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Posts posted by FrancisN.9276

  1. 44 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

    Yea I got this in the chest and immediately recoiled in disgust. Or something like it. I don't like how it looks in general but it just... is a big fat ugly balloon that does nothing spectacular.

    Oh gosh, please don't tell me it is intended that way. In the preview, it was much more lively, with flying animations, and that's why I wiped my card to buy keys for it. As of right now, the original jade bot is better.

    • Like 1
  2. On 6/28/2023 at 4:23 AM, Ophanym.7086 said:

    I got the skin yesterday (right after patch I think) from about 30 ish keys.   So I can confirm that it does drop from the black lion chest.  

    However,  if you equip the mini jade bot, with the skin the sound effects for the mini appear bugged, and just play the standard jade bot sounds.

    I thought the original jade bot sound was intended and was disappointing. Good to know that it comes with its own sound effects, although it does not have flapping wings animation like I expected it to. How did you fix the mini sound bug?

    • Confused 1
  3. In order to make gameplay lean more toward "reaction" than "rotation" is making every class having 1 no CD attack skill with the HIGHEST damage efficiency and the remaining 4 short CD skills loaded with effects (CC, evasive movement, block, self buff,...) with LOW damage efficiency. This way, when you want your highest DPS possible, you will let yourself be either vulnerable or unable to CC your target. Or take thief, for a different approach, the initiative mechanic allows for this kind of reactive combo gameplay rather than rotational combo gameplay, which is really fun.

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  4. 1 hour ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

    Funny. I thought Rifle is a great range option and might generator for my daredevil. Experimenting with the new possibilities will be fun.

    Interesting, I haven't thought about it that way. As you said, new gameplay possibilities sound fun and the Weaponmaster Training idea is great. However, the toss-in axe mainhand seems awkward and completely detached from both the original design philosophy (dual attacks) and what the thief community has been asking for years (offhand sword). Meanwhile, even a mage class like ele gets dual swords and range-class engineer is going to get a sword. An axe, which is a more tool-like weapon than a sword, fits engineers better, but I guess someone among devs is playing favoritism here and thieves get whatever leftover options remain.

    • Like 1
  5. 18 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

    I'm very lukewarm on axe, but....

    I AM HYPED for Rifle/Staff. kitten all the modes that need balance. Rifle and staff will be an absolute blast in OW.

    Yup, rifle/staff Deadeye means we finally have a power cleave option to clear trash mobs. Although staff damage will be an inferior version of DD and sustain can be harder without vitality boost + damage reduction, I think with the new Fire for effect + Improvisation, endless staff combo with 100% uptime quickness can be pretty good.

  6. The most-asked-for thief's weapon is an offhand sword and... devs don't read our forum or don't care. Of course, I should stop caring as well as buying gems to support this kind of neglecting attitude.

    • Like 2
  7. As a thief main who has been buying gems on monthly basis ever since the last time devs listened to the overwhelming number of negative feedbacks from players in our profession, I also think I should stop doing that and reassess the favoritism in their balance patches for now.

    • Like 7
  8. 3 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

    So that's a rubbish build then?

    Help me out here friend.

    I see dead eyes taking people out with 1 shot in wvw.

    I would really like to do the same, or as close to it as possible.

    Thief isn't really my speciality. 

    Rare are the occasions I shine at it.

    (I have my moments)

    So I really need this.

    Guide me through please. 

    Deadeye, even on full glass berserker gear and build, has mediocre damage compared to other DPS class and still lack cleave (the only cleave attack on rifle 2 reduce DE's DPS by 33% on solo build or 50% on group build).

  9. 2 hours ago, Atomnium.1532 said:

    I think the desire for those boons to be gone has been heard from the devs at this point, but I'm guessing even if the will to satisfy this community desire was there it would mean like dozens of traits would need to be entirely reworked, a big balance shift that would require massive number tuning all over the place and an amount of work that is unreasonable without impairing the other tasks that developers need to do for content release.

    I am afraid the "too much work/coding/number adjusting" excuse cannot be justified when the problem was of their own making. If we screw up something, it is our responsibility to find ways to fix it instead of saying "fixing it demands a massive amount of work" and just moving ahead, building up bigger issues upon the original issue.

    • Like 4
  10. 23 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

    The acrobatics buffs + the CD reduction on impairing daggers. Impairing daggers is already a very good utility. 2 1/2 sec immob on a 15 second CD that applies poison and does 6k+ dmg is nuts

    If you look at the changes for other classes, you'll see a whole lot of 20% utility skill CD reduction across the board. It works like inflation - if everyone gets buffed, the one who gets the same buff remains where they have always been and the one who doesn't is equivalent to getting nerfed.

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    • Confused 2
  11. Please don't get me wrong. I am ok with not paying for the gemstore weapons whose color theme puts me off. What I suggest is simply a way for them to make more money from the weapon skins that they have work hard to design and create. Whether it is much coding, meshing, texturing, they can be assured that their work pays off (by a lot, compared to putting out a skin with a single color theme).

    • Confused 4
    • Sad 1
  12. I think their aim was to remove the randomness of Improvisation and make the class more reliable, esspecially for boon providers. However, I do feel like it's a nerf somewhat, especially if the %CD reduction is 10-20% across 3 utilities, compared to the previous 100% in one random utility. Even if it is 33% across 3 utilities, we have to proc all 3 utilities and still have to wait for reduced CD to tick off (compared to the guaranteed instant recharge of a utility if all 3 are in CD).

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Infinity.2876 said:

    Is anyone else disappointed that they are finally amalgamating specter into every other support out there?

    I really wanted specter to be the first single target support, but with how they implemented it, it was too weak and need buffs but instead they make it a multi-target support.

    I'm actually glad they listened and let go of that single-target mindset for specter.

    • Like 1
  14. In summary:

    - Acrobatic got tiny buffs that do not bring it anywhere close to being worth taking over other traitlines.

    - Staff Daredevil gets damage buff in only Staff 1, and some CD reductions, which are a good start. I hope to see the next patch saying "But it did not quite have the impact we wanted".

    -  Quickness Deadeye gets a mixed-case-scenario for a "buff": Malicious Intent buff is useless; Fire For Effect being tied to quickness is not optimal but if taken with One In The Chamber change + Improvisation change + Sleight of Hand, we can have full uptime quickness but completely wipe our DPS potential. Hmm...

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