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Posts posted by FrancisN.9276

  1. 11 hours ago, AikijinX.6258 said:

    Inflation around the world going up, gas prices going up, and now even initiative costs in game (once again)

    One thing that seldom goes up in tandem? 

    Quality of life and in Gw2's case Quality of Thief.


    I don't like how Anet keeps nerfing thieves' numbers, but in terms of QoL, I would say they at least they gave us a couple of improvements: DE got walking and piece, DD got proactive reflect (which is a bit worse but gameplay wise it is more controllable).

  2. Initiative system is why I main a thief. I just hate looking at 4 different squares counting down and missing out more interesting things happening around me. Thief gameplay feels like total freedom - unbound by the old (almost outdated) CD skill system. I hope more future RPGs will be like this.

    • Like 2
  3. Different skill effects for different game modes always feel kind of off-putting for me in terms of game design - It is unimmersive, which is self-defeating for RPGs. But it is too late for GW2 to restart balancing for every game mode to have the same skillset effects, so I guess I'll just stick with PvE only.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Elxdark.9702 said:

    eh, I don't like the changes to death detreat and advance either, they are for sure unnecessary, the rest of them are all good though.

    "Unneccessary" is an understatement. You know other classes have separate CD on 4 weapon skills, and their shortest CD (skill 2) is usually 5-8s. Meaning, they can trigger their skills 4 consecutive times and then start spamming more onto you in 5-8s, while DE's 12 initiatives pool can do what? One high cost skill and one skill 2 and then what? Start switching to utilities? But other classes can do that too. You HAVE to take Trickery for the extra 3 initiatives, while other classes do not have to be obliged to anything to spam those skills.

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  5. Maybe I have not been using it correctly, but after a couple of months of running daredevil, new Dust Strike feels worse than its old version:

    - 4 initiatives for 1s reflect with internet latency of 70-200ms is too unreliable and too expensive.

    - The loss of 600 range blind + vulnerability limits the number of approaches I can take in a fight.

    - Trading the new initiative-costly Dust Strike for the loss of reflect on the old Punishing Strike (free reflect AA skill that lasts for 2/3 of the whole combo length while also does decent damage) significantly reduces survivability.

    What are your thoughts on this now that you have played with it for sometime after the patch?

    • Like 2
  6. I feared I was too optimistic about this patch because they finally gave daredevil a small buff, so I went to see what the rest of the balance patch for other classes, especially Willbender because this class is the closest one to Daredevil's identity (melee dps and mobility). It turns out they give Daredevil's evade frame on ultimate to Willbender's ultimate (which is extremely similar to Daredevil's ultimate, but has already dealt 2x damage and defiance break), on top of giving them more healing, condi cleanse and vigor generation. So now Willbender has endurance dodge, F2 dodge, ultimate dodge, shadow step with healing and condi cleanse, all from base skills and utilities without the need for any traitline - and all 3 dodge mechanics are on separate cooldowns. It is very balanced, isn't it?

    • Like 6
  7. 5 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:


    "Feel My Wrath!": This looks disturbing. I guess Guardian will get more sources of Superspeed in the near future.
    - Redemption & Glacial Heart: Yep. Guardian is about to become the next Scrapper. 

    This is very disturbing. You will not allow both classes to have the same abilities. So you are going to remove them from Scrapper in favor of your beloved Guardian. I'm not surprised, we have reached the peak with Scrapper a few weeks ago and I am constantly waiting for the massive nerf-hammer (pun intended) to end our perfect run. The problem for me is, that you always used a nuke to balance us, when we became 'too strong'. It always ended in the total destruction of the spec. Rendering us weaker than common NPCs. Do you really want to go that path again?

    That is not all. Comparing Willbender's ultimate ( Heaven's Palm) with Daredevil' ultimate (Impact Strike) , we can see that not only Willbender's ult has shorter cooldown (20s compared to 25s), but also double the damage, double the defiance break on top of being instant damage in a single hit, but now they also give Willbender evade frame on during the attack (Daredevil only has 0.5s evade during the FIRST phase of ult). They take every class strong point, buff it and give it to Guardian.

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  8. 3 hours ago, hook.8479 said:

     WVW answer only.
    Regarding your balance philosophy ...

    Most of important spells have a reduced range between 'melee' and '300' , so it pushes players to stagnate, to not to move ...
    is this really subtle ?
    does it really tend towards a nice combat experience ??
    does a wide range of playstyles or a broad set of combat strategies exist in melee ???

    Spam skill is the new mechanic to avoid time cooldown.
    So it's true, the efficiency/mastery couple is restricted to reduce the ability difference between players.

    Well, we have turn from skills levels to spamming war(hardware difference & server ping difference).
    Here we are 🤮

    I did not realize it had been this bad for the last 3 years. Boy, noone even bothers to dodge anymore. Just boon spam and attack spam on top of one another. How about implementing Social Awkwardness but with half the radius to reduce this boon stacking situation?

