker build.
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