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  1. I'd totally put Rytlock in a Butler or Maid Outfit and make him serve as my Steward! xD
  2. Here is a few extra takeaways that are slightly problematic with the homestead decorating that I have noticed after approximatively 2.5 weeks of decorating on a daily basis. This is supposed to be our home and yet we are capped with how many items we can put inside a certain area (even though we are far from hitting the "Map's Cap" (1000) (in my case 730/1000). The Bee Mode need to be heavily reworked, as currently just by moving an inch, it either sends you in a completely different direction, or moves you a mile away, there is not current way to be move precisely in Bee Decoration mode. The Edit mode need to be adjusted especially when it comes to to the Moving axises, being able to toggle between viewpoint axises and a world-oriented axises would be great as trying to decorate anything in the Handiwork building is currently a living nightmare (being diagonnally orienteed compared to the rest of the world). The Edit Mode Axises need to be more contrasting, as if there is a lot of light sources (use the Chandelier or an "Obstacle: Lava Floor", by example) trying to see the axises is near impossible, (if you have any vision problems, just forget even trying; unless you place a wall in between you and the object you want to move, which is not exactly user friendly has the need go way out of the way to be able to see things properly). The Infernal Facade (in X-Ray mode) visual hitbox needs to be reworked, as it is just a massive gathering of squares and being able to pick it out of all the other items is kind of ridiculously difficult. The X-Ray Mode should be available in the "Edit Mode" and not only in the "Deletion Mode"
  3. You want me to tell you why I make it a mountain? I can tell you, but you probably won't like it. It's the experiences, of this community not being as friendly or open-minded to even allow a simple compromise. Who shut everyone else as valid concerns as yours, like it doesn't actually matters. That's the reason why I am angsty about it. Yes I admit I'm passionate about this case, as I'm rather heavily invested into it. Proving me again and again that my voice doesn't matter. This is what I came to understand the Guild Wars 2 Community to have been. For 9 long years. No kindness, no understanding.
  4. Take your clothes, take your face, take your name, and pass as you... This is litterally borderline impersonation.
  5. It really shows how much respect towards other players you actually have, which is bar none. Fair the models are not mine. But you should still recognize players who actually put time into this. Otherwise prepare for a future where we all look the same... *insert spidey pointing meme here* because this is going to be the future that is coming.
  6. Trust me, I'm a fashion wars veteran, it still takes me 3+ hours to make a fashion... it's a time investment...
  7. Alright let me give you an example, what if I hack into your computer, copy all your files to a T, and get off with them without you knowing... That's exactly the same feeling. It litterally won't hurt you to have people be able to toggle that option off. Just that you won't be able to inspect us without asking. A huge Life Motto: " When in doubt, ASK!" Edit: It cannot hurt you to ask as much as it is to us finding out.
  8. Too Much Innovation is like Not enough, the moderation is where the key to success is. Edit: Wanting to push and push new features in number and speed will lead to some quality issues. You are more likely to overlook something, which is the case here... There is definitively a certain hype for the function, but it is also disgruntling people that I am pretty sure ANet didn't expect, which if they had taken more time to reconsider all options they probably could have seen that making an Opt-In/Opt-Out options from the very beginning would have made all this unecessary.
  9. We can't agree on everything, that's a fact of life. This is why we should both be agreeing to a compromise if anything. This is the case here. We are NOT asking to have the function not exist (for all we care it could and should exist for people who actually legitimately need and can use it with good intention, we are only asking to give us the CHOICE to allow or not the people to sneak into our characters informations or not without or consent.
  10. Life is too short to only look at results... and never noticing the PATH we took to get there. If you can copy my style without using an inspect mode then all Kudos to you! I would even be the first one to lift my hat to you, but with this, I can easily consider that you made zero efforts into making it because we just cannot know if you did it or not. The TRUTH that you did put the actual time into figuring it out or your EGO in which you have used the Inspect mode to look my style, which one will you listen to in the end... that's the question that I will ask myself when I'll see the fashion I came out with my spending my time.
  11. I'll repeat it for you. It is because we value the "efforts" more than the Results into the fashion, that you copy because of your own observation skill is more complimentary for us than just nabbing it with a single-click of a mouse. What we want is having our time, put into our fashion, actually recognized. Tat it cannot just be taken with that single-click. If someone really like the fashion we have shown out, they will either come out and ask us, OR put their brain power into figure it out.
  12. It is mostly the unknown element, yes we have not created the game, however we did put a large amount of effort into "researching" the fashion synergy. Some people might be too introvert to ask and that we can accept, the problem reside in the fact there is a portion of the player base who could want to take credits for it. This is the unknown element, we cannot know if this person might have ill intention, or actually good intention, and that's the jeopardy question. It's better be safe than sorry. What stops you and your younglings from opening your wardrobes and looking for styles and spending some of your time making your own? That's what we all have been doing all this time, so wha, please tell me, is making you unable to do the same?
  13. I'll be honest here... This whole debate... even if I did took huge part of it. I now can only think of one thing... We ask for an option to opt-out of this. Which shouldn't impact people who wants to use the Inspect mode, no more than just limiting players a selection of players who do not feel safe to be inspected as it impede their privacy (what we do and how we want to play the game). If people really have a problem with having to allow this compromise... we probably should question why are they not okay with this compromise? The only potential reasoning that I can think of is, because they planning on exploiting it... Because otherwise, what would they really lose at not allowing players to opt-out, I ask. Edit: If you can give me one actually justifiable reason why this option cannot be allowed, then I am willing to concede that I have the wrong image of you. But as of right now, I do not see the reason why it shouldn't be allowed to be an available option.
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