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Everything posted by TupTup.2438

  1. I have been a guild wars 2 player since the first release of chronomancer, i have see alot of good changes and bad, a good change that i had seen was that the warrior had been fixed due to the absolute abuse of stuns, down and grounded status effects. I dont know whos bright idea it was to include 3 forms of a stun into the Mace of a warrior and to braught it back, but this is a mistake. It breaks PVP. To any single person going against a warrior once you have had your ability blocked will then hit you one time, because all the need is the one time! They will follow up with another stun, and then grounded. How in anyone's mind is this ok, you are guaranteeing that the person they have smacked one time isn't getting back up, they have no chance to respond, no chance to leave, no chance to escape. It has broken the PVP against warrior mace builds. it's a completely one sided fight against any class that gets caught in the 3 stuns that this class has. Fix the warrior, the team has ruined by giving it every advantage in the book.
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