    • Like 1
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  9. Deadeye changes look really good. Daredevil, however, still needs more work in the boon generation department and should have its animation locking removed - animation locking is the worst survivability debuff on a class with the lowest HP and its sole defensive mechanism revolving around dodging.

    • Like 3
  10. On 2/9/2024 at 8:32 PM, CafPow.1542 said:

    and no, no other class will be able to chase a thief (except maybe another thief or a willy.)

    I don't know if they have nerfed Willbender's and Necro's mobility, but last year when I played against them, I, as a DE with superspeed from SA traitline amd extra initiative from Trickery traitline, could barely catch up to them after expending all my initiatives and utilities. And you know, DE without initiative is a sitting duck because its autoattack is the equivalence of mosquito's bite.

  11. Deadeye keeps getting nerfed despite having no benefit from being a single-target dps class with crippled mobility. Now they increase ini cost and make DE only able to dish out 1-2 skills before becoming completely vulnerable for the next 8s. I am at loss for words.

  12. On 12/21/2023 at 6:27 PM, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

    Think of it this way guys. 

    In a game where specs have different abilities depending on purpose, there will always be a "fastest", or most evasive, or easiest to run away with spec. If it wasnt thief, it would be mesmer, or willbender, or engineer, and you'd be complaining in their forums instead of here. So really, the root cause of the complaint is that thief is able to do something that other classes can't do. 

    Thief has been balanced around having to play with hit and run tactics to make up for the inherent mobility it has. They don't block, outsustain, or boon their way through fights like other classes can. Thief has also historically had zero teamplay options unlike every other class. The way we support the team in competitive modes is being the best at what we do. 

    The player behind the keyboard for a thief is the same type of player as any other class, they won't back off when they're winning a fight. When a deadeye backs off and goes OOC, that's because you have forced him to do so, and the way thief is designed means he either backs off or he dies. 

    So with this in mind: if you want to nerf thief stealth, mobility, evasion or whatever has annoyed you because it plays differently to other classes, okay. If that is how it is, thief mains want all the same toys you have, that sustain, higher damage, and team fight potential that has always been denied to thief for the exact same reasons you have historically been denied thief level mobility. What are you willing to buff on thief to make up for your nerf requests?

    Because frankly, if you're not willing to take my question seriously, why on earth should a thief main take it seriously when the same tired complaints roll around year after year? 

    I nominate this for the Post of the Year award.

    • Like 2
  13. 7 hours ago, Zacchary.6183 said:

    While I was playing around with staff DE in Skywatch, I was trying to kill a bristleback that was near a pylon I was trying to CC and used Dust Strike to reflect its bristles back at it. It was pretty effective at it afaik. Did about as much damage as BONK.

    For consecutive rapid low-damage shots, Dust Strike can reliably reflect some projectiles back because those shots spread over 5-6s duration. However, for hard-hitting shots that shoot out in less than 1s time frame, Dust Strike is not at all precise.

  14. The reflect window is so tiny that you most likely end up wasting your initiatives and eat those projectiles at the same time. Devs made this skill without taking into consideration the average latency of internet connection when playing MMO. In order to fix Dust Strike, it has to have 2 things:

    1. Ability to animation-cancel over other weapon skills, even autoattacks, the same way as dodging does. Everytime I need Dust Strike, I am in the middle of another attack and the 1s Dust Strike queued after said attack animation just renders it useless.

    2. Longer reflect window, even a 0.5s longer is better than this, considering an average MMO ping is around 70-100ms.

    • Like 6
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  15. I wonder if it is the clunky part of the skill or the short reflect frame (1s), but I tested it on skeleton archers in Dragonfall map and everytime I pressed Dust Strike right when the skeleton knelt down to prepare the shot, the shots just went through. The only way to reflect those shots for me was to start Dust Strike BEFORE the skeleton shooting telegraph begins. For a skill that only last 1s, and having to start before the oponent's attack telegraph, that is not very useful, is it? My ping is 70-100ms, which is about the average.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Zacchary.6183 said:

    I am using scythe skins for my staff and the only issue I have with it is it goes thok when I want it to go SCHINK.

    DD staff sound on hit has always been a buzzkill. They must have used a lightweight wooden staff when recording these sounds.

  17. 8 hours ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

    Use DE for boon duration. DD is about moving around and not doing real damage.

    If that is their plan, give us Stability and Agis.

    • Like 1
  18. 33 minutes ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

    Head Shot costs 4 initiative, Helmet Smash only 2 (PvE).

    In order to use Helmet Smash (2 ini), we have to use Debilitating Arc (3 ini), making it a total cost of 5 ini. The range is also bad: falling back (0.5s evade frame) 400 range and leaping forward (no evade frame) for 450 range. It is extremely predictable, heavily telegraphed, and - with the forward 50 range - easy to get out of.

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